My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 878 We are born from the same roots, so why be too hasty!

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Cui Xiuye ​​also became depressed.

It seems that Li Yanran is really determined to make a fool of herself.

For the sake of the Tang Dynasty and the people of the Tang Dynasty, he could only risk his life.

At worst, if you lose another person, you can save money for Datang, which can be regarded as being loyal to Datang.

"That's alright. Come, tell Fan Ze to prepare a banquet and treat Cui Shangshu well!"

Li Yanran waved her hand, and Li Feng left immediately.

"Your Highness, we are born from the same roots, so why be too hasty!"

Seeing Cui Xiuye's back, Di Renjie was also depressed.

He really couldn't think of any benefit to Li Yanran if you did this.

What is this for?

"You don't understand this. Drink hard. Anyway, only one of you two can go out!"

Li Yanran smiled and walked away, leaving Di Renjie sighing.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yanran's gourd!

Fan Ze quickly prepared the banquet, which was full of hard dishes. Then the jade liquid wine was served, and the two began to fight for three hundred rounds.

The result was a lose-lose situation. Di Renjie put his arms around Cui Xiuye ​​and performed a beautiful dance. Li Yanran also clapped her hands and applauded.

In the end, Li Yanran also sent someone to send Cui Xiuye ​​back to Chang'an, and then arranged for Xu Wei and other shopkeepers of the grain store to start working hard to raise the grain and grass needed by the army.

Li Zhi's messenger also rushed to Jishi Mountain immediately and entrusted the imperial edict.

"General, Your Majesty is ready to go to war!"

The partial general Chen Qi also saluted Su Dingfang, his eyes full of excitement.

If they had occupied Jishi Mountain just for a small fuss before, this time they were going to do it for real.

With an army of 250,000 people, coupled with the soldiers and horses in their own hands, and more than 300,000 elite troops, Tubo will be in trouble this time.

"That's right, General, if you can really destroy Tubo this time and open up territory for me, the Tang Dynasty, how do you think your Majesty will reward you!"

Chen Hu also smiled. Su Dingfang had already been granted the title of Duke when he took down the Turkic leader before. If he destroyed Tubo this time, would he still not be granted the title of King?

"Bonus a head!"

Su Dingfang slapped him in the face. The two villains were really looking for death.

He can be said to be an extremely human minister now, but he still needs to be rewarded?

Reward for what? What if there is no reward?

You won’t be able to cut yourself off by then.

You are hoping that I will lose my head, right?

"General, what do you mean?"

Chen Hu was depressed and didn't understand what Su Dingfang meant.

"It's not interesting. The Tang Dynasty has sent troops, so there is no reason why the Tuhun Valley can't be moved.

You immediately send people to Tuhun Valley and ask them to gather another 50,000 troops for me.

In addition, they are asked to send a hundred beauties to serve their prince. If they are beautiful, they will also send ten thousand taels of gold to their prince. "

Su Dingfang glanced at the sky above his head and asked Chen Hu to find King Tuhun.

"General, what do you mean?"

Chen Qi was completely stunned and didn't understand how Su Dingfang became like this.

"What do I mean? My father-in-law is also a man, a man who is involved in wine, sex, wealth and everything.

I want some beauties, is it wrong to serve me?

Go and do it for me quickly! "

Su Dingfang knocked Chen Qi down with one kick.


Chen Qi also scratched his head in frustration and went directly to tell people to notify King Tuhun.

While fighting on the front lines, Tuhun Valley in the rear was also fully preparing for war. After all, the Tang Dynasty only had 30,000 to 40,000 people. If an all-out war really started, they would have to be the main force themselves.

"Your Majesty, General Su Dingfang of the Tang Dynasty has sent an envoy!"

A chamberlain came to Murong Nuohebo and directly told the news that Su Dingfang's envoy asked for an audience.

"General Su Dingfang's envoy? Please come quickly!"

When Murong Nuohebo heard that Su Dingfang was coming, he immediately stood up.

"General Su Dingfang's Colonel Yang Yu has met King Tuhun!"

Yang Yu entered the palace and saluted Murong Nuohebo directly.

"Captain Yang has worked hard all the way. If someone comes to arrange a banquet, I will support him!"

Murong Nuohebo smiled and arranged for people to prepare a banquet to entertain Yang Yu.

"King Tuhun, you don't have to be like this, I'm here with the general's intention.

He asked King Tuhun to raise another 50,000 horse and infantry troops to support Jishi Mountain, and at the same time prepare 10,000 taels of gold and a hundred beauties to attend the general's daily life! "

Yang Yucai was not in the mood to drink or eat. After passing the order, he had to return to Jishi Mountain to prepare for the battle.

"Fifty thousand horse infantry, ten thousand taels of gold, and a hundred beauties?"

Murong Nuohebo was stunned when he heard what Su Dingfang meant.

He can understand the fact that you want fifty thousand taels of horse and infantry, but if you want ten thousand taels of gold and hundreds of beauties, isn't this a blatant request for benefits?

Could it be said that Su Dingfang is really fearless? Are you not worried at all about snitching on the emperor?

"What? Is there a problem?"

Yang Yu glanced at Murong Nuo Hebo and asked him coldly. "Captain Yang, I hope you can give me time to raise the 50,000 horse and infantry troops, but there is something wrong with 10,000 taels of gold and 100 beauties."

Murong Nuohebo frowned, a little confused as to what Su Dingfang wanted to do.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You can prepare the carriage immediately, load it with gold and beauties, and follow me back to Jishi Mountain. The general is still waiting there!"

Yang Yu took a step forward. My general said yes, that's good.

Although you are King Tuhun, so what, you are just a vassal state, how dare you resist?

"Please wait a moment, Colonel Yang, I'll get ready right away!"

Murong Nuohebo sighed and saluted Yang Yu directly.

"I'm waiting, you better hurry up!"

Yang Yu nodded, turned around and left.

"Father, why did you agree to his rude request? Thousands of taels of gold and hundreds of beauties. He, Su Dingfang, is so majestic!"

Murong Zhong glanced at his lonely father, his eyes full of anger.

"Zhong'er, do you think my father wants it? Don't you think my father doesn't feel aggrieved?

But what is Su Dingfang's identity? The commander-in-chief is also the Duke of the Tang Dynasty.

We can't afford it! "

Murong Nuohebo also sighed, not because he wanted to give in, but because he had no choice.

Now I am still counting on Su Dingfang to help them resist the Tubo people. If they offend him now, if he doesn't resist with all his strength, he will let the Tubo people in.

Then the loss in Tuhun Valley is not even the slightest.

"But we can't let him act recklessly like this. This time he wants ten thousand taels of gold and a hundred beauties. What about next time?

He wants a hundred thousand taels of gold and a thousand beauties, what should you do? "

Murong Zhong's face turned black. His father was good at everything, but he was a little cowardly.

You've been bullied by others, and yet you're still so submissive.

"Father has his own plans, go ahead and prepare what he wants.

If the beauties are not enough, choose some maids from the palace and make sure Su Dingfang is satisfied! "

Murong Nuohebo's eyes also flashed with a hint of coldness.

If you want to take money or people from me, it depends on whether you have the ability.

After all, his wife is also Princess Honghua, the daughter of the late emperor.

It's going to be my fault. If he doesn't teach the other party a lesson, he really doesn't know what this royal relative means.

"Father, do you want your mother to write a letter to Your Majesty, stating Su Dingfang's bad behavior, and asking Your Majesty to punish Su Dingfang?"

Murong Zhong was not stupid either, and immediately understood what his father meant.

He is an oppressed master, but his mother is a serious relative of the emperor.

They were siblings to the emperor. As long as she sent a letter, Su Dingfang would be finished.

"Now is not the time, we have to wait until Su Dingfang has completely defeated Tubo.

Satisfy his request now, and when the time comes, he will eat whatever he wants and vomit it out no matter how much his father wants! "

Murong Nuohebo touched Murong Zhong's head. There were some things that were not the time yet.

Su Dingfang is still needed at this moment, so let him be arrogant for a while longer.

"My father is wise, my son, go and prepare now!"

Murong Zhong also sneered, turned around and left to prepare what Su Dingfang wanted.

Soon a hundred beauties and ten thousand taels of gold were loaded onto the carriage, and then they rushed to Jishi Mountain under the escort of Yang Yu.

As time passed by, the 250,000 troops prepared by the Tang Dynasty and countless supplies of food and grass also set off one after another, heading towards Jishi Mountain.

The soldiers and horses prepared by Tuhun Valley also rushed to Jishi Mountain first, so that Su Dingfang had nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses under his command.

After the Tubo side learned that Tang Dynasty was about to increase its troops in Jishi Mountain, they also hurriedly accelerated the deployment of soldiers.

Soon a hundred thousand troops were gathered, but there were still not enough of Su Dingfang's troops who wanted to destroy Jishi Mountain in one fell swoop.

Prime Minister Ludong Chan will also be the first to be close to the front line, preparing to personally command this battle that may determine the national destiny of the two countries.

"Prime Minister, if you come here in person this time, you will definitely be able to defeat Su Dingfang's tribe in one fell swoop and completely recapture Jishi Mountain."

Wing Davari Mo glanced at Lu Dongzan, his eyes full of excitement.

You must know that Lu Dongzan is the most strategic person in Tubo. With him in charge, it will definitely not be a problem to break through the Jishi Mountain defense line.

"We still can't take it lightly. The Tang Dynasty has rushed to Jishi Mountain with an additional 250,000 troops. In addition, Tuhun Valley has also supported 50,000 horse infantry.

If we cannot capture Jishi Mountain before the main force of the Tang Dynasty arrives, we will have to switch from offense to defense, and Tubo will be in danger. "

Lu Dongzan was not optimistic at all. He was not a god, and he could still destroy the 100,000-strong army in one fell swoop.

Now he can only hope that his people will take advantage of the geographical advantage and be able to assemble them first.

Otherwise, once the Tang Dynasty built Jishi Mountain into a forward position, Tibet would be in danger once they adapted to the climate of Tubo.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, this is our home court. Even if Datang really increases its troops, it won't be able to match our speed.

We will definitely be able to capture Jishi Mountain and drive out all the Tang people. "

Davarimo glanced at Lu Dongzan, and he believed that he would definitely be able to capture Jishi Mountain first.

"I hope so. Tell the soldiers to be ready to fight at any time."


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