My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 895: Conquer Linzhi City and send Her Royal Highness the Princess to the Zhang family!

Lu Dongzan didn't dare to open the door and snatch the body back now. After all, who knew whether the other party would take the opportunity to come into the city.


Zha Yangcuo saluted directly and asked the soldiers to attack those Tang troops with all their strength.

Arrows rained like rain for a while, but even so, Tang Jun was not afraid of life and death, stepping on Paoze's body step by step and rushing to the side of Princess Wencheng's body.

Then he brought back the body of Princess Wencheng and the maids who had been buried.

"General, the princess's body has been recovered!"

School Captain Liu Yong saluted Su Dingfang, and then sent someone to push the carriage carrying Princess Wencheng's body over.

"Let my concubine clean up for the princess immediately."


After Liu Yong left, Li Mingqi also came over.

"General, please send Her Royal Highness the Princess's body back to the Tang Dynasty as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

After all, the princess has passed away, and her biggest wish is to return to the Tang Dynasty. I'm afraid it will be too late."

Li Mingqi couldn't continue talking as he said some words that would not sound good.

"No, I want Her Royal Highness to watch me take Linzhi City with her own eyes, and watch the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty crush this place and crush Tibet's last hope."

Su Dingfang was like an evil tiger, staring at Li Mingqi with bared teeth.

Princess Wencheng died for them, for the Tang Dynasty, and for Linzhi City.

He wanted Princess Wencheng to watch him flatten Linzhi City, capture Ludongzan, and embark on the road to march into Luocheng and destroy Tubo.


The craftsmen of the Tang Army also started their work. Ladder trucks, building trucks, armored vehicles, and bags of sandbags were all ready.

Now the entire army is filled with anger and a murderous intention to fight to the death with those Tubo people.

At dawn the next day, the soldiers and horses of the Tang Dynasty also lined up in front of Linzhi City. Su Dingfang looked at the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in front of him with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Brothers, the city ahead is Linzhi City. You also know that yesterday, Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty chose to commit suicide for the sake of the eternal stability of the Tang Dynasty because of the Tibetan persecution.

Now Princess Wencheng is watching us from behind, watching how we break through Linzhi City and destroy Tubo.

If Linzhi City cannot be taken, even if I send Her Royal Highness back to the Tang Dynasty now, she will not rest in peace.

If you are a man, kill me, rush for me, and take down this city in front of me in one fell swoop.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the Tang Dynasty, worthy of the people, and worthy of the heroic soul of Her Highness the Princess. "

After Su Dingfang finished speaking, the entire army burst out with fighting intent.

A woman could risk her own life for the Tang Dynasty, let alone soldiers like them.

"Conquer Linzhi City and send Her Royal Highness home!"

Chen Hu shouted loudly, the anger in his eyes like an erupting volcano, which could no longer be suppressed.

"Conquer Linzhi City and send Her Royal Highness home!"

"Conquer Linzhi City and send Her Royal Highness home!"

"Conquer Linzhi City and send Her Royal Highness home!"

The roars gathered together and exploded in the air like thunder.

"Pass my military order, the whole army charges forward, and we will not return to the army until Linzhi is defeated!"

"Datang, Wan Sheng!"

When Su Dingfang saw that his military spirit was ready, he drew out the sword from his waist and pointed the sword's edge directly at Linzhi City in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Datang, Wan Sheng!"

"Datang, Wan Sheng!"

The continuous sound of war drums resounded throughout the sky, and the elites of the Tang Dynasty, who were already eager to fight, shouted slogans and began to attack.

"Your Highness, just watch, these are the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. You no longer have to worry about the borders of the Tang Dynasty.

Just watch, when I conquer Linzhi City, you can return to Datang, Rencheng, and your mother-in-law with peace of mind. "

Su Dingfang glanced at Princess Wencheng's body again, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

This is why he insisted on attacking Linzhi City in front of Princess Wencheng. Regardless of whether the other party could see it or not, he wanted to grant her wish.

Let her see the victorious scene of the Tang Dynasty.

"Prime Minister, the situation is not good!"

Looking at the murderous Tang Jun, he shuddered even though they were far apart.

Such an army is like a nightmare from hell. Looking at our own people, they are simply not an army on the same level.

"It doesn't matter if the situation is bad, fighting depends on strength, not just shouting slogans.

If this is the case, let our people shout too!

Tubo is victorious! "

Lu Dongzan also frowned, now the counter-effect of Princess Wencheng's death has been highlighted.

Not only did he fail to use Princess Wencheng to make Su Dingfang retreat, but he also stimulated the morale of the Tang army.

This time he really shot himself in the foot. No, he broke his leg.

Bad luck, really bad luck.

If he had known that Princess Wencheng was so strong-willed, he should have tightly controlled her.

But who would have thought.

Could it be that God was really blessing the Tang Dynasty and was trying to overthrow Tubo?

"Tubo is victorious!"

Zha Yangcuo also shouted after Lu Dongzan, but there were only a few followers.

"Shout to me! Hurry up!"

Zayangcuo looked at the soldiers around him depressedly, and then there were shouts one after another in the city, but these were really nothing compared to the Tang army outside. The trebuchets of the Tang Dynasty were considered unique at the time, capable of attacking city walls across hundreds of meters.

Facing the Tang Dynasty's trebuchets, Tubo could only be passively beaten and had no room to fight back.

With the suppression of trebuchets, the Tang army moved very quickly, and the ditch in front of them was nothing at all in their eyes.

Even though the Tibetans were still raining arrows, they were not afraid and filled the sandbags into the ditch.

The moat is still a bit far away from the city wall, and they really have no other means of attack except bows and arrows.

"Prime Minister, please go down to the city wall first. I am here!"

Zha Yangcuo couldn't help but frowned when he saw the enemy's bombardment, and directly asked Lu Dongzan to seize the time to evacuate the city wall.

"I will stay here to see how I, the Tubo man, defeat the enemy and thwart the Tang army's offensive."

Lu Dongzan glanced at Zhayangcuo. He was the flag of Tubo. If he got off the city wall, how many soldiers would die for Tubo wholeheartedly.

"That's an offence. Someone, send the Prime Minister off the city wall!"

Zhayangcuo gritted his teeth and directly ordered the soldiers around him to take Ludongzan down.

"Who dares to touch me? You are just a wing leader, so you dare to attack me?"

Lu Dongzan was stunned for a moment and glared at Zhayangcuo.

"Prime Minister, the city wall is too dangerous. You are the Prime Minister of Tubo and the most important person in Tibet besides Zampu.

If you have any shortcomings, we won't say whether Linzhi can defend it or not, even if we do.

When the time comes and you are gone, it will be up to Tubo to do what he wants. "

Zhayangcuo knelt directly on the ground, his eyes full of depression.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that if I get off the city wall, the soldiers will be scared!"

Lu Dongzan glanced at Zhayangcuo and said what he really meant.

"Prime Minister, I am responsible for everything. Don't worry. I am here and they can't kill them!"

Zha Yangcuo saluted again. You are afraid of him too. If you really die, Linzhi City will be exploded immediately.

"Okay, don't let me down!"

Glancing at Zhayangcuo, Lu Dongzan also frowned. He was really worried if he wasn't here to stare at him.

After all, this is Tubo's last line of defense. If this place is lost, the Tang army will be able to attack Luosu all the way, and Tubo may really be doomed.


"Send the Prime Minister down the city wall!"

Lu Dongzan glanced at the Tang army under the city wall again, and directly got off the city wall under the protection of the soldiers.

The battle on the city wall continued. Although the moat was very deep, several passages were quickly filled in with the work of tens of thousands of people.

Immediately afterwards, the ladder trucks and floor trucks began to move.

"General, why don't you take the opportunity to dispatch those charging cars carrying gunpowder?"

Li Mingqi couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the rush car that had been prepared for a long time.

"Since Tubo knows the shortcomings of the Thunderous Thunder, it must be well prepared. So what is the best way to deal with these Thunderous Thunders?"

Su Dingfang glanced at Li Mingqi and asked him slowly.

"What is the best way to deal with Hong Tianlei? Is the general afraid that they will use kerosene to deal with Hong Tianlei, so he wants to use these siege equipment first?"

Li Mingqi understood instantly. Everyone said that this general was extremely brave, but he only discovered it after this period of fighting.

The Duke of Xing was able to achieve great military exploits not just by moving forward, but also by being cautious and making decisions before taking action.

"Yes, that's what I'm afraid of. If it's really an ordinary rocket, it's okay. If it's really a kerosene capsize, I'm afraid it will cause a fatal explosion.

If the other party really knows that our rams are full of gunpowder, it will be difficult for those rams to get close to the city wall. "

Su Dingfang glanced at the city wall in front of him, his eyes full of ferocious killing intent.

"General, there is something I don't know whether to say or not!"

Chen Hu glanced at Su Dingfang and was a little confused.

"If you have something to say, say it, and if you have something to say, let it go!"

"General, do you think we can put those thunderbolts on trebuchets and launch them directly onto the city wall to kill them!"

Chen Hu scratched his head and revealed his immature method.

"Put the thunderbolt on the trebuchet and launch it onto the city wall?"

Hearing Chen Hu's words, Su Dingfang was also stunned for a moment.

"I was just imagining it. If it's wrong, I hope the general won't blame it!"

Seeing Su Dingfang's appearance, Chen Hu also hurriedly saluted.

"You have some ideas! Arrange immediately and throw the thunderbolt onto the city wall."

Su Dingfang sneered and directly ordered the soldiers to act as ordered.

Upon hearing the military order, the craftsmen who operated the trebuchet were all frightened.

They know better than anyone how dangerous this thing is. They usually deploy it as they please, but now they are asked to project this thing onto the city wall.

If this explodes in their own hands, wouldn't it mean that they have to go see the King of Hell first?

But the military order was such that these craftsmen could only bite the bullet and manipulate it.

Explosive packets filled with gunpowder and iron pieces were also filled into the trebuchet, the fuse was ignited, and then the explosive packets were projected out with a bang.

The explosive pack dragged a long fuse, formed a graceful arc, and landed directly on the city wall.

"what is this?"

Seeing the explosive packets falling on the city wall, the Tibetan soldiers were all stunned for a moment.


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