My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 902: Playing strategy is like Russian dolls

The two looked at each other and saluted Li Ji together.

It is said that old age is still hotter, and now they really know why Li Ji can become an evergreen tree in the empire.

It's really scheming, and when it comes to strategy, it's like a Russian matryoshka doll.

One after another, people are a little overwhelmed.

"After you are convinced, go and appease the soldiers and horses, and tell everyone not to act rashly, do you understand?"



The two of them left, calming the soldiers and preparing for war.

Just as the front line gradually stabilized, a wave of people suddenly came to Goguryeo and began to lobby the other side.

"Your brother has already sued for peace with Mohe, and the next step is to lead his troops to capture you!"

"Actually, he asked you to supervise the country just to stabilize you first. Now is the time to settle things with you."

"Rather than just sit back and wait for death, it's better to strike first!"

Although some people are provoking them, the two silly children are still very principled. After all, they are also born to the same parents.

My brother leads the troops to fight in the front, and they comfort the people in the back. Isn't this a perfect match?

Although the two of them insisted on their principles here, someone immediately found Mr. Yuan and told him that his two younger brothers were planning to take down Mr. Yuan and become Da Molizhi on their own.

After hearing this news, Boy Yuan stopped working.

He followed the front and risked his own life to fight Mohe and Uluohun to avenge his father and stabilize Goguryeo.

It's good for you, not only do you not do any serious work, but you are also very funny behind the scenes.

I really can't bear it, even my aunt can't bear it.

However, he did not take action immediately. Instead, while negotiating peace with Mohe and Wuluohun, he secretly sent people back to Pyongyang to investigate the evidence that his two brothers were preparing to rebel.

As luck would have it, this man was arrested as soon as he returned to Pyongyang. After interrogation, they finally became angry.

Now that you are supervising the country and taking control of the military and political power of Goguryeo, you want to kill us, right?

Then let's just fight to the death.

Immediately, the two came to the King of Goguryeo and forced the King of Goguryeo to order Yeon-san to return to Pyongyang to resume his life.

After receiving the order from the King of Goguryeo, Yeon-san immediately became on guard.

Not only did he not go back, he also sent someone to reply to the King of Goguryeo, saying that he would not accept the King's order outside.

After hearing such a reply, Yuan Nanjian and the others also gave up their last illusions. While proclaiming themselves as the new great Molizhi, they mobilized troops to go north to attack their eldest brother.

After receiving the news that his brother was attacking him, Mr. Yuan was not a vegetarian, so he immediately joined forces with Mohe and Wuluohun and started fighting again.

"General, what a great news. Yuon Nanjian established himself as the Goguryeo Damolizhi, and sent 100,000 troops north to attack Yuon Nan.

Yuan Boy also formed an alliance with Mohe and Wuluohun, and the two sides fought again, leaving corpses everywhere. "

Xue Rengui smiled and directly told the news he had just received.

"Haha, everything is under my control!"

Li Ji nodded after hearing this. This was what he had expected.

Human beings are the most complex and yet the simplest things.

If you can't give them what they want, then you won't be able to control them, but as long as you can understand what the other person wants.

Then they will be as obedient as dogs, no, more obedient than dogs.

"General, should we wait for the opponent to fight and determine the winner before sending troops immediately to reap the benefits? Or do you have a back-up plan?"

Xue Li didn't dare to say anything about the march now. He always felt that Li Ji's plan was not that simple.

He definitely has a back-up plan, but he still doesn't understand what the opponent's back-up plan is.

"Now is not the time, we have to wait for an opportunity!"

Li Ji smiled slightly, Xue Rengui had grown up a bit, at least he thought that he had a backup plan.

"I hope the general will make it clear!"

Cheng Mingzhen on the other side also saluted Li Ji, and he couldn't understand what kind of medicine Li Ji was selling in his gourd.

"Haha, this is very simple. When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. Although Yuan Nanjian occupies the orthodox position, Yuan Nanjian has also formed an alliance with Mohe and Wuluohun.

They are all elite soldiers. Yuan Nanjian will definitely be defeated. When the time comes for Yuan Nanjian to counterattack, what do you think he will do? "

Li Ji smiled and directly told the situation in Goguryeo.

"General, what you mean is that Yuon Nanjian will definitely ask us for help when the time comes. By then, the door of Goguryeo will be wide open, and it will be easy for us to take over Goguryeo!"

Xue Rengui understood instantly that Li Ji was indeed a big ring within a small ring, one after another.

High, really high.

"And the most important thing is that we still have an opponent."

Li Ji waved his hand, indicating that his target was not only the Goguryeo family, but also other people.

"Is there another opponent? Now that the Western Region has been pacified and Tubo has been destroyed, what other enemies are there besides Goguryeo and the Tang Dynasty?"

Cheng Mingzhen looked at Li Ji, wondering what he meant.

Datang seems to have no other enemies now.

"His Majesty previously sent a decree that Goguryeo asked Japan for help. Now Japan has assembled hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of soldiers to prepare to cross the sea to support Goguryeo's war.

So what His Majesty means is not only to capture Goguryeo, but also to annihilate all the Japanese navy. What we have to do now is to wait until all the enemies come, and then have another spoonful of stew! "

Li Ji looked at the two of them again and named his imaginary enemy. Not only was this told by the emperor, but Li Yanran also wrote a letter specifically, telling Li Ji not to underestimate the Japanese country and not to let the Japanese country go.

Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for him to let the small Japanese country go.

"General, now our Tang Dynasty navy has strong troops and hundreds of warships. Why should we be afraid of the tiny land of Japan? We can just send troops to destroy it."

Cheng Minzhen frowned. In his opinion, the Japanese country was no match for the Tang Dynasty.

If you want to take down the Japanese Navy, you can just kill them directly. Is there any need to do this?

"Captain Cheng, it's not that I'm afraid, but it's more cost-effective to lure them here.

Think about it, if we fight each other in a decisive battle at sea, if they lose, they will definitely flee back to Japan.

But when they arrived in Goguryeo, if they were defeated, they would have nowhere to run. "

Li Ji had the same idea as Li Yanran. Fighting across the sea would reduce his combat effectiveness no matter what, but if the enemy advances and we retreat, then it will be his home field.

It was easy to capture the Japanese state.

"The general is wise, but Cheng Mingzhen is not as good as him!"

Now Cheng Mingzhen was completely convinced. This old general was really planning the victory thousands of miles away.

Just by staying here, you can stir up Goguryeo, lead the Japanese state, and completely defeat them.

"Haha, let's prepare for the battle next. I hope everyone can prepare with all their strength and don't let Datang down."



After the two saluted, they left together to appease the soldiers and prepare for battle.

"Father, this naval force is not as good at fighting as on land. Have you ever thought about who will command the Tang Dynasty Navy to fight against the Japanese!"

Li Yanran glanced at the father in front of her and asked him with a smile.

"You little devil, what do you have in mind?"

Li Zhi glanced at his precious daughter and asked her directly.

After all, the person recommended by Li Yanran has never been mistaken.

He would like to hear what other recommendations the other party has.

"Father, Liu Rengui and Liu Renyuan are great talents in naval warfare. If they were in charge of the Tang Dynasty Navy, they should be able to capture the small Japanese country easily."

Li Yanran directly named all the two famous generals who commanded the Battle of Baijiangkou in history.

One hundred ships can annihilate the Japanese navy. Now that the Tang Dynasty navy has tripled, it really won't be easy to win over the Japanese army.

"Liu Rengui and Liu Renyuan? Can they do it?"

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter and frowned.

He knew these two people very well. Liu Rengui was a great talent, but Liu Renyuan was just his father's bodyguard before.

I have never heard of these two having any naval combat abilities.

"Father, don't worry. Whenever my daughter misses someone, there will be absolutely no accidents with them here!"

Li Yanran also smiled. History has inevitable effects, just like the current Battle of Goguryeo.

Li Ji took charge of the war in Goguryeo in advance, and Japan was also ready to support Goguryeo.

As long as these two people are activated, I believe that even if there is no Battle of Baijiangkou, there will be a Battle of Heijiangkou and a Battle of Lanjiangkou.

Anyway, the navy of Japan will definitely be destroyed in the hands of these two people.

"Okay, then my father will listen to you one more time. He will immediately send an order to appoint Liu Rengui as the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy and Liu Renyuan as the Deputy Commander-in-Chief."

Since Li Yanran was so sure, Li Zhi had nothing to say.

There are no good candidates left or right, so let Liu Rengui give it a try.

"Father, don't worry, if nothing happens, I will go back first!"

Now that the identity of the Navy Commander had been confirmed, Li Yanran was quite satisfied and said goodbye to her father directly and went back to Lishan Mountain.

The imperial edict arrived in Qingzhou immediately, and Liu Rengui, the governor of Qingzhou, was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the Tang Dynasty Navy.

Liu Renyuan was also promoted to Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Tang Dynasty Navy and took office immediately, responsible for coordinating and training the Datang Navy.

"Your Majesty, the eight hundred miles from Tubo are urgent!"

Ruian came to Li Zhi again and sent eight hundred miles of urgent discounts to the other party's case.

"Another eight-hundred-mile journey from Tubo?"

Li Zhi was stunned. He was fine just now, so why did he suddenly come to rush for eight hundred miles?

There are really a lot of things going on here in the Western Region.

Opening the urgent memorial and seeing the content above, Li Zhi was immediately stunned.

Su Dingfang actually slaughtered all the tens of thousands of people in Tuhun Valley?

After thinking about it carefully, Li Zhi also understood what Su Dingfang was thinking.

This is because they have realized the harm that the Tuhun Valley has done to the Tang Dynasty, so they must use the credit of pacifying Tubo this time to completely eliminate this great harm.

But by doing this, you are deliberately making yourself angry and making yourself the public enemy of the world.

Even if I understand your intentions by then, those important officials in the court will not let you go.

Why bother, why bother.

"Come here, let's recruit Yaxiang. Du Zhenglun will come to the imperial study to discuss matters!"


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