East Tenth Ring Road, Dragon and Phoenix Building.

Nie Haofeng sat in the office, listening to his subordinate's report suspiciously.

"Not fried? How is it possible?"

"It exploded, but not all of them exploded." Haofeng, the one who reported it, wiped off his sweat embarrassingly for the younger brother.

"If it's fried, it's fried. If it's not fried, it's not fried. What does 'not all fried' mean? Please talk to me."

"Brother Nie, our people watched from afar all night, but Princess Ye is fine, and all the people left... But we took a picture of this."

Nie Haofeng took the mobile phone handed over by his younger brother and saw the video recording from last night.

The video was shot at a far distance. The first few seconds were all dark night sky, and then only a long purple light was seen across the sky from bottom to top, and dazzling flames exploded in the air. There was a rumbling explosion.

It's like setting off a firework.

"Don't tell me, it exploded in the sky."

"Brother, we also feel evil, so the brothers dare not spread the word..."

Nie Haofeng slid the progress bar and watched it repeatedly for a long time, but he didn't see anything tricky.

"Okay, you go down first."

The younger brother repeatedly agreed and left the office.Nie Haofeng turned his head to look at a man who was drinking tea sitting beside him.

"Brother Wang, what do you think?"

The man drinking tea was the "Deacon Wang" who came to Princess Ye to talk to Chu Yao that day. His real name was Wang Yu.

Wang Yu took the phone and watched the video. He was also very surprised and had no clue about the sudden situation.

"Careful verification, bold assumption." Wang Yu tapped the table with his finger
"Our plan is very detailed, and there are almost no mistakes, but there are still accidents. What we can know now is that, first of all, the Princess Ye who was supposed to be blown up is intact, and their people even evacuated in the middle of the night. It shows that no matter what method is used, the members of the Cattail Gang know that there will be an explosion.

Secondly, an ambulance came to the East Ninth Ring Road last night, picked up someone near Princess Ye and left. This means that although there was no explosion, someone was injured.

Finally, there is this big firework that explodes in the air. "

While listening, Nie Haofeng came over and poured a cup of tea for Wang Yuxin. It seemed that the relationship between the two was not a simple superior-subordinate relationship.

"Let me talk about the first hypothesis first. The bomb should have been dismantled—no matter what methods the Cattail Gang used, maybe they happened to have such talents in their gang. The explosion in the sky was just a signal flare to notify nearby helpers , There has been a major change in the headquarters."

"In what age, do people still use this kind of traditional flare?" Nie Hao sat back on his office chair after pouring tea.

"Yes, and since the establishment of the Cattail Gang, I have never heard of them using this method of communication."

Wang Yu hesitated for a moment, and continued: "Now I want to talk about the second hypothesis...that is, someone, or a few people, sent the bomb into the sky in a certain way. And the person who threw the bomb into the sky also And injured, which would explain why only one ambulance went."

"What method can throw the bomb so high? I think the height is almost as high as the Qihang Building." Nie Haofeng frowned and thought.

"There are still ways, such as giant crossbows, drones, or 'light mechanical power mechs'... The interstellar train between Lingyuan Star and 'Winning Star' will soon be connected. It’s not surprising that we got one or two.”

"I still understand the first two things you said, but I don't really understand what mecha is. Brother Wang, you also know that my old Nie is a native of Tianhai, and I have only been to the Second Continent as far as I can. Could it be Is the gap between Lingyuan and Win really that big?"

"The big gap is not necessarily a bad thing. Although Boju Xing is my hometown, it is...too crowded, and I still prefer this side. The advancement of technology will actually obliterate a lot of things."

When Wang Yu said this, his tone was a bit heavy.

"Hey, I'm talking too much, which pot is not open and which pot to mention! Let's not talk about this!" Nie Haofeng knew that this brother Wang didn't want to talk about his hometown, so he hurriedly interrupted, "Then guess, the cat tail gang The person who sent the bomb to the sky with a drone? It's a good thing that Chu Xiaoye can come up with such a way."

"It's okay, Brother Nie, I've looked past the past." Wang Yu took a sip from his teacup, his eyes flickering. "Actually, there may be a third possibility, which may sound a bit whimsical."

"The third type? Tell me."

"Half a year ago, brother Nie still remembers the incident when a helicopter broke into the urban area?"

"Of course, I remember that the incident was quite serious, and the Fetion circle was full of videos." Nie Haofeng paused, "Does this have anything to do with the Maowei Gang?"

"It is said that they were a few miners who escaped from the mine. They hijacked the plane and escaped. Afterwards, many arrest warrants were issued, but they were all revoked within two months. But the magic is that after the revocation, the cattail gang The rapid rise of the dark street, which has to be associated with people."

"You mean... the cat tail gang was started by those wanted criminals?" Nie Haofeng racked his brains to think, trying to keep up with Wang Yu's train of thought. "Brother Wang, just speak up."

If he was good at using his brain, he wouldn't ask Wang Yu to be his military adviser.

"Those prisoners are either prisoners serving sentences, or foreign barbarians captured during the Yali Company's expedition. If there are a few barbarian escapees among these fugitives, it makes sense that they can send bombs to the sky."

"You mean those barbarians with flying swords? What can they do?" Nie Haofeng said with a hint of disdain in his tone, "Thousands of years ago, our ancestors could shoot them down from the sky with guns. Apart from being able to live longer, what is the use of Feijian? Brother Wang, your speculation is outrageous."

"So I said it too, it's a bit whimsical." Wang Yu spread his hands.

This is how ordinary people treat psykers.This is especially true for ordinary people who have received a little education.

Their knowledge of psykers only comes from history textbooks and costume films, or novels and games, as well as the success of the major interstellar companies' colonization in the news.

It is said that these barbarians can go to heaven and earth, but no one has ever seen it.Even if I met them, I didn't realize how capable they were. They all looked about the same, but they lived a little longer than the average person, maybe only a hundred years old.

Even in recent years, there have been many conspiracy theorists and historical nihilists in the civilization of heaven and man, who think that the so-called war between immortals and mortals is a hoax, history is a lie, and the Great Council is deceiving everyone.

This kind of speech has even been recognized by many people. For example, some organizations that verbally advocate peace and oppose the barbarian slavery system highly respect this kind of school.Under the slogan of "Interstellar Peace", they marched and demonstrated in major cities of the major planets, "The life of the barbarians is also fate", demanding that the Interstellar Corporation stop the persecution of the barbarians.

Shen Yu, an insider, obviously knows more about these matters than ordinary people.

Who is right and wrong, who can tell?Sometimes the truth is not in the hands of the majority.

"Anyway, now is a good opportunity." Wang Yu offered advice to Nie Haofeng, "Although the bomb did not cause damage to the Maowei Gang, it also achieved the effect we wanted before. The Maowei Gang's headquarters was evacuated to the north. The East Ninth Ring must be empty inside. We should investigate who the injured person in Chu is. If it is Chu Xiaoye, then the morale of their gang must be in turmoil right now. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the East Ninth Ring is at your fingertips."

"Okay!" Nie Haofeng beamed with joy, "I have brother Wang here, so why worry about failure in my career! It's all up to you!"

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