Black Widow became the richest man by farming

Chapter 496 The Power of Many People

Chapter 496 People are more powerful (two more)

In an instant, the rain stopped and the clouds cleared, and there was still a rainbow hanging in the sky.

"Wow!" Ye Sanniang looked at them with a smile on her face and pointed to the sky, "Look quickly."

"Rainbow... yo..."

"Can we go home now?"

"No, no, the water hasn't receded yet, let's wait until the water level goes down." Ye Sanniang said hastily, "Now the soil is saturated with water, and it's easy to collapse. We have to watch the water recede on the embankment .”

"Oh oh oh!" Lian Wanyou responded hastily, "Folks, let's stay here for a while!" He smiled and said, "I'll let someone go home and inform the mother-in-law at home to bring food." Beckoning: let Lian Yougen went back with his son to ask for food.

"Good!" shouted the peasants on the embankment in unison.

Lian Yougen and his cousin walked back to the village on the muddy road.

"Lord Lu, the sky is fine today, you..." Ye Sanniang looked up at him and asked.

"I'll go back! There's still something to do in the government office!" Master Lu said without thinking about it.

"Then I'll see you off." Lian Wanyou said immediately after hearing the words.

"No, no, you'd better guard the embankment." Lu Dare waved his hand slightly and smiled, "I know the way."

"Respectfully send off Master Lu." Lian Wanyou and the others bowed their hands and watched Master Lu leave.

"Mrs. Ye, you should come back too! We are here!" Lian Wanyou turned his head to look at Ye Sanniang and said, "Don't follow us and suffer here."

"Then I'm leaving, be careful." Ye Sanniang said, looking at him gently.

"Don't worry! I'm on alert!" Lian Wanyou responded quickly.

"Then I'm leaving." Ye Sanniang slid back home.

"I guess you'll be back soon." Zheyuan saw her coming back and immediately went up to meet her.

"The embankment is fine." Ye Sanniang looked at the family members gathered around the door and said, "The cotton field will not be affected much, and it will recover soon. The vitality of the plants is very strong."

"What do you mean?" Ye Luoxing asked worriedly.

"It means that the rain was too heavy, and the cotton was stunned." Ye Sanniang looked at them with a smile on her face and said, "The rain hit the beach with thousands of pits."

"Ah!" Ye Yanxing stared at her dumbfounded.

"Imagine." Ye Sanniang looked at them with pearly eyes and said, "Let me wash it first and change clothes, okay? Let's talk about it later!"

"Okay, okay!" Shen Ruyi hurriedly said, "There is hot water on the fire!"

"Then I'll take a shower." Ye Sanniang took off the coir raincoat and bamboo hat and put them on the stone table as she walked, "Turn back and take a shower, and let the sun shine."

"Don't worry about it, take a shower quickly and see that you can't look at this body, as if rolling in the mud." Zheyuan looked at her with bright eyes and urged, "I'll give you Get the clothes."

Ye Sanniang happily took a hot bath, wrapped her hair in a clean cloth towel and came out.

"Don't worry, the rain has stopped now, and it will be back to normal soon." Ye Sanniang looked at them with deep and bright eyes and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"It's gone, I'm waiting for you!" Zheyuan said, looking directly at her when she heard the words, "I couldn't stand it anymore, so the children drank some goat milk alone." She raised her voice, "If you wish, let's put Let's eat! We're all starving."

"Here we come." Shen Ruyi came in with a tray and said, and put the tray on the Eight Immortals table.

"I don't see anyone coming back, why are they still on the embankment?" Zheyuan looked at her anxiously and asked.

"The river is soaring, and our embankment can't stand it at all. It's collapsing everywhere, and the young and middle-aged people in the village are blocking holes in the embankment!" Ye Sanniang looked at them with calm eyes and said, "Fortunately, there was no big accident. dangerous situation." Then he said, "Hexi Village will be miserable, the embankment burst."

"What?" Ye Luoxing looked at her nervously and said, "Then what should I do?"

"People jumped into the flood water and used their flesh and blood to block the flood water from flowing into the fields and villages." Ye Sanniang said, looking at them with bottomless eyes.

"Won't that person be rushed away? Will it be..." Ye Yan swallowed the death word back, he didn't want to say such an unlucky thing.

"Hemp rope is tied around the waist, and the arms are linked." Ye Sanniang took Zheyuan's hand to demonstrate, "It's not easy to be rushed away." She said with emotion, "There are more people than strength."

"The "Book of Changes" says: If people have the same soul, the strength of the crowd will be great, and it can cut down solid gold, and everything is invincible'!" Ye Yanxing said, looking at her with black eyes flickering.

"That's right." Ye Sanniang nodded happily, "Although there are some losses, it's not a big problem, especially now that the rain has stopped."

"If you really want to let it go, the flood will swallow everything like a wild horse." Zhe Yuan said with emotion, "I have to work hard for my homeland."

"Hmm! If you don't save yourself, wait for others, how is that possible? There is no savior in this world." Ye Sanniang said, looking at them with clear eyes.

"God help those who help themselves." Ye Luoxing said with a chuckle, "It's sunny today."

Ye Sanniang picked up her chopsticks and said, "Dinner." Then she said, "After dinner, we have to clean up our yard too, to see how messy the rain has made it."

"Yeah!" Zheyuan handed her a big steamed bun.

After eating, Ye Yanxing looked at Ye Sanniang with dark eyes and asked, "Shall we go to the academy?"

"I won't go today, I don't know if the road will be easy!" Ye Sanniang thought about it seriously and said, "And I don't know about the disaster situation in your academy."

"Alright then!" Ye Yanxing nodded and said, "Let's go out and clean up the yard!"

"The vegetable garden can't be tidied up, I can't get down there, let's tidy up the road first!" Gao Mancang looked at them with dark eyes and said hastily.

"Okay then!" Ye Sanniang nodded lightly when she heard the words, "We are at home! You and Laifu go to the embankment to watch! They don't know if they have eaten yet."

"I'll go now." Gao Mancang said, clasping hands with Lai Fu.

The two changed into torn clothes and left in a hurry.

Ye's house and yard have been renovated, so it is very easy to clean up.

There were so many people, it was packed up in an instant, and the sun was in the sky, and the cicadas screamed.

Zhe Yuan held Ye Lingling in her arms, "It just finished raining, and I don't feel cool."

"When the sun comes out, it won't be much cooler." Ye Sanniang slightly narrowed her eyes and looked at the sun in the sky through the leaves. "That's good. After two days of drying, we have to continue drying the wheat."

"The wheat hasn't been dried in the first place, but now that the humidity is so high, it will take a few more days to dry." Shen Ruyi, who was rubbing the hemp rope, said.

"I hope it won't rain anymore." Zheyuan shuddered, "The people who remind me don't even have time to catch their breath."

 see you at [-]pm
(End of this chapter)

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