Self-explosive evasion of debts is immoral, I earn merits by collecting debts

Chapter 34 34 No one feeds!The baby eats at the table by itself

Chapter 34 34 No one feeds!The baby eats at the table by itself

At lunch time, Chu Yiyi was carried out by Xia Hong and brought to the hall near the kitchen to have dinner with other members of the Chu family.

Although the five-month-old baby can't eat big fish and meat, she can still taste some soft and simple food. In addition, Chu Yiyi's body shape is far superior to that of ordinary dolls. So far, she has never had any headaches. The Chu family is very special. rest assured.

Chu Youcheng held Chu Yiyi in his arms, and Jiang Lanzhi fed Chu Yiyi little by little with a small bowl and a spoon.

Chu Yiyi never refused anyone who came, mouthful after mouthful, her soft little face kept wriggling, and her busy little hands and feet followed suit.

Seeing her daughter eating like a starved ghost reincarnated, Jiang Lanzhi was worried.

"Why did Madam stop? Yiyi is still waiting for Madam to feed you with her mouth open. Madam is tired, isn't it? How about Madam hold me and I'll feed my daughter?" Chu Youcheng urged, it was the baby in his arms Still in a hurry.

Jiang Lanzhi gave her a fatherly look, "You are a big man who knows how to feed your children, and you don't even look at how fat girls are... If you continue to eat like this, what will you do when you grow up?"

Who dares to want a young girl who is fat and plump!
Chu Youcheng couldn't hear these words, "What's wrong with being fat, my Chu family's girl is raised by my Chu family, if it's something that hinders others, whoever dares to give my girl face, I won't make it easy for him."

"Okay, you said that. When the girl grows up and can't get married, you are the one who will blame her."

"Ma'am, what you said is wrong."

"What's wrong, you can tell me whose girl doesn't marry when she grows up."

"My daughter from the Chu family is a special case. I, Chu Youcheng, have finally hoped for a daughter. How can I send her to someone else's house? Yiyi is by her parents' side, and she doesn't go anywhere. , it has to be first-class in character and appearance, don't want to be second-guessed."

What a domineering father!
The baby has heard it all, baby thank you two, keep your mouth open with the word "fat", it's just that the two of you are chatting, can you let the baby eat first, there is no reason to only feed half of the meal, the baby just has an appetite and can't eat It's hard to see things, okay!
Pick up the table with your little hands, come on, you don’t want to feed, right, the baby eats by itself.

"Father and mother, stop arguing, my sister climbed on the table to eat by herself, and you are still arguing."

The third and fourth shouted.

Chu Wenyuan reached out to grab the chicken leg in Chu Yiyi's left hand, and Chu Minglang wanted to grab the lion's head in his right hand.

Unexpectedly, neither of the two brothers on the left and the right was successful. Chu Yiyi dodged nimbly, biting the chicken leg and eating the lion's head.

The four sons screamed from the oldest to the youngest, and the maids on the left and right hurriedly stepped forward to stop them. Chu Youcheng and his wife, who were closest, also stood up and grabbed Chu Yiyi, who was covered in oil and water.

a mess.

Chu Wenyuan suddenly remembered that his sister was not an ordinary doll, she could float, so she climbed up anxiously, and hugged Chu Yiyi who had crawled to the center.

And considerately handed an egg to the baby's hand, soothe the baby's emotions, so that the baby would not be agitated in public for a while.

After a farce, the couple stopped arguing about Chu Yiyi's body shape, and Chu Youcheng was unilaterally responsible for the farce.

Chu Youcheng lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"Yes, yes, Madam is right..."

"Yes, yes, it's all my husband's fault..."

"Wrong, wrong, change it for my husband, I will definitely change it for my husband..."

Pfft... The four kids watching the fun laughed.

Chu Youcheng glared at Nizi across the table.

Ouch, Chu Youcheng remembered something.

"Ma'am, as parents, we should not only favor our daughters, but also give more consideration to our four sons. My husband heard that the eldest and second son of the Lin family went to Ziyun Academy."

"The Lin family needs to discuss with you where to send the child." Jiang Lanzhi's lingering anger still persisted.

Chu Wenyuan frowned and sighed, telling Jiang Lanzhi how amazing he was.

The eldest Chu Wenyuan is ten years old, the second child Chu Minglang is seven years old, the third child Chu Xiuyi is five years old, and the fourth child Chu Lianchen is four years old. Although they have different personalities, they are all energetic ages.

Although the Chu family is not indomitable and wealthy, their ancestors have also produced civil servants and military generals. Even if they fall into the second-rate now, they should not relax the training of the four boys.

Especially the nouveau riche family like the Lin family sent their sons to Ziyun College where the second generation of rich and powerful people gathered. How could his Chu family fall behind.

After a few sentences, Jiang Lanzhi made sense.

It was decided to send the eldest and the second child to Ziyun Academy, and the third and fourth children were still young and asked their teacher to teach them at home for the time being.

When Chu Wenyuan and Chu Minglang were arranged to go to the college, Qiqi was not happy.

Chu Youcheng slapped the table with his big hands and shouted, "Your sister listens to the nanny reading every day, so why don't you guys not study?"

The loud slapping on the table and even louder yelling shocked the whole family, even Chu Yiyi was so scared that she almost choked.

"Cough cough..."

——Dad!If you train the cub, you can train the cub, can we not push it, your daughter is too young to bear the backlash...

"My younger sister is young and can't walk, let alone run. Of course, she can only listen to what others read to her."

The second child, Chu Minglang, sat at the table with lowered eyebrows and sympathetic eyes, speaking rebuttals in an obedient manner, his voice was small, but just enough for others to hear.

What he said was exactly what the other brothers thought, and they all nodded.

Even Chu Yiyi nodded.

"Is it okay, I will let you see how far you are from your sister."

Chu Youcheng turned to Chu Yiyi, with a fierce smile on his face for a moment, "My dear... Daddy asked you if you like listening to your nanny reading to you. If you like it, just nod your head."

As he spoke, he brought a jujube flower cake from the table and shook it up and down in front of Chu Yiyi.

Up and down...

As long as Chu Yiyi is silly and cute, she must be right, but it's a pity that Chu Yiyi is not stupid.

Muttering and shaking his little head like a rattle.

Babbling and babbling a series of unintelligible baby words, and even patting the table.


The milk is fierce, the milk is fierce!

Shocked the audience!

Chu Yiyi: Didn't you ask the baby if he likes to listen to people reading? Well, the baby will tell you now, the baby is about to be annoyed to death by the surnamed Feng...

The master who died of old age didn't force her to read a few books. The master has been gone for more than 2000 years and instead asked her to listen to the books!
The Mad Rabbit and Bai Tu had never tortured her like this.

Said Potian baby is not happy...



The second son of Chu's eldest son was still sent to Ziyun Academy.

I heard that the masters of the college like brothers Chu Wenyuan and Chu Minglang very much.

I heard that not only the teacher likes it, but even Master Xingwu likes it very much.

Later, I heard that the two brothers enjoyed a lot among the students.

Chu Yiyi doesn't know how to eat, but every afternoon when the eldest brother and second brother come back from school, they will sneak over to bring food for Chu Yiyi, and Chu Yiyi has never seen anything in Chu's house of.


Chu Yiyi stepped on the stool and leaned against the window, watching the back of the eldest brother and second brother leaving, her small eyes were full of envy.

"Xiaofeng, what should you do, the baby really wants to go to the academy." Go to the first delivery site to eat and drink.

"Fairy can go as long as she wants, no one will stop you."

"Hehe, then someone has to take the baby there, right?" She looked at Feng Yeshu with small eyes, and pretended to be pitiful.

The chubby baby is still very lethal when it looks cute.

No, Feng Ye was blinded by her cuteness, raised his head to avoid looking directly, and turned to go inside.

Just when Chu Yiyi thought that Xiao Fengxian had annoyed her again, a long arm stretched out and lifted the doll that had been standing for a long time, and carried it back to the small bed.

Unexpectedly, the ass just settled.


[It was detected that the host did not go to repay the debt after withdrawing a large amount of spiritual coins, and there is suspicion that it is his own. The system automatically starts the countdown to repay the debt. Please select the target object and go to the host by yourself]

[Limited time 72 hours]


"So what if the baby doesn't go?"

Ghost system!Frame her as his own!Where did she take it, she obviously planned to spend it all, spend it...

[Detecting that the host refuses to execute, punishment starts]

"Don't, I'll go, you quickly hold back your lightning strike."

Rumbling, crackling...


(End of this chapter)

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