Chapter 53 Chapter 53

Qingye Town, three miles away from Hongye Town.

Fang family.

The door was locked and the candles were all extinguished.

Under the dark night, from the front yard to the back yard, there was silence.

In the main house, Fang Liang was sleeping soundly while snoring.

Suddenly, there was a violent sound, and even the roof shook three times.

The movement like an earth dragon turning over almost scared the sleeping Fang Liang away on the spot.

Gululu rolled up.

I saw that the well-carved large window was smashed into pieces by something from the outside.

And the thing that smashed the window of his house fell on the ground in the house, like a big pile of siege shells.

"Who the hell is so wicked, staying up in the middle of the night and smashing my window."

"I'm a rich boy, your package has been delivered on time, please open it personally, Mr. Fang."

The sound came from outside the window, but I could only hear the sound but not the person.

Another piece of paper fluttered in from outside and landed in Fang Liang's hand.

There were words written on it, but it was too dark in the room to see what was written.

Fang Liang had no choice but to get up and go to the smashed window to look at it by the moonlight.

"Su Wei of the Su family now entrusts the chivalrous men to repay a thousand taels of silver to Fang Liang of the Fang far the debts have been cleared."

Signed Suwei, stamped Suwei.

"Brother Su really wrote it himself." Fang Liang was surprised and confused.

Then he opened the oversized package on the ground, and the white money and bank notes inside leaked out.

After counting, it was really 1000 taels.

Who would have thought that the silver that hadn't been returned for three years would come back when he fell asleep!Less real than a dream.

Fang Liang was very excited, and hurried out of the window to express his gratitude to the "boy who gave money".

With Fang Liang himself confirming the payment.

The system countdown is fixed at "3".

It's dangerous, if it is three seconds later, the system will recognize the mission as a failure, and Chu Yiyi will be struck by lightning in three seconds.


[Congratulations to the host for completing the task]

[Reputation value +100, silver coin +100, merit +10]

[The task reward has been distributed to the inventory, please pay attention to the host to check it]

Not bad, in addition to the daily rewards, there is an unexpected harvest.Could it be that it was because the task was issued suddenly and in a hurry, so I paid more for the hard work!
With that in mind, I clicked on the item bar.

Looking forward to it secretly, it is best to have another Body Tempering Pill, or give it a life-saving skill.

It would be the best if there is an invincible diamond cover that can keep the baby alive.


"What is this?"

Suspected to be a small red heart made of glass?Hold it in your hand and keep it cool.

It can't be squeezed or bitten, and it doesn't see any practicality except for its good looks.

No matter how you look at this red heart, it looks like a cheap pendant on a cheap necklace at a street stall!

Then click on the system information, in addition to the name "red heart", only the usage method "conditions are met, automatically triggered" is marked.

Scratch your head.It also doesn't specify what the activation conditions are, it's a no-brainer for people to guess.

Whatever it is, what the system gives can be worse.

Put it away for now.

"Mo Tsai, let's go home."

"Okay, grandma, hurry up."

"Wait, wait, it doesn't have to be so fast, just take your time."

"Slow down! When did you slow down, young master? Auntie, you are looking down on me."

Chu Yiyi, "If you tell me to slow down, you can slow down. If you don't understand the words, don't you slow down. Grandma will pull your ears off and feed the sparrows."

The wind howled, and the baby's face was scratched and hurt. Obviously, Ci Mo still didn't understand what "slow" in experience meant.

Then don't blame Chu Yiyi for manually slowing down.

Grab the tip of Ci Mo's ear and pull it hard, "Woo..."

"Little aunt, please stop dragging, can't you slow down, kid?"

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Ci Mo laughed.

After all, it slowed down.

Under Chu Yiyi's strong request, the speed of the return trip was much slower than when it came.

Flying at a low speed, some movements on the ground were heard.

When passing through a forest, a cry for help suddenly caught Chu Yiyi's attention.

Chu Yiyi patted Ci Mo.

Before saying anything, Cimo turned around and looked for it directly.

This curiosity is bigger than a baby.

In a blink of an eye, the two entered the forest.

Just as Chu Yiyi wanted to sarcastically say a few words, Ci Mo spoke first.

"Look, little aunt, tree demon, it's strange that there are trees that can be cultivated into demons in such a place where the aura is thin."

Ci Mo fell to the ground excitedly.

Chu Yiyi looked along, and saw a huge willow tree with a diameter of more than three meters standing ten meters away.

Its branches are as dense as a cover, and its vines are densely packed.

It is twisting the tree exaggeratedly, just like when a person is scratched into an itchy nest.

Then I heard the rough laughter from the big tree demon.

"Hahaha, hahahaha, everything is delicious, it's all from old trees, don't even think about running away."

"Why is it so happy?" Chu Yiyi asked.

Ci Mo was also curious.

Curious, he took a step forward.

Crash, the Dryad turned around 180 degrees.

The dry and cracked tree faced the two of them, its eyes were like washbasins, its mouth was like the mouth of a well, and it opened its mouth to laugh again. "Hahaha, here comes another one."

Swipe, a tree vine flung out from the canopy and hit the two of them.

To entangle Cimo.

Ci Mo jumped up and dodged.

"Grandma, we are both missed by the tree demon as a snack. Grandma, tell me whether we should follow. The boy looks at this tree demon as if he hasn't tasted meat in a hundred years, it's a bit pitiful."

Chu Yiyi, "Get lost."


Ci Mo was very obedient, so he rolled one on the spot.

Then, Chu Yiyi found that the two of them had rolled into the tree and vine nest.

Brush brush.

More than a dozen ambush tree vines surrounded the two of them.

For a while, the world was spinning, and the two were entangled into a ball and hung upside down under the canopy of the big tree.

"Little aunt, grandma, why are you so blindly ordering the boy to get out, now it's over, we've got to the mouth of the tree demon, and I don't know how the tree demon eats it, whether it's swallowed raw or chewed and then swallowed."

Chu Yiyi, "Shut up."

Ci Mo, "Shut up! How can that work? If you keep your mouth shut and don't make a sound at this time, it's just a default for the dryad. Don't shut up."

Chu Yiyi, "..."

— Gan!

——Finally understand what Xiaofengxianjun feels when he tells someone to "shut up"!

Chu Yiyi, "You're right, you can do whatever you want, go ahead, I want to see if your chirping dryad will get bored and swallow you first."

Ci Mo turned his head, like a jade white face, full of innocence, as if he did not know the dangers of the world, as if he was indifferent to life and death and let the king deal with him.

"Since you have already spoken, little aunt, then I will try?"


try what?
Try to see if your voice can be louder than the dryad's wild laughter, and make a difference before you die.

Ci Mo hangs upside down in the air, swaying.He took a deep breath, then exhaled with all his strength, and shouted, "Help—help—someone save the little one—the little one is grateful—"


Another cry for help rang almost at the same time.

Then one after another different people were yelling for help.

Chu Yiyi searched for the sound and looked around.

Only then did I realize that there were many rattan balls hanging under the crown of the tree, and there were people and beasts trapped in them.

As Ci Mo yelled, the other trapped people all made noises at the same time, even the wolves, tigers and leopards trapped inside were howling.

At the same time, Chu Yiyi also discovered that some of the trapped people were members of the Black Tiger Gang who robbed Su's house overnight.

It turned out that they ran here.

It's true that God has eyes for evil people and evil rewards, and evil people like them who rob houses and houses should be punished!deserve it!

(End of this chapter)

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