Chapter 56 Chapter 56
Ci Mo waited for Chu Yiyi to explain.

Chu Yiyi faltered.In fact, she fell in love with the ability of the dryad and wanted to stay. When she grows up in 18 years, she will find a spirit sword or something and stuff the dryad into it as a sword spirit.

Or refining into a weapon spirit is also good.

Thinking back to the past, when she was the Lord of the Mountain in her last life before reincarnation, that's what she did every time she caught a demon.

In her previous life, she stuffed the tables, chairs, benches, teapots, and pen holders in the house, as long as she could stuff the ghosts into them.

For nothing else, I just try to make it convenient to use, and I make the teapot by myself, and I come to the stool for her by myself.

How convenient.

As a time traveler who used to live in the time and space of electrical appliances, home appliances would respond as soon as he yelled, so he still misses the days before time travel.

It has become a habit of her to stuff demon souls into daily utensils.

I am so used to it that I just want to arrange it if I catch one at random.

He thought he had a good idea, but how could he explain it to Ci Mo.

After all, in Ci Mo's eyes, she is an imaginary spirit vein that cannot be cultivated, so what's the use of having a demon soul.

"I also ask my aunt to give a reason not to crush it to death." Ci Mo waited for her to answer.

Chu Yiyi faltered and thought of a reason, "Mo Tsai, think about your master."

Ci Mo, "Squeeze a demon soul to death, what does it have to do with my master?"

Chu Yiyi's little finger was serious. "You worked so hard to kill the evil monsters, God knows you, I know you, and you deserve to be rewarded for doing such a good deed, but your master didn't even see it."

Chu Yiyi, "I heard that you disciples of Qingwu Mountain often use your heroic deeds to judge the status. You say that you have done such a good deed, but you can't prove it yourself. Isn't it a waste of money? In my opinion, it is better to put this tree Take the soul back, let your master see it, and use it as a proof."

Chu Yiyi finished speaking.

Ci Mo thought about it, and seemed to listen.

"My little aunt also has some truths. Anyway, if it falls into the hands of my young master, it will never have a chance to survive. It's not bad for a while."

Ci Mo put the tree demon soul into the spiritual pouch on his waist.

Chu Yiyi patted Ci Mo and motioned him to look aside.

On one side, the nine survivors of the Black Tiger Gang knelt on the ground, expressing their gratitude to Ci Mo.

The scarred face that had escaped death was even more downcast, and he probably knew that his previous attitude was not awe-inspiring enough, so he didn't dare to raise his head now.

Ci Mo said, "You should have been condemned by God long ago for your evil deeds and harm to the village. You are destined to suffer this calamity. The young master is not that kind. Instead of letting you go back, it is better to execute you all in the name of the tree demon It’s good to get rid of the disaster for the nearby people.”

When the members of the Black Tiger Gang heard that the young hero was going to kill them, they all trembled and howled.

They knew that it was impossible to escape from Ci Mo's hand, and if Ci Mo wanted them to die, they would definitely die.

Chu Yiyi didn't want Cimo to get his hands dirty on these people.

Under Chu Yiyi's suggestion, the members of the Black Tiger Gang were required to surrender and accept punishment voluntarily. If they dared to bribe officials to opportunistically, they would come to the door with their own words to carry out the execution on behalf of Tiandao, and then they would die even more tragically.

The nine people got the order, and after kowtowing several times, they all ran desperately towards the government office, for fear that if they were too late, they would be regarded as not sincere enough and lose their lives.

The night is dark and windy.

Above the sky, the crescent moon among the floating clouds is like a hook.

In the chaos, one big and one small stood in front of the big pit where the tree demon was gone.

The two turned their heads and took a look into the big pit. It was very deep and dark, like the mouth of a huge beast, and it was strange to see.

Jingle... Jingle...

Suddenly, the sound of a bell sounded, as weak as a fly passing through the ears, echoing strangely in the dense forest.

Only the sound of jingling bells can be heard, but no one or anything related to the bells can be seen.

The strangeness and timing of this voice is also very intriguing.

Jingle... Jingle...


If the sound just now was one mile away, now it is only 50 meters away.

For those with supernatural powers, 50 meters is close at hand.

Ci Mo held the hilt of his sword and raised his vigilance. The instinct of the immortal master reminded him that the other party was not kind, and he was not as easy to deal with as the tree demon.

Chu Yiyi hid on Cimo's back, and the moment she heard the bell, she couldn't help becoming nervous.

After all, the doll is a girl, even if she lives for a few lifetimes, she will still be a little fairy who is afraid of bugs for a while!
The little fairy doesn't like unknown creatures, and she doesn't like being blocked by unknown creatures in the middle of the night.

"Mo Tsai, can't we go straight away?"

"I'm afraid I can't leave."

Say goodbye to ink.At the same time, he released his consciousness to swing around, trying to lock the position of the person he met by chance.

"Maybe the other party is just passing by."

Chu Yiyi really hoped it was just a coincidence.

Unexpectedly, the sound of the bell was getting closer and closer.

As if it was aimed at them.


The sound of the bell sounds so familiar!


Ci Mo suddenly spoke.

At the same time, pull out the sword.

The moment the sword came out of the body, a black and red figure rushed over from the darkness of the dense forest at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Hear a few thumps.

Ci Molian hit the opponent with several tricks, and flew out backwards uncontrollably.

Before Ci Mo could gain a firm footing, the opponent had turned into an afterimage and walked behind Ci Mo, and there were several heavy blows, until Ci Mo vomited blood.

A brief pause.

The man in black and red brushed past Chu Yiyi on Ci Mo's back, and the man glanced at Chu Yiyi at the moment he missed it.

Cold, ruthless, and aloof like ants.There is too much coldness that dominates the world in his eyes.

It's different from Feng Ye's indifference and indifference to the world.

This person, with just one look, can make people who look at him say "I wasted air when I was alive, and wasted land when I died. I shouldn't appear in this world, and I shouldn't pollute your eyes."

Chu Yiyi's entire face was shocked.

I was so shocked that my limbs were numb, my head was congested, and my heart showed signs of sudden arrest.

I really want to, I really want to follow the other party's wishes and die.

Ci Mo resisted several heavy blows and stabbed his sword into the ground to stabilize his body. Unable to stand, he could only kneel on the ground on one knee.

Cimo was unwilling, but he was very clear in his heart that he was not the opponent's opponent at all.

Even if the other party stood still in front of him now, he could still feel that a pair of invisible big hands were pinching his life, and could crush him to death casually.

It's like Ci Mo pinching the soul of the tree demon.

The dark is above, and the sky and the earth are one color.

The crescent moon is too thin, and the moonlight is pitifully weak.

Can't illuminate the man's face.

It's not even clear whether the man's body is red with black dots, or black with red stripes.

To be more precise, the other party didn't want to show his true face, so others couldn't see clearly.

"I am Ci Mo, a disciple of Qingwu Mountain. I dare to ask you who is why you want to sneak attack me."

Ci Mo asked.

The other party was silent for three breaths, thinking that they were not going to answer, but who knew that another three breaths came in a flat manner.

"What do you say?"

This voice is cold and like stars falling in Yinchuan...

So familiar!
Chu Yiyi was so shocked that she couldn't breathe.

It's him!he came……

His breathing was stagnant, and his heart stopped for a short time.

Chu Yiyi tried to calm down, "Mo Zai, go, you are not his opponent, if you want to see your master alive, just follow my orders and go."

"Boy knows, but boy, it seems that I can't get up."

"I'm sorry, little aunt, it's all because the boy is not good at learning, and it hurts you."

Ci Mo smiled wryly.

And the man in front of him who looked down on his appearance was slowly walking towards the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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