Chapter 80 80 It’s none of your business
Chu Yiyi whispered "Oops", and her whole body was already stiff.

Through the crowds of figures, Bai Tu could be seen on the top of the mountain, dressed in red, standing proudly and solemnly, with a pair of black eyes staring in the direction of Chu Yiyi, glaring with fire.

In an instant, everyone present felt that the world was suddenly muddled, as if there was endless cold air that was about to drown all living beings.

This aura is clearly the coercion unleashed by Lord Baishan when he first showed his power in Lingshan, challenging various sects.

The fear that had been ruled by this coercion reappeared, and everyone subconsciously avoided it, leaving a wide passage leading to Chu Yiyi.

Several people prayed silently - I hope that the person targeted by Lord Baishan will die early and be reborn!
and many more!

The locked one!

It seems to be Qingwu Immortal Lord of Qingwu Mountain!
It's fatal!

On one side is the new boss, on the other is the Tribulation Master!
Which one is not a fuel-efficient lamp!
"I ask again, where to go."

Bai Tu asked again. Although the distance was far away, with the blessing of spiritual power, it was as clear as being right in front of him.

It doesn't matter if you want to pretend you didn't hear it.

Chu Yiyi was stunned, her whole body was like a wooden sculpture.

Feng Yeshu noticed something was wrong with Chu Yiyi and became even more angry. He replied to Bai Tu, "What does it have to do with you."

What does it have to do with you!

In other words, "none of your business"!
Hearing this, Bai Tu's black pupils instantly turned red, and even his whole body emitted a strange black and red light.

Chu Yiyi was sweating all over without realizing it! Too bad! The rabbit is jealous and wants to kill again!

"Who are you? You are holding my things and you dare to say that it has nothing to do with me! Very good, you gave me a reason to kill you."

Bai Tu was furious, and a black and red figure stepped onto the ground from the top of the mountain, turning into a red light and moving towards the two of them.

While thousands of people were frightened, the new boss had already slashed at Lord Lijie with his sword.

What can the shrimps do? It's important to escape.

It's just Chu Yiyi who has the body of a common man.

Feng Yeshu was picked up and shaken into a sieve. Amidst the sounds of Feng Yeshu and Bai Tu fighting, they kept saying "I was wrong", "It's all my fault", "Please give me a chance", "Sir, spare my life"...

"It's nice to admit a mistake. Then you can tell me where you went wrong."

While Bai Tu was slashing at Feng Yeshu, he didn't forget to question Chu Yiyi.

Accompanied by Chu Yiyi's confession, the more humble Chu Yiyi admitted her mistake, the more fierce Feng Yeshu's counterattack became.

Back and forth, asking and begging for mercy...

From a distance, the monks from all sides were all curious. "Who is the person in Immortal Qingwu's arms? Immortal Qingwu didn't let go even though we started fighting."

"Who knows!"

"It seems that the one in Qingwu Immortal Lord's arms is the one who angered Master Baishan."

"Tsk, tsk! I don't know who this person is, how dare he provoke Lord Baishan."

"Even so, I don't want to know what happens to those who offend Master Baishan."

"It feels good to admit a mistake."

"Humph, if admitting your mistake is useful, there is no need for the elders and heads of the ten sects and eight sects to punish the Lord Baishan for the junior's mistake and still be unable to come out."


A wave of spiritual energy clashed.

The world shook...

To watch the excitement or to protect themselves, everyone naturally chose the latter.

There are many demon cultivators in Crescent Mountain.

Demon cultivators all over the mountains and plains hid behind bunkers and looked at the two people fighting in the sky.

And Chu Yiyi, who is a mortal.

A cry for mercy came from the air.

The demon cultivators were shocked and surprised.

"Everyone, does this sound familiar to you?"


Swallowing one by one.

Another nod.

"It sounds very familiar."

"It's so similar..."

"The master of Banyue Mountain couldn't match the sound of lightning strikes when he admitted his mistake when he was chased and beaten by the boss."


The demon cultivators silently recalled that this moment felt like they were back seventeen years ago, which the demon cultivators missed very much.

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