The group pets the little fisherman, she has a lot of happy events

Chapter 387 Entering the palace as one wished and becoming the empress dowager's default daught

Lin Liyang has made great contributions in supporting the new emperor, so the empress dowager naturally looks at him differently.

Dingyuan Hou Shizi became a big celebrity in front of the new emperor overnight, and along with his direct sister, Lin Qiaoling's status also rose, and there was a tendency to replace Lin Xueru, the concubine's daughter of the prime minister's mansion, as the number one talented woman in the capital city.

"Empress Dowager, where are you going?"

Lin Qiaoling moved lightly with her lotus steps, and with a youthful smile on her face, she came under the sedan chair.

"Ling'er, you just happened to come here."

The empress dowager raised her white gauze, smiled and waved to her: "The emperor is back, you go to the palace gate with Ai's family."

"Brother Lan is back!"

Lin Qiaoling's eyes lit up, she couldn't hide her surprise.

"Hurry up and get someone to follow."

The empress dowager nodded with a smile, and waved to the bearer again.

The four porters took orders and carried Feng Luan onward.

Surprised and delighted, Lin Qiaoling hurriedly turned around, got on the sedan chair again, and followed Feng Luan.

A luan and a sedan chair walked along the path paved with bluestone slabs, passed through several palace gates, and came to the south gate of the imperial palace.

"Get off the sedan chair."

A court lady ordered softly, and the four porters understood it attentively, and bent down at the same time, placing the sedan chair on the ground steadily.

The maid helped the Empress Dowager to get off the sedan chair, ordered someone to hold up two huge silk fans, and stood side by side behind her.

The accompanying maids and servants lined up neatly on both sides of the palace gate, standing respectfully with their hands down, not daring to make any noise.

Lin Qiaoling was used to seeing the ostentation of the empress dowager, so she got off the sedan chair without the slightest surprise, and came slowly, accompanying her by her side.


The empress dowager was very satisfied with her demeanor, she patted the back of her hand with a smile, and gave her earnest instructions.

"The emperor's return this time will inevitably hold a celebration banquet. Your eldest brother is a meritorious minister and will definitely attend the banquet. When the time comes, you will also come with him to accompany Ai's family."


Lin Qiaoling was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly agreed.

"After the emperor ascends the throne, the next step is to audition for the girl."

The empress dowager nodded, and looked at her more kindly: "You have known him since childhood, and you have seen his friendship and Aijia. You don't need to be too anxious about the draft, Aijia will not treat you badly."

As soon as this remark came out, it was a promise to Lin Qiaoling.

Regardless of the result of the draft, she will enter the palace as she wishes and become the Empress Dowager's default daughter-in-law.

"Ling'er thanks the Empress Dowager for her appreciation."

Lin Qiaoling was inexplicably surprised and didn't dare to show it to her face. She lifted her skirt and knelt down to thank her to cover up her excitement.

"Get up."

The empress dowager stretched out her hand to give her a hand, and was even more satisfied with her humility and obedience.

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

Lin Qiaoling forcibly suppressed her excitement, lowered her eyelids slightly, and stood up from the ground.

"You are a good boy."

The empress dowager was very satisfied with her decision, and she smiled more kindly: "From now on, I will give more attention to the emperor's son. The two of you grew up together and have a deep relationship, which is completely different from other women."

"Huang'er has been self-disciplined since he was a child. He is not a sentimental person. As long as you can keep his heart tied, it doesn't matter if you are three thousand in the harem. You are the one he cares about."


Lin Qiaoling drooped her eyelids shyly, a rosy blush flew across her fair jade cheeks.

Two luxuriously decorated carriages, pulled by four tall horses, rattled into the palace.

"The emperor is here."

The empress dowager looked surprised, and then shifted her attention.

Lin Qiaoling's heart skipped a beat, and she followed the Empress Dowager's gaze to the carriage.

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