The group pets the little fisherman, she has a lot of happy events

Chapter 55 With Chickens and Ducks, Children Have Fun

Chapter 55 With Chickens and Ducks, Children Have Fun
In less than half an hour, the old house was emptied, and all household items, pots and pans were moved to the dilapidated yard at the east end of the village.

Ye Xiuyan smiled again and came up with an idea to open up the wall between the two small courtyards to form a courtyard.

The home of brothers Ye Meng and Ye Jian was originally a courtyard.

When the family was separated, Mrs. Li was eccentric, so she gave one-third to her youngest son, and built a wall to separate them, forming two families.

Now Mrs. Li has moved away, pushed the wall down, sealed the small side door of Ye Jian's house, used the gate, and reintegrated into a courtyard, which changed back to the original appearance of the old Ye Jian's house.

The two attendants obeyed the orders, naturally they had no objection, and waved their hands proudly, and gave the men in the village an extra [-] Wen each, telling them to start working immediately.

There is money calling ahead, and the men of all families are full of energy, those who smashed the wall smashed the wall, and those who laid bricks laid bricks.

In one morning, Li's house had undergone a big change, returning to the original appearance of Cheng's house.

Standing in the courtyard, Ye Jian shed tears of excitement as he looked at the eight-foot-tall man in the courtyard he grew up with and was familiar with.

The yard was built, but new furniture needed to be purchased. The two servants did not wait for the master's orders. After lunch, they drove a mule cart to the county town to buy things.

Ye Jian happened to be going to the county government office to change his household registration, so he went with the two of them to the county seat in a mule cart.

Wu Juan took the sisters Da Ya and Er Ya to tidy up two warehouses and used them as chicken coops and duck coops.

With chickens and ducks, children have fun.

Ye Xiuyan cut a few suitable branches and took her younger siblings for a walk.

The three little ones went crazy, waving branches, chasing chickens and ducks around the river bank.

Especially Douding, who chased chickens and ducks with his short legs, accidentally fell down, got up by himself without crying or making trouble, and continued to play wildly.

In the afternoon, the mud and sand rolled all over, and I giggled happily.

It was getting dark, around the hour of Hai, the three people who had been heading to the county had just rushed back in a mule cart.

Back together, there is also a caravan from the wooden pottery workshop.Four carriages, loaded with newly purchased household items.

The clerk of the wooden pottery workshop helped move the new furniture into the house, collected the final payment, and returned to the county overnight.

Ye Jian came to the side room to express his thanks in person, and talked with Lin Jingcheng for a while before taking his leave.

A busy and fulfilling day finally passed, and the children fell asleep peacefully.

Ye Jian and Wu Juan were sitting in the courtyard leaning against each other, bathed in the moonlight, full of longings for a better future.

With nearly a hundred chickens and ducks, the family's life is busy.

Daya and Erya took the chickens out of the coop early in the morning and drove them up the mountain to find food.

Doubao and Sanya were not idle either, skating ducks near the reeds in the shallows.

Ye Jian cast a net to catch fish. In the past, small fish and shrimps were usually released.

Now that there are chickens and ducks, some will be deliberately kept as feed.

In addition to painting, Ye Xiuyan absorbed spirit stones for cultivation in the name of going to the mountains to pick herbs.

When father is not at home, he will also take two ospreys down the river to fish, and by the way, go down the river to catch some mussels and look for pearls.

The chickens and ducks are well-fed and lay eggs very well.

Wu Juan cleans the chicken coop every day and can find more than [-] eggs.

Ducks like to lay their eggs in reeds.

Relying on her cleverness, Ye Xiuyan sneaked in while the ducks were not paying attention, and took the duck eggs away in a hurry.

Over time, eggs and duck eggs have a surplus.

Together, Wu Juan and Ye Jian planned to make salted eggs, pull them in a mule cart, and bring them to the town for sale.

 Thank you little fairy Abai Yabai for your reward.

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(End of this chapter)

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