Chapter 69
Ye Junlan entered the small courtyard in a wheelchair, and two smart-looking servants and two guards with knives got out of the carriage.

The four of them unloaded the things from the three carriages, and carried the large and small baggage more than a dozen times before moving all the items they brought.

The villagers who were watching the excitement smacked their mouths in amazement.

The landlord is arrogant when he goes out.

In other words, how did they pack so many things into the compartment?

Liu Cuihua suffered from pink eye again, and provoked Mrs. Li: "Second brother's family has a nobleman, and he brought so many good things. I don't know how to honor your old man."


Mrs. Li didn't like what she heard, and she was not in the mood to talk to her, so she shook her hand and left.


Liu Cuihua still didn't give up, trotted to catch up, and chewed her tongue in Old Madam Li's ear: "When did the second brother meet the nobleman? Why haven't I heard him mention it before? Could it be that these people are related to that little whore Wu Juan?" ?”

"To shut up!"

Mrs. Li sternly reprimanded: "You are not allowed to talk nonsense about her in the future. If you dare to tarnish the second child's reputation, the old woman will break your leg."


Liu Cuihua was ashamed, and spat behind her back, muttering in disbelief.

"That little whore, who stole someone from somewhere, gave birth to a wild girl, and the second child, that idiot, helped others raise their daughter. She raised her daughter so vigorously, she deserves to wear a cuckold."

"How dare you say it."

Mrs. Li got angry and raised her arm to hit her.

"What are you talking about?"

Unconvinced, Liu Cuihua pouted her neck and said, "Everyone in the village says so, and I'm not the only one who suspects it."

"Okay, you still dare to talk back."

Mrs. Li was so angry that she picked up a branch from the ground and hit it with a wave.

How could Liu Cuihua wait to be beaten, she just pushed her away without even thinking about it.

Mrs. Li tilted her foot and fell backwards to the ground, trying to survive. The back of her head hit a stone, she rolled her eyes, and passed out.

"Mother, what's the matter with you, mother?"

Liu Cuihua was dumbfounded, squatted down, and pushed Mrs. Li hard: "Mother, wake up, don't scare me."

"What are you yelling for? Hurry up and take her home and ask for a doctor."

The villagers watching the bustle heard the commotion, huffed and gathered around, helped to lift Mrs. Li, and sent her back to the dilapidated small courtyard at the east end of the village.

Ye Meng came back from fishing and happened to be at home. Seeing his old lady unconscious, he was shocked and angry.

Asking the reason, I wish I could slap her to death.

Liu Cuihua saw her husband's dark face and wanted to kill someone, she was so frightened that she trembled, she didn't dare to act anymore, and hid outside the house in desperation.

Ye Meng was quite filial to his mother, so he went to the neighboring village to invite a doctor to see Mrs. Li.

Although Mrs. Li is old, fortunately, her body is strong and she is not easy to get sick.

The foundation is there, it will be fine soon, and I wake up after drinking a decoction.

It's just that the soup and medicine are not cheap, and you need to drink it for ten days and half a month to take good care of it.

Ye Meng grabbed more than a dozen packages of medicine, including the consultation fee, it cost more than three taels of silver.

Liu Cuihua was so painful that she wanted to vomit blood, so she slapped herself hard.

Ye Jian's family did not know what happened in the dilapidated courtyard at the east end of the village.

Shi Shu and Shi Jian helped to work in the kitchen, setting up a sumptuous banquet.

Carp in scallion oil, stir-fried shredded eel, stewed chicken with mushrooms, duck in sesame oil, four big dishes are served on the table, and the meat is full of fragrance.

Not only was the gluttonous Douding drooling, but even Ye Junlan, who had just arrived, his stomach growled twice according to the occasion.

(End of this chapter)

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