stunned!Lu Shao's little Jiaojiao is actually a master of metaphysics

Chapter 377 Cross-species love, don't go too far

Xia Mian's voice seemed to be inexplicably bewitching, the octopus monster blinked and blinked again, "I'm also very interested, master!"

After the octopus monster said this, his eyes slowly turned to the big jellyfish, "We are already familiar with each other, I don't want to fight with you, how about this, you marry Huahua to me, and our family will get married..."

After the octopus monster said this, the face of the big jellyfish suddenly became a little weird.

His beautiful and colorful little jellyfish married an ugly octopus? ! ! !
Even in a fantasy world, you can't mess around!

This species is going to be messed up!

"If you don't agree, then I can only be rude to you!" Although the octopus monster has some love brains, but not many, the career drive is stronger than the love brain, so it has to be an octopus.

If the octopus monster is really rude to him, the big jellyfish really can't deal with it.

After all, it has been cultivated into a human form, and the IQ of the giant jellyfish is still online. After a little weighing, there is a balance of interests.

If your daughter marries the octopus monster, then you are the father-in-law of the octopus monster, and the octopus monster has unified the seven seas and became the master of the long river of time, then you are the father-in-law of the master of the long river of time...

Well, this wave of operations seems to be not losing money, but it is a bit suspected of selling her daughter.

The big jellyfish couldn't help looking at Huahua, the little jellyfish.

He has to listen to the child about this matter.

The little jellyfish had colorful halos all over its body. After hearing the request from the octopus monster, although it felt a bit abrupt, it was not surprised.

The octopus monster has been grabbing territory everywhere during this time, but every time he comes to her place, he shows mercy to her.

She is not a fool, how can she not know the little thoughts of the octopus monster?
Although she is a strange beast, she also understands that if she wants to find a life partner, she must find someone who is good to herself!

The little jellyfish Huahua pondered for a while, then nodded to the big jellyfish, "Father, I think Samba's suggestion is good."

With the protection of Samba, it is possible for their sea area to exist for a long time.

"It's not too late, let's conquer the rest of the sea as soon as possible." Xia Mian said slowly, her lips twitching slightly.

Xia Weichang and Ling Fei have fallen into the long river of time for so long, although their souls are still there, I am afraid they will suffer a lot of trauma.

The octopus monster's expression suddenly became serious. During this time, he has been working hard to conquer the rest of the sea, but because he suddenly became stronger, several sea kings in the rest of the sea began to unite against him.

This makes the work of taming a little tricky.

But now, with the addition of the master, those little bastards are nothing to worry about!
The octopus had been thinking about this day for a long time, and now it took Xia Mian and others to shuttle back and forth in the remaining sea areas.

Xia Mian and the others came and went in a hurry, they were invincible all the way, and they didn't meet anyone who could fight!
Successfully unified the Seven Seas!
The octopus monster has become the new king of the sea in the seven seas!

Under the operation of the octopus monster, the Seven Seas began to piece together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle!
As the seven seas gradually merged together, on the left wall of the room where the big jellyfish sea is located, a surging river gradually emerged. On the river, a rotating golden seal slowly formed, and finally emerged from the wall. Get out!

After wandering around the room, he wandered back and forth between the octopus monster and Xia Mian for a long time, and finally burned it on Xia Mian's forehead!

At the moment when the golden seal was branded on Xia Mian's forehead, it seemed that there was a surging river in Xia Mian's mind!

In this river, Xia Mian can see scenes in the three thousand small worlds...

The river on the wall is like a mural, and the river inside the wall is truly majestic.

Xia Mian knows that the river on the wall is actually the epitome of the river inside the wall.

On the river on the wall, you can clearly see the three thousand small worlds in the river inside the wall!
Xia Mian stood in front of the wall, feeling the breath of time swept by the river on the wall, her expression became extremely dignified.

Xia Liang and the others were also very surprised.

They never thought that something like the long river of time could actually recognize the master!

Sensing the primitive aura coming from his body, Xia Mian slowly closed his eyes.

Search carefully in the long river of time in my mind.

Finally, in a world similar to comprehension, I found Xia Weichang, Ling Fei and others...

Xia Weichang and Ling Fei were about to cry when Xia Mian brought them out of the cultivation world.

Although they can be regarded as cultivators, but in that world of comprehension, they are simply too weak!

Always face the risk of being used as a stepping stone to step on the higher position.

Fortunately, at the last moment when they were about to be murdered, the eldest lady brought them out.

"Miss!" Xia Weichang's face was a little pale, and he bit the corner of his lips, "It's because I carelessly underestimated the enemy, which made Miss worry!"

Xia Mian lowered her eyes slightly, her tone could not tell whether she was happy or angry, "Next time, be more brainy."

Xia Weichang's face was ugly, he clenched his hands and said nothing, "I want to find her."

Even if he almost paid the price of his own life for this.

Xia Mian slightly narrowed her eyes, "I'll help you find it."

Before, Xia Mian couldn't detect Ding Cheng's breath, but now, after she became the master of Time and River, she found Ding Cheng's breath!
Ding Cheng is also in these three thousand small worlds!

"Thank you, miss!" Xia Weichang's face immediately became a little more happy.

Xia Mian waved her hand, "Let's go first! There are still many things to do in the auction house, and you need to do it!"

Xia Weichang, Ling Fei, and Wei Wei didn't stay long, and were sent out of this sea area by the octopus monster.

Xia Liang and Lu Zechuan stood behind Xia Mian, they probably already knew what Xia Mian wanted to do next.

"Just now, I saw my parents in the Three Thousand Worlds." Xia Mian pursed the corners of her lips, "They lived happily in the Three Thousand Worlds."

She was so happy that she couldn't think of leaving, she couldn't bear to call them back!

However, she is very clear that their bodies here are still there. If the two of them do not come back within a certain period of time, then the functions of their bodies here will degenerate until they die completely.

Song Juan is her only relative in this world, and she doesn't want to lose this only relative.

"I'm going to bring them back." Xia Mian gently lowered her eyes and said slowly.

Lu Zechuan took a deep look at her, "Can I be with you?"

Xia Mian shook her head, "I can't."

Although she is the master of the long river of time, she will not be noticed by Heavenly Dao, but once she brings outsiders in, she will be noticed by Heavenly Dao immediately, not to mention bringing Song Juan and the others out, even they may be left there In the long river of time!

Lu Zechuan's sword eyebrows were slightly twisted, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and his face was a little ugly.

Although Xia Mian successfully brought Xia Weichang and others out of the long river of time before, he felt that it was not that simple to bring Xia Zhun and Song Juan out smoothly.

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