
Xia Weichang's eyes moved slightly, Xia Mian has always regarded him as a family...

Xia Weichang had a warm current in his heart, and the smile in his eyes became a little more sincere, "Then please take care of the eldest lady!"

Xia Mian chuckled, "You're welcome."

Xia Mian should be relaxed, but Lu Zechuan's face darkened again.

Although aestivation is the master of the long river of time, it does not mean that it is 100% safe for aestivation to enter the long river of time.

Counting the hunting of Song Juan and Xia Zhun, Xia Mian has entered the long river of time twice.

Again and again and again, who knows if Xia Mian can come out so smoothly the third time?

He doesn't care whether Ding Cheng is dead or alive, he only cares whether something will happen to Aestivation.

"Do you have to go?" Lu Zechuan's brows were frowned.

Xia Mian raised her hand, gently rubbed the pimple on Lu Zechuan's brow, and smiled, "At any rate, we have accepted her love."

If Ding Cheng hadn't made such a fuss, Xia Mian would not be able to meet her own father, and Lu Zechuan would not be able to figure out her own background.

Everything has two sides, pros and cons.

Lu Zechuan seemed to be appeased by Xia Mian, he pursed his lips, and then said slowly, "Okay, during the time you went to Suiyuechanghe, I collected some things that are not available in the Taoist world, and when you come back, Let's take it back."

Xia Mian hummed, her voice soft and gentle.

For Lu Zechuan, she almost showed the patience of two lifetimes.

Seeing Xia Mian's sweet interaction with Lu Zechuan, Xia Weichang felt a little uncomfortable. He asked Xia Mian to help him find Ding Cheng, but he never thought that Xia Mian might be in danger.

Now, with Lu Zechuan's face turned black, he realized that Ding Cheng might be important to him, but to Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan, he was just a passer-by who didn't matter.

It is quite rude to ask Xia Mian to take risks for someone who has nothing to do with her.

"Miss... I..." Xia Weichang said timidly.

But Xia Mian directly interrupted by raising her hand, "Needless to say, I will do what I promised you."

Xia Mian's eyes were clear and her smile was relaxed. What Xia Weichang wanted to say, he immediately swallowed it back into his stomach.

Xia Weichang lowered his head quietly, then retreated silently.

Xia Mian didn't keep Xia Wei waiting for a long time, and set off again that afternoon, going to the long river of time.

After all, there are still many things waiting for her to deal with in the present world, and she cannot waste too much time here.

Today's estivation is already the master of the river of time, so she can freely choose the entrance of the river of time.

To save trouble, Xia Mian decided to directly set up an entrance in the secret room of Shenzhuang, so that when she finds Ding Cheng, she can directly bring her back to Shenzhuang.

Entering the small world of the long river of time again, Xia Mian still has a sense of deja vu.

Here is a script of true and false daughters of a wealthy family.

Ding Cheng's identity in this world is a fake daughter of a wealthy family.

Before the real daughter came back, Ding Cheng did a very good job of being a fake daughter.

Brocade clothes, luxury cars, gourmet food, wealthy parents gave her all the preference and arrogance, and her only brother is still a sister-in-law.

However, Xia Mian knows that since it is fake, sooner or later it will be exposed, and sooner or later it will be rejected by others.

On the day Ding Cheng is rejected by others and his identity is exposed, Ding Cheng's identity in this world will completely disappear.

If Ding Cheng's self-awareness is still not awakened by that time, she will completely disappear in the long river of time.

Whether in the Taoist world or in the real world, there will never be such a person again.

Therefore, Xia Mian must let Ding Cheng awaken his self-awareness before Ding Cheng's script is finished, in order to successfully take Ding Cheng out.

Different from the previous two times of entering the long river, this time Xia Mian was targeted by Tiandao as soon as he entered the world.

Being provoked by Xia Mian twice in a row, Tian Dao felt that he was completely humiliated, he had locked on Xia Mian's aura long ago, and the first time Xia Mian entered the rich world, he also transformed into a character in the rich world and entered this world.

Since fighting with Xia Mian always made her run away, then this time he chose to kill her in the small world!

Xia Mian didn't know anything about this. After she entered the long river of time, she immediately arranged a reasonable identity for herself, so that she could get close to Ding Cheng and avoid Ding Cheng's suspicion.

Xia Mian's new identity is a distant relative of Ding Cheng.

Like Ding's family, they also have a lot of wealth.

After all, according to the current script, it is very unlikely that Ding Cheng, a fake daughter with a domineering personality, would get along with people from different classes.

With the identity of this fabricated distant relative, Xia Mian successfully moved into Ding's house.

On the first day Xia Mian came to Ding's house, he met Ding Cheng.

As the daughter of the Ding family, Ding Cheng lives in the best room in the Ding family's villa. As a result, Xia Mian, a distant relative, has to live in her room on the first day of his visit!

Even more domineering than her!And her parents actually agreed!

Ding Cheng's three views were completely shaken, this distant relative, do they have to?

Do you not understand the basics of being a guest?

Xia Mian didn't take Ding Cheng's unhappiness to heart at all.

This is so wrong, if the real daughter comes back, Ding Cheng will only suffer more grievances than now!
Xia Mian lives in Ding Cheng's room with no burden in her heart.

She didn't know that at the same time, Ding Cheng's sister-in-law's brother had also changed his core.

Ding Lei was sitting on the rocking chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, staring deeply at the flower bed downstairs, with a somewhat impenetrable depth in his eyes.

"This time, let's see how you run!" Ding Lei said, stood up, put on a piece of clothing and left the room.

Ding Lei used to be gentle and elegant, with a good temperament, but now Ding Lei is full of hostility, like a firecracker that may be ignited at any time.

Ding Lei went out and ran directly to the room that Ding Cheng had just changed.

Xia Mian snatched Ding Cheng's room as soon as he came, and Ding Cheng is sulking in the room now.

Seeing Ding Lei enter the door, he immediately began to complain to Ding Lei coquettishly.

Ding Lei frowned a little irritably, "When you are bullied, you will only sulk in the room. This is not your style."

Ding Lei frowned, "You ask her out, I'll find someone to teach her a lesson for you!"

Ding Lei didn't do this kind of thing before, and Ding Cheng didn't think much about it at the moment, and just nodded emphatically.

Xia Mian never thought that Ding Cheng would take the initiative to invite her to go shopping after she treated Ding Cheng like this.

However, she originally wanted to take Ding Cheng out of here, and Xia Mian was also very happy to have a chance to spend time alone.

Without thinking too much, Xia Mian readily agreed to go shopping with Ding Cheng.

When Xia Mian and Ding Cheng went out together, Ding's parents stood at the door and watched the two of them leave with a smile on their faces. Their eyes were full of relief, "We, Ah Cheng, have finally grown up and know how to get along with friends!"

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