Chapter 393 Bad intentions, empty-handed
A family of 100 million is not a small sum.

Although the villagers can make some money by relying on some small businesses, it is not easy to earn 100 million.

Now, with the ready-made God of Wealth giving them money, if they can't get any money out, they have lived so much in vain!

Seeing the villagers surrounding Lu Zechuan and Xia Mian again, the village chief's expression darkened.

From what happened just now, the village chief already understood that Lu Zechuan was not a soft persimmon to be bullied.

If everyone keeps pestering Lu Zechuan, they may end up in trouble.

"Enough is enough!" the village chief scolded, and when he turned his head to look at Lu Zechuan again, his face was filled with guilt, "Mr. Lu, you are right, I will send someone to check the surveillance."

As the village chief said, he sent a thin young man beside him to check the surveillance in the village.

Lu Zechuan didn't panic, and sat calmly at the door of the hotel, waiting for the outcome of this matter.

To this village chief, Lu Zechuan was also speechless. When he was asked to check the surveillance earlier, he was unmoved.Now that he beat up all the people in their village, he suffered a loss, and started to reason with him?
"Village chief, why are you being polite to them, a bunch of black-hearted profiteers!" Shuan Zi said aggressively from the side,

The village head glared at him, "Shut up!"

Even if they are numerous and powerful, Lu Zechuan is not afraid of them.

He is rich and powerful and can still fight, the key is that he was indeed in the room last night, even if they wanted to blame him, they couldn't shake it.

The people who went to check the monitoring came back soon.

It's just that the thin man was aggressive before he left, but now his eyes are a little dodge.

"Did you find out?" the village chief asked.

The lean man blushed and nodded, "Yeah."

"Who set the fire?" the village chief asked again.

The skinny man blushed even more, "No one set fire..."

"No one set fire?" The voice of the village head suddenly rose. No one set fire, how could the village catch fire?
The thin man hung his head very low, "It's Shuanzi's aging electrical appliances, which caused the circuit to catch fire..."

"You fart!" Shuanzi immediately stood up and retorted.

In the past, everyone could extort money from these two foreigners, but now, the village chief's dog-legged son Biaozi actually revealed the truth!
"Shuanzi! The fire started at your house!" Biaozi reasoned with Shuanzi solemnly, "No wonder you encouraged everyone to come to these two foreigners for an explanation. You were afraid that this matter would eventually fall to you. body?"

After all, this time the fire broke out and burned a large area, causing losses to half of the villagers in the village.

If he is held accountable, Shuan Zi will not be able to pay even if he loses everything!

"You're talking nonsense!" Shuanzi bit him to death and refused to admit it.

If he admits to this matter, half of the villagers in the village will ask him for debts.

"I copied all the videos!" Biaozi took out his mobile phone and handed it to the village chief to watch.

When Shuanzi saw that Biaozi had copied the video, he immediately got anxious and took a step forward to snatch Biaozi's phone.

However, Biaozi had been on guard for a long time, avoiding Shuanzi, and Shuanzi was in vain, and the mobile phone in his hand was safely handed over to the village head.

The village chief took Biaozi's cell phone and watched the video being played on it, his face gradually darkened.

The video was clearly captured. It was the wiring in Shuanzi's house that had a problem first, and then the entire wiring was on fire, causing half of the village to catch fire...

"Shuanzi!" The village head scowled.

No wonder Shuanzi made the most trouble, it turned out he wanted to take the opportunity to wash away his faults!
The villagers who had been beaten before all realized that they had been tricked by Shuanzi!

"Shuanzi! How could you do this! Last night your house was almost burned down. We put out the fire in spite of the danger and rescued your family, right?" Some villagers began to blame Shuanzi.

They kindly helped Shuanzi's family put out the fire and rescued Shuanzi's family, but it was good for Shuanzi to play them as fools!

As a result, they were beaten up black and blue by this outsider, and even their own mother came and couldn't recognize them!
Facing everyone's accusations, Shuanzi suddenly panicked.

He waved his hands embarrassingly, and quickly explained, "It's not like that!"

Biaozi didn't agree with him the most, "What if it's not like this? You made us almost wrong a good man!"

This beating was in vain!
The fire was not set by others, they came to make trouble for them aggressively, the beatings were all for nothing!

The villagers realized that Shuanzi had tricked them, and they dared not look at Lu Zechuan's face again.

They wanted to extort Lu Zechuan's money, but now, Biaozi, a idiot, released the video to help this foreigner prove his innocence. Even if they wanted to extort money, they didn't have the confidence.

"It's not me!" Shuanzi gradually lost his defense after being accused by everyone, "It was my tenant who violated the regulations by using high-power electrical appliances, so the circuit in my house was burned..."


Xia Mian was keenly aware of the problem.

The fire came not too early or too late, but after they settled down in this village, half of the village caught fire.

She didn't believe it was a coincidence.

"Tenants? What tenants?" Xia Mian suddenly said, the voice was not loud, but it instantly suppressed the villagers' accusations and abuse.

Shuanzi's face was ugly, but he replied honestly, "It's a woman in her 50s."

Shuanzi briefly described the appearance of the tenant.

After hearing Shuanzi's description, Lu Zechuan frowned slightly.

The person Shuan Zi described sounds like an acquaintance...

"Take us to see her!" Lu Zechuan stood up and looked at Shuanzi with a sharp look in his eyes.

Shuanzi was shocked by Lu Zechuan's eyes, and immediately took everyone to his own home honestly.

After a fire, half of Shuanzi's house was charred black, and only the general frame of the house could be seen vaguely.

After Shuanzi and Shuanzi's wife entered, they went straight to the East Wing.

They usually rent out the wing rooms, leaving the main room for themselves.

However, when they arrived at the East Wing, they realized that there was no one in there.

"He's gone?" Shuanzi was dumbfounded.

"Xiaoxuan!" Shuanzi called his son anxiously, "Where is the tenant living here?!"

Xiaoxuan ran over with the toy in his arms, looked at the empty east wing with a confused face, "Let's go!"

"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her?" Shuanzi gritted his teeth angrily.

Originally, he had two plans, one was to blackmail Lu Zechuan, and the other was to push the tenant out.

Now it's good, both ends are empty!
(End of this chapter)

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