Chapter 396
Xia Mian was also surprised. Originally, they thought that the other party should have a backhand for making such a big commotion, but they didn't expect that the other party would directly confront them like this?
If they confront each other directly, Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan are not afraid of anyone!
When the two people's thoughts were floating, the snowstorm had already arrived in front of them.

The man on the snow waves stood on one foot, clasped his hands together, and looked like a master.

"The descendants of the God Clan and the Mu Clan?" The man's voice was scornful, "I heard that you are crazy in the Taoist world!"

Xia Mian didn't pay attention to the other party, and slapped her backhand.

With this slap, the snow waves under the man's feet seemed to be cut off by an invisible sword. The man was handsome for less than three seconds before his whole body fell forward.

The man was caught off guard and fell heavily into the snow waves.

The man was furious, feeling that he had lost face, and when he jumped out of the snow, he clapped his hands, spit out the snow in his mouth, and began to mutter.

However, before the man could finish talking, Xia Mian had already slammed a snowball into the man's mouth.

The snowball was icy cold, and Xia Mian gripped it so tightly that it hit the opponent's teeth all at once, almost knocking out two of his teeth.

The man was completely angry.

Opening and closing his hands, following his movements, snowflakes flew all over the sky, forming a huge spear in a short time.

As the spear took shape in the air, the surrounding air plummeted.

It seems that the breath that is exhaled can be frozen.

A layer of frost instantly formed around Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan's bodies.

The patriarch of the Mu clan was surprised, "This is the snowy land!"

"You can't let him use the Snow Region!" The Mu Clan patriarch exclaimed, "Once he is allowed to use the Snow Region, he will be the master of the Snow Region!"

The Snow Clan of the old monster of the Snow Clan is completely different from the Xue Yu of ordinary people of the Snow Clan!

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Lu Zechuan and Xia Mian hurriedly cast spells, trying to destroy the old monster of the Snow Clan to cast Snow Region.

Both of them are amazingly talented and brilliant generations in their respective clans, and when they joined forces, the man's magic skills were really stopped by the two of them.

When the Snow Clan man's spell was interrupted and Xue Yu couldn't complete it.

The woman in the homestay rushed out and shouted at Lu Zechuan, "Achuan!"

This voice is extremely familiar.

Lu Zechuan narrowed his eyes, but didn't look back.

He's not stupid, Murong Shuang didn't come out early or late, but he came out at this time, didn't he just want to take the opportunity to divert his attention?
If he is fooled, then this old monster of the Snow Clan will take the opportunity to expand the snowy area, and then the situation between him and Xia Mian will be bad!

Lu Zechuan ignored Murong Shuang, and Murong Shuang's eyes instantly became ferocious.

She ran towards Lu Zechuan recklessly, and while running, she even took out a sharp dagger.

The dagger glowed pale in the snowy light, very glaring.

Sensing the approaching danger, the head of the Mu clan flashed out of Lu Zechuan's body, and kicked Murong Shuang flying the next moment.

How could Murong Shuang have withstood the blow of the Mu Clan patriarch, she immediately passed out.

Seeing this scene, the old monster of the Snow Clan immediately darkened his face.

During this time, if it wasn't for Murong Shuang's care, he might still be in a deep sleep and never wake up!

To him, Murong Shuang has an extraordinary meaning.

He regards Murong Shuang as a benefactor and as a partner for the rest of his life.

He loves her, pities her, and absolutely does not allow others to hurt her!
In a fit of rage, the man from the Snow Clan burst out with spiritual power, and the snow field took shape in an instant!
At the moment when the snowy area was formed, Xia Mian clearly felt that his spiritual power began to be restricted.

Lu Zechuan also frowned slightly, the snowy land formed, he and Xia Mian became outsiders, and the old monster of the Snow Clan was the master of the snowy land.

In the snowy area, this old monster of the Snow Clan has absolute control over everything in the snowy area.

Lu Zechuan subconsciously protected Xia Mian behind him.

"You two juniors, you are really good!" The old monster of the Snow Clan sneered, and turned to look at Murong Shuang who passed out in the snow.

"I heard that you are her grandson?" The old monster of the Snow Clan looked at Lu Zechuan, "You are her grandson, but you killed her favorite daughter?"

Lu Zechuan narrowed his eyes, his good grandmother really has no reservations about this old monster of the Snow Clan in front of her!
"And you, old thing of the Mu clan, aren't you dead?" The old monster of the Snow clan's eyes fell on the soul body of the head of the Mu clan.

"It's better to die than to die completely, leaving a remnant soul here, it's in my eyes!" The old monster of the Snow Clan's eyes were stern.

The patriarch of the Mu clan snorted, "You're the one who wants to die thoroughly, don't beat me!"

The old monster from the Snow Clan let out a cold snort, bent down and helped Murong Shuang up.

"You are all her enemies, so use your life to apologize to her!" The old monster of the Snow Clan lowered his eyes, and his whole body became extremely desolate.

Following the words of the old Snow Clan monster, Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan obviously felt that their breathing was stagnant.

It seemed that a pair of invisible hands had pinched their necks.

Is this the snowy land?

In this domain, the domain master has the power of life and death?

"Mianmian..." Lu Zechuan's face changed slightly, he came out to relax, it was his sudden idea.

No matter what, he never imagined that this casual relaxation could cause troubles!

Lu Zechuan waved his hands lightly, wanting to control his spiritual power and attack the old monster of the Snow Clan.

But in the snowy domain of the old Snow Clan monster, all spiritual power is out of his control!
"You old bastard! Don't hurt my good grandson!" The patriarch of the Mu clan changed his face, moved his hands, and rushed towards the old monster of the Snow clan!

"Old thing of the Mu clan, haven't you figured out your own situation? You are only worthy of me as nourishment now!" After the old monster of the Snow clan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the head of the Mu clan, Void.

The soul of the Mu Clan patriarch suddenly floated up uncontrollably, and flew towards the old monster of the Snow Clan.

There was a hint of greed on the face of the old Snow Clan monster, and its mouth opened wide.

The soul of the Mu clan patriarch!

If you eat him yourself, you can instantly increase your cultivation base by nearly a hundred years!

"Don't hurt my grandfather!" Lu Zechuan's face was gloomy.

Grandpa followed him to the present world to restore his physical body, not to feed others!

Under Lu Zechuan's out of breath, subtle changes seemed to have taken place in his body.

Fluorescent green halos wrapped around his body. After the halos flickered, the spiritual power seemed to be under his control again.

A trace of surprise flashed across Lu Zechuan's eyes. It turned out that he was not completely passive in the snowy area.

Lu Zechuan opened his palm, and his spiritual power gathered instantly.

The next moment, he swung a palm at the old monster of the Snow Clan.

Snowflakes were engulfed in spiritual power, overwhelmingly pressing down on the old monster of the Snow Clan.

The surrounding time and space seemed to be under this huge impact, making a crackling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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