Chapter 398 Surprise or fright?

The hot tea steamed with mist, blurring Xia Mian's face.

Lu Zechuan raised his eyes and stared at her face intently, "Mianmian, when my grandfather is almost ready in the Taoist world, let's go to the Taoist world to get married first. After a few years, come back and get married .”

Hearing Lu Zechuan's words, Xia Mian couldn't help but find it funny, "Can you get married twice?"

Lu Zechuan also smiled naively, "As long as it's with you, it doesn't matter how many times you get married."

Xia Mian picked up the hot tea and took a sip, the man Lu Zechuan also has her weakness!

This night, the fragrance of tea lingered in the homestay, the fire was steaming in the fireplace, Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan slept together in the big bed of the homestay.

When I woke up the next morning, the sky had completely cleared.

As soon as the two of them went out, they saw a group of people rushing up the mountain.

From the whispers of the group of people, Xia Mian heard them say that someone found a corpse on the mountain.

The body was that of a woman who seemed to have passed out in the snow, and after a night in a coma, had froze to death in the blustery winter day.

When he heard the news, Lu Zechuan had no emotion on his face, and started the car with Xia Mian, and drove away from this picturesque place.

Back on the road, the sky cleared.

In the endless sky, white clouds bloomed, the sky was blue, and Xia Mian's mood became inexplicably better.

"Next stop, I have a surprise for you." Lu Zechuan's voice was deep and low, as if with Gu.

Xia Mian blinked, "Surprise?"

Just don't be frightened, since Lu Zechuan planned to surprise her on the way, she has been frightened all the way.

Lu Zechuan smiled slightly, pretending to be mysterious, "Yes."

Xia Mian didn't continue to ask.

Whether it's a surprise or a fright, anyway, she doesn't refuse anyone who comes, and she just doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

Soon, Xia Mian discovered what Lu Zechuan's so-called surprise was.

Lu Zechuan actually took her all the way to catch up with Song Juan and Xia Zhun!
When meeting Song Juan and Xia Zhun by chance at the hotel, Xia Mian was taken aback, and Xia Zhi glanced at Lu Zechuan with some disgust.

They reunited after a long absence, and after such a romantic scene, Lu Zechuan came to be a light bulb for them in order to make Xia Mian happy.It's no wonder Xia Zhun is happy.

So, when Xia Zhun discovered Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan, he carefully blocked Song Juan's eyes, trying to take Song Juan away.

Unexpectedly, Song Juan's sharp eyes saw Xia Mian at a glance, and there was deep surprise in her eyes.

"Mianmian!" Song Juan exclaimed, and quickly walked towards Xia Mian.

Xia Mian glanced at Lu Zechuan complicatedly.

Can she say that she doesn't really want to be a light bulb for her parents?

Lu Zechuan was smiling, with a proud look of "I know I'm caring, you don't have to thank me".

Xia Mian rolled her eyes, she would really appreciate it!

"Mom, what a coincidence~" Xia Mian forced a smile towards Song Juan, the smile was a bit forced.

"You and A Chuan also came out to relax?" Song Juan turned her head to look at Lu Zechuan and Xia Mian, because the two were engaged a long time ago, so now Song Juan is not as wary of Lu Zechuan as before.

"Well, let's walk around and inspect the inspection projects." Lu Zechuan said casually, "By the way, let's relax."

He can't say that he came after his mother-in-law?
Because after Xia Mian learned that his mother-in-law and father-in-law went on a trip, he felt a little lost, and he couldn't bear to see Xia Mian lose?
"That's just right, come with us!" Song Juan said with a smile, "Xia Zhun is still not familiar with the environment here, you take him with you."

Lu Zechuan was stunned for a moment, bring Xia Zhun?

He just brought Xia Mian to find his mother-in-law, why now that he has found her, does the mother-in-law ask him to separate from Xia Mian?
"Who says I'm not familiar with the environment here? I'm very familiar with it!" Xia Zhun immediately objected.

He and Song Juan have been separated for so long, and finally they have a world of two people. They must not let anyone break up their reunion time!

Song Juan stared at Xia Zhun in astonishment for a long while, her eyes slightly curved, and a gentle smile overflowed her face, "Okay, you are very familiar! You don't need Achuan's help."

This tone, with a bit of connivance and pampering, Xia Mian looked at her mother and father as if she had seen a ghost.

So, are the scripts of these two people reversed?
Ignoring the surprise in Xia Mian's eyes, Xia Zhun took Song Juan's arm and said arrogantly, "We are going to have dinner, you can do whatever you want!"

After finishing speaking, he walked away directly holding Song Juan's arm, fearing that if he was a second late, Xia Mian and Lu Zechuan would stick together...

Xia Mian rolled her eyes speechlessly, should this cheap father dislike them so obviously?

Lu Zechuan turned his head to look at Xia Mian, "Mian Mian, father-in-law doesn't seem happy?"

father in law?

Xia Mian rolled her eyes almost to the sky.

Xia Zhun and Lu Zechuan, the two big men, usually fetch two to five to eighty thousand.

Why is it that when they are in front of them, each of them seems to have been demoted?
"Let's go eat too!" Xia Mian didn't answer Lu Zechuan's words, but changed the subject.

Of course Xia Zhun will be unhappy, anyone who is interrupted in the two-person world will be unhappy, right?
"Yeah." Lu Zechuan learned to be smart this time, and didn't continue to approach Xia Zhun.

"Mianmian, did I mess things up?" Lu Zechuan was a little sullen.

Xia Mian smiled, "It's okay, my mother won't care."

Lu Zechuan didn't speak, but the future father-in-law had already shown him a face.

"Father-in-law doesn't seem happy." Lu Zechuan was still a little unhappy.

Although Xia Zhun, the father-in-law who came halfway, doesn't seem to have a deep relationship with Xia Mian, but Xia Mian's mother still cares about Xia Zhun, so his attitude towards Xia Zhun must be respectful.

Looking at the naive Lu Zechuan, Xia Mian couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, my cheap father is not narrow-minded."

Hearing Xia Mian's words, Lu Zechuan finally showed a hint of relief on his face, "Let's separate from them tomorrow, it won't affect their travel and relaxation."

Xia Mian hummed, bowed her head and started cooking.

Although she and Lu Zechuan lived in fantasy during this period of time, as long as conditions permit, she will not treat herself badly.

Eating, drinking, and having fun are her most basic principles of life.

This hotel is a star-rated hotel, and the chef hired is also a star-rated chef. The food is delicious and delicious.

Xia Mian ate very happily.

Xia Mian, who was eating happily, did not forget to glance at Song Juan and Xia Zhun from the corner of her eye.

Song Juan had an unsatisfactory life in the first half of her life, and finally found her own happiness in the second half of her life. Xia Mian was really happy for her mother.

A mouthful of beef was put in his mouth, and Xia Mian was chewing vigorously, when another familiar figure seemed to flash away from the corner of his eyes.

Xia Mian frowned, her eyes were a little more unhappy.

She and Lu Zechuan came out to relax, and Song Juan and Xia Zhun also came out to relax, but there were always some unscrupulous people who made them unhappy!
 Ask for tickets, my dears~ If you have a ticket, let’s get two~~
(End of this chapter)

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