Chapter 145

Madam Zhao said: "Your Majesty, this is a bad word. Think about it, which woman will forget her mother's family after she gets married? For a woman, her mother's family is her backing. You are her reliance. Prince Ning's mansion is her reliance. A woman who doesn’t even have a natal family can live well in her in-law’s family? She has gained face in front of the prince, and you have benefits outside. Whoever sees you must be respectful? Look now, don’t talk about the queen’s natal family, just say Yongle Palace, why is it so rich? First there was a Concubine Lin, and now there is a Crown Princess. If our young lady, she will also be crowned as the head of the First Palace in the future. Tell me, what do you still lack? This kind of wealth is right in front of your eyes now , You said, is it better to have a few hundred taels of silver, or let the young lady enter the prince's residence?"

Prince Ning pretended to think about it, nodded and said, "You are right."

He turned around and said to He Wei: "Boss He, look, when will His Royal Highness come to pick us up Yazhi? Our Yazhi is also the daughter of the royal family, and we are the eldest daughter of the royal family. No matter how poor our royal residence is, we can't sell our daughter. We Don't want His Royal Highness to make up for it, you go back and tell His Royal Highness to come and pick up Yazhi as soon as possible."

He Wei took a deep look at Aunt Zhao, and Aunt Zhao stood behind Su Yazhi obediently with lowered eyebrows, without any expression.

He Wei said: "My lord, you also know that our Crown Prince has only been married for a few days, and this matter is really difficult to handle."

Prince Ning said: "If there is anything difficult to do, just take Yazhi away."

Just as Su Yazhi was about to speak, Madam Zhao tugged at her sleeve, Su Yazhi was taken aback, and turned to look at her.

He Wei glanced at Aunt Zhao again, and said, "Since that's the case, I'll hire a sedan chair and carry the young lady there."

Prince Ning immediately became happy: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

Su Yazhi rushed all the way back to her room, threw herself on the bed, and wailed loudly: "Why are you stopping me? They just sold me out like this. I'm still a daughter of the royal family, what are you doing!"

Madam Zhao sighed, "What else do you have besides your status as a daughter of the royal family?"

Su Yazhi was stunned: "Grandma, you..."

Madam Zhao said: "Look, the palace is full of smog, not to mention poverty, it's almost the same. Look at your house, is there a decent decoration? Is there a decent jewelry in your jewelry box? You Just those few clothes, in order to go out, the ladies exchanged clothes for fear of being ridiculed. But, in this capital, who doesn’t know about our Prince Ning’s mansion? When they are rich, these men all go out to spend time and drink , I ran out of money, so I just stayed at home and complained. Who cares about your life? Today, if it weren’t for me, you would have been sold by the prince for a few hundred taels of silver! This family, such a family, don’t hurry up and get married, really Waiting for the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha to live a lifetime?"

Su Yazhi's tears fell drop by drop. "Why is my life so hard, I..."

Aunt Zhao said: "Madam is the one who doesn't care about everything. She wants to take care of everything, but she is powerless. If you don't plan for yourself now, no one will plan for you!"

Su Yazhi cried again: "Just lift the sedan chair and carry me there, how will I see people in the future!"

Madam Zhao persuaded: "As long as you enter the prince's mansion, you will be able to enter the palace in the future. Except for the queen who is the first wife, which woman in the harem is not a concubine? Who is not also rich and powerful? Being a concubine for the prince is beyond the reach of others. You still hate it."

Su Yazhi gradually stopped crying and looked at Madam Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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