
Chapter 1002 Jiang Jiu, bow your head!

People from the Zheng family and the Bai family slowly surrounded the warehouse, but they found that there were many people guarding the door of the warehouse.

They don't know how much is inside now, but they can't drag it out any longer.

Bai Chuanting immediately led the people in another direction.

Zheng Yunhao made a gesture, and everyone continued to creep closer.

The people rushing in front all had tranquilizer guns in their hands. When the shot was fired, those people fell down before they could make a sound.

According to this method, Zheng Yunhao's people successfully arrived around the warehouse.

At this time, a voice came from the intercom at Zheng Yunhao's feet, [Big Turtle, speak, Big Turtle? 】

Zheng Yunhao and Bai Chuanting looked at each other, and now they had no way to look back.

Zheng Yunhao made a gesture to his men: launch an attack.

The men immediately rushed forward and kicked open the door of the warehouse. Who would have thought that gunshots were heard from inside. The younger brother who rushed in front could not avoid it and was shot instantly. He was quickly dragged behind the wall by the people behind him.

Zheng Yunhao directly took a flash bomb and threw it in. Taking advantage of the moment when their vision was blurred, Zheng Yunhao rushed in immediately.

Zheng Yunhao's shooting skills were very accurate. Every shot hit the right hands of those people. The pain was so painful that they couldn't even lift their weapons. His men rushed in quickly and took control of all the kidnappers.

Zheng Yunhao picked up the collar of one of the men and asked, "Where is that woman and child?"

The other party sneered and said nothing.

Zheng Yunhao didn't talk nonsense and shot him in the thigh again. The other party immediately let out heartbreaking pain!

"I won't show mercy for the next shot!"

The other party was frightened and immediately said, "They were taken away by Brother Lei and the others and escaped through the back door!"

At this time, his subordinates also came to report, "There is a small door here, they should have left through here!"


Not long ago, these people suddenly opened the door and took Jiang Jiu away.

Jiang Jiu guessed that the weather must have changed outside, otherwise this group of people would not have taken her away in such a hurry.

Jiang Jiu hugged Qixi and tried her best to cooperate. These people had guys in their hands. She couldn't act rashly and didn't dare to take the risk.

As long as the pearl bracelet is still there, Jiang Siyan will definitely find them.

Bai Chuanting's people had already led their men to ambush on one of the paths, and as expected they saw this group of people escorting Jiang Jiu and Qixi over. "beat!"

With a few "bang bangs", several people around Lei Ge fell down instantly. They were all shot by the tranquilizer gun and now completely lost their ability to fight.

Brother Lei grabbed Jiang Jiu, held a gun to Jiang Jiu's head, and shouted, "Don't move, I'll kill anyone who dares to move!"

Bai Chuanting held a pistol and secretly aimed at Brother Lei.

Haven’t tried it in a while.

"Jiang Jiu, lower your head!"

Jiang Jiu's nerves were already tense. When he heard Bai Chuanting's voice, he quickly lowered his head. Almost at the same time, there was a "bang" and the man next to him fell to the ground.

The crowd under his command was leaderless and immediately raised their hands in surrender.

Bai Chuanting stepped forward quickly, not letting Jiang Jiu turn around, "Go forward, Bai Yiran and the others are in front."


Qixi in her arms was obviously frightened and kept crying.

Jiang Jiu didn't dare to turn around, nor did she dare to let Qixi see the scene, so she hugged Qixi and walked out.

The men led Jiang Jiu all the way out and finally met Bai Yiran.

Bai Yiran quickly stepped forward, looked at Qixi, and then at Jiang Jiu, "Are you okay?"

"It's all fine, don't worry."

Bai Yiran nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. When Jiang Jiu thought she was going to hug Qixi, who would have thought that she just covered Qixi's ears, "Such a bitch, if I catch you, I will definitely make them walk around without food, silly stuff, I*&…¥%…#@#¥”

The rest of the words were somewhat inappropriate for children. Jiang Jiu smiled and shook her head.

When the other party was satisfied with the scolding, Jiang Jiu said, "I'm sorry, they probably came for me and caused Qixi to suffer. I..."

"What kind of relationship do we have? Let's talk about this. It doesn't matter whether you or Qixi have something to do today! Fortunately, you have a locating device on your body, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find Qixi."


"But if you really blame yourself, I won't be polite to you. When the time comes for the children's [-]-day banquet, Zhou Chou, etc., remember to pack a bigger red envelope."

Jiang Jiu smiled, "Okay, no problem."

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