
Chapter 1013 You are the key protection target of our family

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth as he watched them go further and further away.

"I didn't expect our Ayan to be so powerful."

"Actually, Ye Feixiang is right. After the village develops vigorously, those young people will come back. In this way, there will be no more left-behind children and no more lonely old people, which is good."

Jiang Jiu nodded heavily. She had been in the news for so many years and had seen too many experiences of left-behind children. It was really good to have young people come back now.

After staying in his hometown for two days, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan returned to Shuangcheng.

Since Zhai An learned that she was pregnant, he started to find another pair of hosts to alternate reports with Jiang Jiu.

At first, everyone was a little strange, and some people left messages under the show, but fortunately, everyone gradually got used to this mode.

Jiang Siyan originally wanted Jiang Jiu to take maternity leave, but Jiang Jiu refused. After all, the time for maternity leave is fixed and should be taken as far back as possible.

Seeing Jiang Jiu's belly getting bigger and bigger, Jiang Siyan became more and more sensitive and would send messages to Jiang Jiu almost every hour.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help but tell Bai Yiran about this. Bai Yiran said with a smile, "You don't know Zheng Yunhao, he is even more exaggerated!"

Jiang Jiu was curious, "Tell me about it."

"At that time, our misunderstanding was finally resolved. The little fool finally knew that the child in my belly was his. He could wake up from his dreams with laughter. He had a nightmare in the middle of the night. It must be that the child in my belly was asking him for help. In the middle of the night They forced me to go for a checkup.

Every time I had a meal, he had to go through it strictly. One time he came over with a silver needle for acupuncture and said he wanted to test poison on me. Do you think it was funny or not? "

Jiang Jiu suppressed laughter, but she didn't expect Zheng Yunhao to be like this behind her back.

Jiang Jiu suddenly felt that it was nothing for Jiang Siyan to be like this. He was nothing more than a small person.

Seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming soon, Jiang Jiu bought Spring Festival couplets downstairs in the community. It was just the two of them at home, so it made it more lively.

"Two Cities News" was off the air during the Spring Festival, and Jiang Jiu rarely had any free time.

She is now six months pregnant, and her belly is like a small watermelon. However, she is thin. Even if she is pregnant, her limbs are still slender. You can't tell she is pregnant even if she is wearing a down jacket.

When Jiang Siyan came home, he saw Jiang Jiu posting Spring Festival couplets, and he was so frightened that he hurried forward.

"Why did you post it yourself? Come down, I'll do it." Jiang Siyan helped Jiang Jiu get off the stool. Jiang Jiu couldn't help but said with a smile, "I just moved the shortest stool in our house, which is as high as a palm." , as for such an exaggeration.”

Jiang Siyan pinched her face and said, "Now you are the key protected person in the family, of course."

Jiang Siyan took the Spring Festival couplets, and after distinguishing the upper and lower couplets, he started to put them up. It took almost three times, five times and two times to put them up.

"Ding Haizhe delivered a lot of fresh vegetables in the morning. Did you ask him to buy them?"

"Well, I was afraid that you would be crowded when you went to the vegetable market alone, so I asked him to bring his assistant to help with the shopping."

In fact, Jiang Jiu could buy it online and have it delivered by an errand boy in the same city.

But perhaps due to Grandma Jiang's influence, Jiang Jiu always feels that when buying food during the Spring Festival, she has to go to the busy vegetable market to celebrate the festival.

So Jiang Siyan asked Ding Haizhe and the others to buy them early in the morning.

Jiang Jiu said, "I asked the previous fisherman boss to leave some fresh ones for me, and I also bought some for Anixi and Baibai."

The fisherman boss Jiang Jiu mentioned was the boss and his wife who stayed with her one night and prepared breakfast for her at that time. Knowing that their family often went to sea and the seafood was fresh, Jiang Jiu actually took care of their business after getting to know them well. , and let them keep some fresh vegetables every time.

Especially during the Chinese New Year, if you don’t tell us in advance, you won’t be able to grab it.

Jiang Siyan nodded, "Okay, but you still need to eat less seafood now."

"I see."

Just as Jiang Jiu was about to go in, she heard Sun Weiwei's voice not far away, "Sister, brother-in-law."

It was the New Year, and naturally Sun Weiwei could not be allowed to celebrate the New Year alone, so Jiang Jiu asked Sun Weiwei to come here to have the New Year's Eve dinner. When she turned around, she saw Sun Weiwei, Jiang Yi, Lu Manman and Lu Junhao all coming, each carrying a Big and small bags, all filled with food and fun stuff.

"You are..."

"Hey, happy New Year, we are planning to celebrate the New Year here, these are the gifts we brought!"

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