
Chapter 1020 Little Egg Dumplings

Three years later.

"Quick, quick, where are they?"

Bai Yiran stood at the door, talking on the phone and looking out anxiously.

Jiang Yi called to report, "Sister Bai Bai, there are still 10 minutes left, the car will be downstairs!"

"Roger that!"

Bai Yiran hung up the phone and immediately returned to the bedroom and said, "They will arrive in 10 minutes, hurry up and get ready!"

Xie Xinghui immediately picked up the wedding shoes, "Wait, hide the shoes first!"

She and Bai Yiran had been thinking about it for a long time, but they couldn't find a suitable place. No matter where they felt they were hiding, it was not suitable.

At this time, the little egg dumpling broke free from He Jingyi's arms, "Give it to me, give it to me."

Xie Xinghui smiled, "Little Egg Dumpling, are you trying to hide your mommy's shoes?"

Little Egg Dumpling is now only two and a half years old. Walking is no longer a problem and he can clearly express what he wants.

Hearing Xie Xinghui's question, Little Egg Dumpling nodded, "Shoes, hide them."

Looking at the little round face of Xiaodan Dumpling, it makes people want to pinch it.

As a result, I watched Xiao Danjiao hugging the wedding shoes, hiding them in the diaper bag, then hiding the diaper bag in a cabinet with a pile of diapers, closing the cabinet, and then walked towards Jiang Jiu.

"Mommy, the baby is great!"

Bai Yiran smiled and pinched the little egg dumpling's cheek, "You are not leaving a way for your father to survive."

Little Egg Dumpling smiled and hid in Jiang Jiu's arms.

Little Egg Dumpling is very well-behaved and very smart. When Jiang Jiu gave birth to Little Egg Dumpling, it actually didn’t take much effort.

Jiang Jiu still clearly remembered that at that time, her due date was approaching, and Jiang Siyan also stopped working completely and stayed with her at home.

As a result, the expected date of delivery had passed, and there was no movement in her stomach. Jiang Jiu couldn't stand being in the hospital. She didn't know why, but she suddenly wanted to eat egg dumplings, and she insisted on the kind that was freshly baked. Takeaways were not available.

Jiang Siyan naturally agreed to Jiang Jiu and took the people to the small shop downstairs of the hospital to have something to eat.

As a result, just after Jiang Jiu finished eating an egg dumpling, her amniotic fluid broke. Jiang Siyan was so frightened that she rushed straight to the hospital with Jiang Jiu in her arms.Fortunately, the little egg dumpling was born safely and smoothly, with a pair of eyebrows and eyes very similar to Jiang Silong.

I still remember when Jiang Jiu saw him for the first time, he was red and ugly. Jiang Jiu was a little worried. After all, she and Jiang Siyan were both good-looking, so how could they give birth to such a clown egg.

Unexpectedly, the child looked the same every day, and soon became white, fat and very attractive.

Because he was born when Jiang Jiu wanted to eat egg dumplings, his nickname was simply Little Egg Dumpling.

Now that Little Egg Dumpling is two and a half years old, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Siyan finally plan to hold a wedding.

Jiang Siyan was responsible for everything about the wedding, including the venue, planning, invitations, etc. Jiang Jiu didn't have to worry about anything, she just wanted to be her bride with peace of mind.

Jiang Jiu hugged Little Egg Dumpling, "Little Egg Dumpling, do you know what mom and dad are going to do today?"

Little Egg Dumpling nodded, "When you get married, mom is the bride."

Jiang Jiu gave the little egg dumpling a rare kiss, "Yes, my son is awesome!"

He Jingyi said with a smile, "That's not what the little guy said downstairs just now. He insists on asking you to be his bride today!"

Bai Yiran answered with a smile, "No wonder you were so active in hiding your wedding shoes just now. Little Egg Dumpling turns out to have his own ideas."

Little Egg Dumpling smiled shyly and hid in Jiang Jiu's arms, peeking at everyone secretly.

Jiang Jiu touched the little egg dumpling lovingly. At this time, Qixi and Babao also came.

The two little guys are only one year older than Little Dumpling, but they are already much older. They want to take Little Dumpling out to play like little adults.

"Mom, I want to play with my little brother Dumpling."

Bai Yiran asked Little Egg Dumpling, "Brother and sister want to play with you, can you go?"

Xiao Qixi and Xiaogui Dadi said, "We can go grab red envelopes."

Babao also nodded, "The money from the red envelope can be used to buy candies."

After hearing this, Little Egg Dumpling nodded immediately, "Tangtang!"

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