
Chapter 1023 I'll Take You Zhang Family

Xie Xinghui lost his fighting power here, and Bai Yiran was pestered by Zheng Yunhao again. Little Egg Dumpling didn't know what was going on. He stood aside and called "Dad", then turned back and called "Mom", looking very anxious.

Jiang Siyan picked up the little egg dumpling and said, "Then please ask Godmother Bai to let us go."

The little egg dumpling skillfully clasped his hands together, looked straight at Bai Yiran with his big black eyes, and said, "Please, please."

After saying that, he smiled and his eyebrows were crooked. Who could refuse after seeing this?

Bai Yiran reluctantly surrendered, but he didn't give up. "If you want to take the bride away, you have to find wedding shoes."

So, everyone started looking for wedding shoes.

On the roof, outside the window, in the cupboard, on the balloon... I looked for almost everything I could find, but I couldn't find it. Jiang Siyan even wondered if Jiang Jiu was sitting on him.

Jiang Jiu smiled and said nothing, asking them to search carefully.

He Jingyi looked at it and finally couldn't help but remind her, "The wedding shoes are hidden by little egg dumplings. You can't even compare to a two-year-old child, right?"

Jiang Siyan immediately asked Little Egg Dumpling, "Good boy, Little Egg Dumpling, tell dad where you hid your shoes?"

Little Egg Dumpling looked at Jiang Siyan and shook his head.

Zheng Yunhao took out a lollipop from nowhere and said, "Little Egg Dumpling, where did you hide your shoes?"

The little egg dumpling's saliva immediately flowed out, his eyes staring straight at the lollipop.

Jiang Jiu smiled and shook his head. Who was following this greedy look?

"Tangtang, Tangtang..."

As he said that, Xiao Dumpling reached out to take it, but Zheng Yunhao deliberately took it far away, "Tell me first, where did you hide those beautiful shoes?"

Seeing that he couldn't eat the candy, the little egg dumpling turned down the corner of his mouth and looked about to cry. His beloved Zheng Yunhao hurriedly handed over the candy in his hand.

"Be good, don't cry, don't cry."

Jiang Siyan put the little egg dumpling down and touched his little head, "Tell Dad, where are you putting the things?"

At such a young age, why are you so good at hiding things that so many adults haven’t found?

Perhaps after hearing what Jiang Siyan said, the little guy staggered towards the cabinet, opened it, and pointed at the diapers inside.

Yu Xianfeng put his hand on Zheng Yunhao's shoulder and complained with a smile, "Good guy, it's hidden here. We all opened it just now and looked at it, but we didn't find it."

Zheng Yunhao nodded, "This little egg dumpling will definitely be a figure in the future."

Jiang Jiu laughed loudly on the side, "Don't spoil him too much, he is so powerful." It was almost too much to praise.

Yu Xianfeng, however, looked serious, "What I said is true. Having said that, Little Egg Dumpling's looks are really amazing. Are you interested in filming a children's commercial? He will definitely become a top star!"

Jiang Jiu smiled and said, "You can't even say what you say, and you're even filming an advertisement."

"That's not a problem."

Jiang Siyan here finally found the shoes from a pack of diapers, knelt down on one knee and put them on Jiang Jiu.

Makikawa Rin who was next to him quickly handed the bouquet to him again, Jiang Siyan was still kneeling, "Jiujiu, I love you, come with me, I will take you home."

Jiang Jiu smiled and nodded, and the person next to him immediately encouraged, "Kiss me, kiss me!"

Jiang Siyan raised his head and carefully kissed Jiang Jiu's red lips.

Amid applause, Jiang Siyan carried Jiang Jiu downstairs and got into the wedding car.

The wedding of two people was held on a lawn. Many relatives and friends were already waiting here. Flowers, red carpet, arches, applause, plus Qixi and Babao scattering flower petals in front, everything was lively and lively. of.

Lu Manman shot diligently and wanted to record everything.

Jiang Jiu, holding flowers in her hands and wearing a snow-white wedding dress, walked towards Jiang Siyan step by step.

Jiang Shuhong came anyway. He was Jiang Jiu's biological father after all, and he had been making amends over the years. In addition, Jiang Jiu and Jiang Yi had a good relationship, so he was still called for this wedding.

Jiang Shuhong was naturally surprised, but also happy at the same time.

I heard from Jiang Yi that Jiang Shuhong specially bought a suit and shoes, and started to dress himself up even though he was old. Jiang Yi laughed for a long time.

Jiang Jiu took his arm and walked forward slowly. Jiang Shuhong was obviously a little nervous, and his muscles were tense.

Jiang Jiu whispered, "You look very energetic today. Thank you for coming to see me off."

Jiang Shuhong was stunned for a moment, his eyes were slightly red, and he said, "That's right, I'm your dad."

Not far away, Jiang Siyan was waiting.

Seeing Jiang Jiu slowly walking towards him, a faint smile appeared on Jiang Siyan's face.

Jiang Shuhong put Jiang Jiu's hand on Jiang Siyan's. After thinking about it, he finally said, "I can rest assured to leave her to you."

Jiang Shuhong naturally knew that he was not qualified to say anything about Jiang Jiu's life, so he just chose to silently support him. (End of chapter)

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