
Chapter 1028 Bai Ran VS Zheng Yunhao Extra 1

"Nothing, let's go."

Bai Yiran didn't want to ruin the harmonious atmosphere because of Gao Yu, so he turned to leave, but Gao Yu continued, "This is your boyfriend, Bai Bai, when did your taste change?"

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Yunhao's expression changed obviously.

"who are you?"

Bai Yiran could clearly sense the low pressure around Zheng Yunhao and immediately said, "Ignore him."

But Gao Yu only thought that Zheng Yunhao was Bai Yiran's boyfriend, so he deliberately provoked, "I am Bai Bai's ex-boyfriend, but no one understands Bai Bai better than me. I know all her habits clearly. You Not her type."

Just as Zheng Yunhao was about to step forward, Bai Yiran slapped Gao Yu with his backhand, kicked him again, and trampled him under his feet.

"Gao Yu, if you say one more nonsense, I will beat you to pieces immediately!"

Gao Yu coughed twice after being beaten, but still refused to give up, "Bai Bai, are you sure he will be better than me? Among so many people, I am the only one who knows you best!"

Bai Yiran raised his hand and slapped you again, without any politeness at all, "Gao Yu, show some respect. If you don't want to live, I can bury you!"

This is a tourist attraction after all, and many people are looking this way. Gao Yu naturally has to take care of his face, and stands up in embarrassment, "Bai Yiran, I can only accept your bad temper!"

Bai Yiran almost laughed out of anger, "Who do you think you are? It's my turn to teach you a lesson?"

"Oh, as your ex-boyfriend, I..."

Before the other party finished speaking, he was knocked down by Zheng Yunhao with a punch, "Keep your mouth clean, Bai Bai is my wife now! If you dare to mention her again, I will make you spend the rest of the trip in a hospital bed." !”

Not far away, Bai Chuanting also noticed the movement here, "Bai Bai, what's wrong?"

Seeing that they were so numerous and powerful, Gao Yu naturally did not dare to say anything more. He covered his painful face and threatened fiercely, but he did not forget to threaten, "How dare you hit me? I tell you, you are finished!"

Bai Yiran kicked him directly on the back and explained to Bai Chuanting, "It's nothing. The dog I fed before has now come back and growled at the owner."


Gao Yu wanted to say something else, but looking at the people behind him, he finally ran away cursing.

Bai Chuanting looked at Bai Yiran, "Are you okay?"

Bai Yiran shook his head, feeling a little excited, "It's okay. I haven't beaten anyone for a long time. It feels good. If he had said one more thing just now, I would have beaten him to the wall and he wouldn't be able to buckle him down."

Bai Chuanting smiled and said, "Every girl, we boys can do the fighting in the future."

Bai Yiran said, "Brother, you don't know, some people like to bully girls because they think girls are weak. I have learned Taekwondo and I am very good at it!"

Not far away, Zhuang Jiaxin was calling them to come over to eat, and then Bai Yiran and Bai Chuanting got up and walked back.

But on the way back, Bai Yiran could sense that something was wrong with Zheng Yunhao.Although he was still talking and laughing with Zhuang Jiaxin and the others throughout the whole process, and was very patient in taking care of Xiao Qixi and Xiao Babao, Bai Yiran sensed that something was wrong with him.

In the evening, the group returned to the hotel and went back to rest.

Bai Chuanting suggested, "You two can go out alone tomorrow and leave the child to us to take care of. After all, after you have a child, you haven't been together for a long time. Thank you for your hard work."

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Jiaxin nodded immediately, "That's right, the babies can be left to us, and you can play with confidence!"

Liao Fenglan became even happier when she heard this, "It's absolutely okay. Your dad told me today that he didn't hold Xiao Qixi and Xiao Babao all the way, so he felt unhappy."

That's right, the five of them are more than enough to take care of two babies.

Bai Yiran nodded, "I'll trouble you then."

Zheng Yunhao had no objection, "If you have any questions, you can call us."

"What's the problem with this? Just go and have fun."

In order to let them sleep well today, Zhuang Jiaxin and Liao Fenglan each took a baby to take care of them, and planned to let the babies sleep with them tonight.

Since becoming pregnant, Bai Yiran has not had a double world with Zheng Yunhao for a long time.

As soon as she returned to the hotel, she took off her coat and threw it to one side, lying comfortably on the sofa.

I walked all day today and am exhausted.

"Ahao, come here and massage it for me. My feet are sore."

Zheng Yunhao didn't say anything, but walked straight to the bathroom.

Bai Yiran is straight-tempered and doesn't like to be coy. Standing at the door of the bathroom, he couldn't help but ask, "Ahao, why do I feel that you are acting weird today?"

There was the sound of water running inside, it must be Zheng Yunhao starting to wash up.

Bai Yiran began to analyze. Zheng Yunhao had never been in this situation before and always cared for her 100%. The reason why he was so weird today was because of Gao Yu?
definitely is!

Bai Yiran scolded Gao Yu in his heart, this bastard did a good job of causing them to get into trouble.

Bai Yiran continued to knock on the door, "Ahao."

The inside remained unmoved.

"Ahao~ I want to take a shower too, please let me in. I have taken off my clothes and it's a bit cold."

Sure enough, after hearing Bai Yiran's coquettish voice, the bathroom door was finally opened. The man stretched out his hand and pulled Bai Yiran in.

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