
Chapter 103 Burning

Chapter 103 Burning
Jiang Jiu took out her mobile phone and was about to call a car, but Jiang Siyan held her hand and got into a car directly.

"what are you doing?"

"By the way, see you off."

Jiang Sixan's answer was very straightforward, as if everything was taken for granted.

The driver was Jiang Sixan's secretary. Seeing Jiang Jiu coming up, he said, "Boss Jiang, should you take this lady home first?"

Jiang Siyan gave an address and didn't give Jiang Jiu a chance to refuse.

After finishing speaking, he began to close his eyes and meditate, and stopped talking.

Jiang Jiu couldn't say anything more, just looked out of the window silently, and soon, she arrived at the place where she lived.


Jiang Sixan just glanced at her without saying a word, the two of them were polite and alienated.

Although Jiang Jiu was strange, the busyness and exhaustion these days had left her with no energy to think about these things.

When she got home, she changed into her home clothes and threw herself on the bed. She had never felt so comfortable!
She took out her mobile phone and suddenly remembered to send them photos. When she opened the photo album, she found that the passerby had taken many photos of herself.

It is estimated that I took a few more photos, so I can give her more choices.

But in Jiang Jiu's view, the only difference between these photos is whether they blink or not.

Suddenly, Jiang Jiu saw a photo and stopped.

In the photo, she looked up at Jiang Sixan with her head up, doubts and inquiries in her eyes, and even a bit of familiar intimacy. drown.

The two of them were close together, like a young couple in love, no one knew, and they held hands quietly behind their backs.

The heat on Jiang Jiu's face instantly burned, how could she have such an expression!
Could it be that she was like this when she was in front of Jiang Sixan?

Or, in the eyes of outsiders, she has always faced Jiang Sixan with this expression?

Jiang Jiu closed her eyes tightly and banged her head hard on the bed, what a great name she is!

No, no, it must be a coincidence, it's all Jiang Siyan's fault for secretly holding her hand!

Consoling herself constantly like this, after 5 minutes, the heat on Jiang Jiu's face subsided quietly.

She picked a group photo that looked very calm and looked like a stranger and sent it to others, but it didn't send it to Jiang Sixan.

Jiang Jiu took out her mobile phone, and was about to delete the photo of the staring at each other, but her hand was already on the delete button, but she didn't do it for a long time.

Forget it, all the shots are taken, let's keep it.

Jiang Jiu took a nap, and at night went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and put them in the refrigerator, made two side dishes for herself, and watched the variety show comfortably for dinner.

The next day, Jiang Jiu went to the magazine in good spirits and brought small gifts to colleagues around her.

"Thank you Jiujiu!"

"Wow, I received Xiaojie's gift in the morning, and now I'm still receiving Jiujiu's gift, how happy I am!"

Zhang Xiaoxiong exaggeratedly held up Yang Sijie's gift, "Yang Sijie, look, what did you give me, such an ugly pig is not suitable for me, and the food from Jiujiu is much more useful!"

Yang Sijie scolded with a smile, "It's not a pig, it's a panda!"

A group of people were bustling, and Chu Meng was a little embarrassed standing by.

It never occurred to her to bring gifts to her colleagues.

Jiang Jiu stood up holding the cup, "Chu Meng, come here."

Chu Meng followed, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Jiu made coffee for himself, "You don't have to feel embarrassed about this kind of thing, because you are an intern, and they don't care."

Chu Meng was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that Jiang Jiu's eyes could not be escaped by her careful thinking, and she said "Oh" in embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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