
Chapter 105 New Love

Chapter 105 New Love
"It's nothing, because the place where I practiced was far away, and I was on a business trip when I took graduation photos, so I didn't come back."

With a decent smile on Jiang Jiu's face, she changed the topic calmly, "Where did the senior develop all these years?"

Yu Fengzhan did not continue to ask, and began to talk about his experiences in these years.

"I'm working in a financial company now, and I will keep in touch with you when I have the opportunity."

It was getting late, Yu Fengzhan got up, "I'll take you back."

"It's okay, I can take a taxi myself."

Yu Fengzhan smiled, "How can I let a girl go home alone at night, it's a chance for me to be a gentleman."

Seeing that she was stubborn, Jiang Jiu got into Yu Fengzhan's car anyway.

Yu Fengzhan has a certain amount of advance and retreat, so that Jiang Jiu will not feel awkward.

When they got downstairs, Jiang Jiu and Yu Fengzhan said goodbye, but rushed out without expecting a black shadow.

"Jiu Jiu!"

The other party grabbed Jiang Jiu's arm and pointed at the people in the car, "You have been avoiding me for a while, did you live in Jiang Siyan's house! You just broke up with me, and you are already with him!"

Jiang Jiu frowned, "Let me go!"

"Jiang Sixan, are you still a man, steal my woman, come out!"

Yu Fengzhan got out of the car with a bit of surprise on his face, but seeing Jiang Jiu's face and her tightly grasped arm, he immediately stepped forward, "Who are you, let go of Jiu Jiu!"

Unexpectedly, the other party was not Jiang Sixan at all, Liang Xu only felt that he was slapped hard on the face.

"Well, you Jiang Jiu, in such a short period of time, you have hooked up with another one!"

Jiang Jiu was also annoyed, "Liang Xu, keep your mouth clean!"

"Clean? Why am I not clean? I'm going to be stabbed in the spine with a green hat on my head!"

Jiang Jiu shook off his arm and said coldly, "Don't forget, we have already broken up!"

"I don't agree!"

Yu Fengzhan finally understood, he protected Jiang Jiu behind him, looked at Liang Xu coldly, "She has already broken up with you, please don't bother her again."

"You are her new love?" Liang Xu sneered, "Did she tell you that she was with my brother and cuckolded me, don't you worry that it will be your turn next?"

Jiang Jiu was angry, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Yu Fengzhan said sharply, "I'm Jiujiu's college classmate, if you do this again, I'll call the police, please leave immediately!"

When Liang Xu heard that he wasn't her boyfriend, his mind immediately changed, "Jiujiu, I just wanted to talk to you today, and I'll leave after I'm done!"

Jiang Jiu frowned, "I don't want to hear it."

"If you don't want to listen, I'll come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow!"

Jiang Jiu didn't lose her temper at all, "What are you trying to say?"

Liang Xu glanced at Yu Fengzhan, "I can only tell you this."

Yu Fengzhan didn't mean to avoid at all, "I won't let Jiujiu face you alone."

Seeing that Liang Xu and Yu Fengzhan were about to quarrel again, Jiang Jiu couldn't help but said, "Senior, it's fine."

I don't know if it's because of the strong anger, this "senior" is a little soft, Yu Fengzhan's eyes changed slightly, "Okay, I'm not far away, call me if you have any questions."

Yu Fengzhan walked to the end of the ten meters and gave up the space.

Jiang Jiu looked at Liang Xu, holding back her impatience, "Tell me, what are you looking for me for?"

"Are you and Jiang Sixan still together!"

"Liang Xu, if you came here to talk about these things, then we have nothing to talk about. Back then you caused me to have a car accident, and I didn't call the police to arrest you, which is already the greatest kindness to you!"

Liang Xu sneered, "Do you think Jiang Sixan is a good person? The shady things he did are worse than mine! Jiang Jiu, you are a reporter anyway, can you bear to see Did he do those sneaky things under your nose!"

 I am very grateful to all the cuties here. This book is in the stage of PK. Please move your little hands and give this book a free [recommendation ticket]. If there is a [monthly ticket], it will be even better awesome~
  Please also hope that everyone can interact more, leave a message in the comment area, and help Xiaolu pass the PK together, so that Jiang Sixan and Jiang Jiu can go further.please.

(End of this chapter)

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