
Chapter 110

Chapter 110
When Jiang Jiu woke up the next morning, she only felt that her waist seemed to be abolished, and she was very uncomfortable.

Yesterday's posture was a fucking waste.

Besides, she walked so much yesterday, and her legs were not her own. When Jiang Sixan woke her up in the morning, Jiang Jiu got out of bed, kicked Jiang Sixan's chest, and complained with red eyes. .

Jiang Siyan pulled her ankle, massaged her calf little by little, and then her waist, making her comfortable, and Jiang Jiu woke up.

"It's only 08:30, do you know that for a social animal, sleeping until [-] o'clock on weekends is just a passing mark! If you destroy my sleep time like this, you will be struck by lightning!"

Jiang Sixan half coaxed and half hugged her up, went to the bathroom and squeezed toothpaste on her, "Today Zheng Yunhao, including your friends, is coming to my house to prepare a barbecue."

Jiang Jiu bit her toothbrush and looked at him, "So?"

"We need to buy ingredients, and they will come in the afternoon, otherwise I'm afraid I'll lie with you until the afternoon, and I won't be able to explain when they arrive."

Jiang Jiu, "..."

After washing up, the two of them simply ate breakfast and went to the supermarket, bought a lot of barbecue ingredients, and moved two boxes of beer, all of which were put in Jiang Sixan's trunk.

It wasn't until he came to Jiang Sixan's house that Jiang Jiu realized whether he had been cheated or not.

"Why do they come to your house for barbecue, and I want to prepare it with you? Even if I have to appear at that time, can't I come with Bai Bai?"

Jiang Sixan brought in several big bags of things and put them in the kitchen. Hearing this, he picked up Doug and stuffed them into her arms, "Doug misses you, and I blame you for being too cruel. .”

Little Doug might have smelled a familiar smell, and rolled around in her arms, revealing his belly, "Meow~"

Jiang Jiu completely lost her temper, she just lay on the sofa and watched Jiang Sixan carrying things by herself.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Yiran was the first to send a message, 【Have you set off yet?I didn't expect that the place where they barbecued this time was at Jiang Sixan's house, isn't it a surprise, isn't it a surprise! 】

Jiang Jiu tapped the phone to reply, [Not at all, I'm already here, come quickly. 】

[Wow, wow, classmate Jiang Xiaojiu, shouldn't you explain why you went so early, or that you didn't come home at all last night! 】

Bai Yiran is really super gossip!

Jiang Jiu replied quickly, 【Don't play with your phone while driving, if you really can't, go to the fruit shop next door to buy some fruit! 】

[Yo Yo Yo, I'm shy. 】

Jiang Jiu didn't want to talk to her anymore, she hugged Doug and lay on the sofa, "Little Doug, don't be like your aunt, gossip is reincarnated!"


"Doug can be like your mommy."

Jiang Jiu just wanted to say who is its mommy, but Jiang Siyan leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "Zheng Yunhao will arrive in 10 minutes, it doesn't matter if you want to continue lying down, I'm just afraid that you will hide away because of embarrassment." I don’t come out to barbecue in the room, so I will tell you in advance.”

Jiang Jiu's face was flushed, and she got up from the sofa with Doug in her arms, "Whoever is embarrassed, I won't be embarrassed!"

"Yes, we won't." Jiang Sixan's tone was doting, and he handed over a small strawberry, "Is it sweet?"

Jiang Jiu opened her mouth and bit down, savoring it seriously, "Sweet."

It's so coaxing to be distracted so quickly.

Jiang Sixan looked at her bright red lips, kissed them again, and wiped the corners of her lips with his fingertips, "It's really sweet."

Jiang Jiu was completely furious, "Jiang Siyan, let me tell you, your son is still in my hands. When they come, if you dare to mess around, I will tear up your ticket!"

Jiang Sixan suppressed a smile, "Of order."

(End of this chapter)

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