
Chapter 118 Mrs.

Chapter 118 Mrs.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

Jiang Jiu said fiercely, "What are you doing!"

Jiang Siyan's casual voice came from outside the door, "Go to the bathroom."

The heat that Jiang Jiu had finally calmed down came back again, she bit her toothbrush and said angrily, "Hold on!"

Jiang Sixan persisted, "I can't do it."

Jiang Jiu quickly cleaned her teeth, flushed her face, and said angrily, "You have a problem, go to the doctor immediately!"

After finishing speaking, she gave up the bathroom to Jiang Sixan, and she couldn't wait to open the bedroom door and walked out, leaving Jiang Sixan with a smirk on her face.

I ate so much last night, but I didn't expect to consume it so quickly, and I was hungry.

When she came to the kitchen to see what she could eat, she saw a figure walking out.


"I'm sorry to scare you. I'm a part-time worker here, and I came to clean." The other party looked at Jiang Jiu's outfit and said with a smile, "You are my wife, sorry."

"No, it's okay, I, I'm not my wife."

The part-time worker was slightly surprised. After all, Jiang Jiu was wearing Jiang Sixan's clothes and looked like she had just woken up.

"Then, what, you can call me Miss Jiang."

Jiang Jiu found that the more she explained, the more confused she became, so she simply stopped explaining, "Go ahead, I, I will go back to the room to get something."

After finishing speaking, she hurried back to the room, only to feel a pair of eyes staring at her from behind.

When Jiang Sixan came out, he saw Jiang Jiu laying on the bed looking hopeless, "What's wrong?"

"I just went out and saw the hourly auntie, she called me..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Jiu felt like a choke in her throat for a moment, and she stopped talking, "She still saw me wearing this outfit, so she would definitely guess my identity!"

Jiang Sixan touched her head, "It's okay, she won't be cleaning next time, no one will remember."

"Hmph, it's all your fault!"

Jiang Jiu didn't want to talk to him, but her stomach growled in disappointment.

Jiang Sixan knew she was shy, "You are here, I'll cook you some breakfast, and I'll call you when it's done."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sixan left the room, and Jiang Jiu lay motionless on the bed.

Suddenly, she heard a text message notification tone, raised her head subconsciously, and saw a message from a person named Lao Hei: [At 25 o'clock in the evening on the [-]th, there are many people on the other side, don't forget to bring guy. 】

Wait, this phone belongs to Jiang Sixan.

Going out at eight o'clock in the evening, with a guy?

Jiang Jiu suddenly remembered that time when Yu Fengzhan sent her home, but when she met Liang Xu, the other party kept questioning herself, not knowing what kind of person Liang Xu was, saying that Jiang Siyan was doing some shady hookups behind her back.

Jiang Jiu naturally didn't believe it, but when she saw this text message, she couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

The 25th, isn't it just three days later?
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Jiang Jiu was startled, feeling a little guilty.

"what happened?"

"Breakfast is ready, come out."


Jiang Jiu simply didn't think about it anymore, and went out wearing slippers, only to see the part-time auntie carrying the garbage towards the door.

"Mr. Jiang, goodbye Mrs. Jiang."

Jiang Jiu blushed slightly, and told her to call her "Miss Jiang".

However, it is estimated that the part-time auntie did not distinguish between "Jiang" and "Jiang" at all. When she was told to call her "Miss Jiang", it was more logical to call her "Mrs. Jiang".

Jiang Siyan finally knew what Jiang Jiu wanted to say when he stopped abruptly in the room just now. He brought a bowl of noodles in front of her, a bowl of stewed pork noodles, and added a few shrimps.

Jiang Jiu was already hungry, so she rolled up her sleeves and started eating.

After eating and looking at the time, it was getting late, Jiang Jiu had to change clothes quickly and go to the company.

Jiang Sixan said unhurriedly, "I'll see you off."

Jiang Jiu shook her head immediately, "No, last time you sent it off, people saw it."

Jiang Siyan took the car keys, "It's okay, I'll just stop at the next intersection."

Jiang Jiu couldn't resist, she grabbed her bag and chased after her.

"Go slowly, do you know that your long legs are annoying!"

Can her 1.8-meter long legs be comparable to her fake 1.7-meter short legs?

The extra five centimeters was made by her wearing high heels!
(End of this chapter)

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