
Chapter 135 Lipstick Print

The next day, Jiang Jiu got up with her messy hair and sat under the quilt to take a nap.

It was always the alarm clock that woke her up, not a dream, the dream was sitting at home with money coming from the sky.

When Jiang Siyan came in, he saw Jiang Jiu hugging the quilt and sitting on the bed with a drowsy look. She hugged her and kissed him lovingly, "Get up, ready to eat."


Jiang Jiu almost closed her eyes, and she was about to fall asleep in the next second.

Jiang Sixan also sighed, how did such an idiot who was lazy and coquettish at home, go to a magazine to become a capable editor, and even brought his apprentices.

He leaned over to pick her up, went to the bathroom, put on a headband for her, squeezed toothpaste on her, "Hey, stand up, brush your teeth and wash your face."

Only then did Jiang Jiu start washing up mechanically, flushing her face, and only then did she feel alive.

When I came to the kitchen, I realized that Jiang Sixan had cooked the small wontons in the kitchen today, and added a lot of ingredients, such as seaweed, boiled meat, shredded eggs and dried shrimps, which Jiang Jiu loved to eat.

It was only after serving it that I realized that there were fried dough sticks in it, Jiang Jiu looked curious, "Did you buy it?"

"Well, I originally wanted to go to exercise, but found that I didn't have casual clothes, so I went downstairs for a walk, and bought some fried dough sticks and steamed buns by the way."

Jiang Jiu lowered her head and ate the wontons and steamed buns, her stomach instantly felt comfortable.

After eating steadily, she was about to leave for the company, and Jiang Siyan dropped her off on the way.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the company, Jiang Jiu couldn't help telling, "You said that those people even know where you live, so it's impossible not to know the address of the company. If you go to the company, be careful."

"There are security guards, so don't be afraid." Jiang Sixan thought for a while, "If I was really beaten, would you help me?"

Jiang Jiu frowned and looked at him, "Listen to your tone, why do you want someone to beat you? If you are beaten, you can cry alone. Bai Chang is so big, tall and muscular. If you say it, you will throw me away. !"

Jiang Sixan chuckled, "Got it, I'll pick you up tonight, let's go to the supermarket to buy something to eat, I don't think there's anything to eat in the refrigerator."

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, "Okay."

The moment he opened the door and got off the car, Jiang Sixan suddenly leaned over and left a kiss on her lips, "Then see you tonight."

Jiang Jiu glanced at Jiang Sixan angrily, and suddenly couldn't help laughing again, sat back again, took out a tissue, "You got my lipstick on, if you go to the company with this red lip, others will really I thought something happened to you."

Jiang Jiu took a tissue and wiped it earnestly, with a smile on her face, "The lipstick I just finished wiping off, look at you, if someone really sees you, Jiang Sixan, your image of Mr. Playboy image."

Jiang Siyan narrowed his eyes to look at her, Jiang Jiu leaned very close, and could see her exquisite facial features and those eyes filled with his own, and there was an indescribably good smell on her body, Jiang Siyan's eyes sank slightly, and he put his arms around her waist.

Seeing that Jiang Sixan was about to kiss him again, Jiang Jiu hurriedly covered his mouth, "No, no, don't delay my work!"

As she said that, she pushed Jiang Sixan away, "After wiping, you hurry up and leave!"

Pushing the door and getting out of the car, Jiang Jiu still looked like a vigorous and strong woman, but she was a little hasty.

Jiang Sixan looked at the back of her leaving in a hurry, curled his lips, and stepped on the accelerator to leave.

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