
Chapter 202 Is 501 times enough?

More than one media came to interview, and the news was time-sensitive. Soon, negative news about Jiang Jiu swept across again.

Those people didn't know where they got Jiang Jiu's address, so they sent someone directly to guard the community.

Jiang Jiu looked down from the window, feeling a headache for a moment.

No matter how well they hide it, Jiang Jiu has been a reporter for so many years, how can she not find these reporters disguised as plainclothes?
Now she doesn't even need to read Weibo to know how fierce the person who insulted her is.

Jiang Jiu drew the curtains, lay on the sofa, curled up into a small ball.

Those swearing voices penetrated almost everywhere, penetrating the skin and invading the bone marrow, Jiang Jiu felt very cold all over.

It was as if there were countless noisy voices mocking and insulting her.

I still remember that at that time, she received messages from many people on the Penguin, and everyone forwarded the same news one after another, asking her if it was true.

There are also a group of strangers who keep adding her penguin number, and the words are full of insulting words. Some people even ask her how much it is a night, whether 50 yuan is enough to play once.

She directly deleted all contacts, cut off all ways to add, changed her mobile phone number, completely invisible, and cut off contact with her past self, deceiving herself that she couldn't see those people, those things, this matter. It's over.

But now Jiang Jiu found that this incident has never passed!
Like a snowball, they rolled into a bigger snowball, and they all fell on Jiang Jiu after many years.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

She was taken aback, and walked carefully to the door. Could it be that those reporters found her room?

Jiang Jiu looked out through the peephole, only to see two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes standing outside the door.

The clothes of the men standing in front were all expensive hand-made custom-made clothes, and it was obviously impossible for them to be disguised by reporters.

She hesitated for a few seconds before opening the door, "Who are you looking for?"

"Jiang Jiu, is that Miss Jiang? My name is Jiang Yongyuan, and I'm Jiang Siyan's father."

Jiang Jiu was taken aback, Jiang Siyan's father?

How did he know he lived here?

Jiang Yongyuan continued, "Don't worry, the reporters downstairs have been driven away by my people, and they won't come up."

The other party was Jiang Sixan's father, Jiang Jiu naturally couldn't keep him out, so he had to let him in.

She made a pot of tea and handed it to Jiang Yongyuan, while Jiang Siyan's housekeeper, Uncle Liu, stood silently at the door.

"Uncle Jiang came to see me today, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yongyuan said, "Tell me, how much money do you want before you are willing to leave my son."

Jiang Jiu frowned slightly, suspecting that she had heard wrong, "What?"

Jiang Yongyuan directly took out a check, "You tell me a number. I know that your parents divorced when you were young, and your family was not good. You grew up with your grandma. Your mother You Jing is a blood sucker, and you don't have a job now, so , you need money."

Although Jiang Siyan didn't say much about his native family, just a few simple words, Jiang Jiu knew that Jiang Yongyuan didn't treat Jiang Siyan very well at all.

"Jiang Sixan and I are not together."

The room seemed a little quiet, and Jiang Jiu could even hear the clock hands moving on the wall.

"What I mean is, you should never meet again. Syan will definitely inherit my family business in the future. I need his wife to be a well-matched young lady. I don't want him to continue wasting time on you."

Jiang Yongyuan's face was calm. He was used to strategizing in the mall, so he didn't bother to put Jiang Jiu in his eyes.

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