
Chapter 205 You are so cruel

Jiang Sixan seemed to have no pain, he closed his eyes, suppressed the fishy sweetness in his throat, and threw the bloody knife on the counter, making a crisp sound.

Blood stained the entire blade red, and it could be seen that his palm was cut a big hole, very deep.

Jiang Jiu immediately grabbed his hand and looked at it, feeling distressed in panic, "Go, go to the hospital!"

Jiang Siyan gave a wry smile, ignoring the other party's concerned eyes, and withdrew his hand, "Jiang Jiu, do you know that you are so cruel."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sixan got up and walked out, leaving Jiang Jiu standing there alone in a daze.

After a while, she realized that she immediately called Zheng Yunhao, "Doctor Zheng, Jiang Sixan's palm has been cut a lot, I don't think he will go to the hospital, please help him to bandage him to stop the bleeding .”

Jiang Jiu's voice trembled a little. Zheng Yunhao originally wanted to tease Jiang Sixan that it's okay to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned, but after hearing the other party's sincere words, he stopped joking.

"Okay, don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jiu felt his legs go limp and sat on the ground weakly.

Where they were standing just now, Jiang Sixan's blood was still on the ground, bright red and eye-catching.

Jiang Jiu's eyes were swollen and painful, and she buried her head in her knees.


"Jiang Sixan, let me tell you, you are promising. Why don't you go to the hospital for such a deep wound and wait for it to heal automatically?"

Zheng Yunhao bandaged his wound and couldn't help complaining, "Thanks to Reporter Jiang calling to remind me just now, otherwise I thought you were going to write a shocking blood book at home."

Jiang Siyan gave him a sideways look, "Shut up."

"Let me tell you, I'm the only one who has a good temper and can tolerate your bad temper, otherwise you wouldn't have any friends by your side now."

Just now Zheng Yunhao forced the other party to the hospital for two stitches, which prevented the wound from getting worse.

But Jiang Sixan was obviously too lazy to respond, and got up to leave, Zheng Yunhao couldn't help asking, "Tell me, did you and Reporter Jiang quarrel, she seemed very worried about you on the phone just now."

Jiang Sixan walked straight forward, Zheng Yunhao hurriedly followed, "Don't make such a face, although you and Reporter Jiang had a conflict, but I didn't."

Jiang Sixan finally couldn't bear it anymore and stopped, "Zheng Yunhao, do you want to cause a medical disturbance?"

Zheng Yunhao immediately walked forward with his arms around the other party's shoulders, "No, no, I mean, I can call Miss Bai out for a drinking party and let her bring Reporter Jiang with me, so I can kill two birds with one stone, yes Bar?"

Jiang Siyan finally saw Zheng Yunhao say something human, and he didn't refuse, "Go to work, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sixan got back into the car. Although his hand was injured, it didn't hinder the driving. In other words, he was used to anesthetizing himself with pain.

Jiang Sixan took out a cigarette, bit it lightly in his mouth, lit it, and the fire source of the lighter illuminated half of his side face, very cold and secretive.

He exhaled deeply a mouthful of white smoke, forcibly suppressing the clamoring unwillingness in his body.

After waiting for so long, Jiang Jiu has no feelings for him at all.

Jiang Siyan gave a wry smile, bit his cigarette, and drove away.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and he looked down, it was Jiang Yongyuan's call.

He didn't choose to answer, but the background picture of the phone made him slightly fascinated.

The photo was just the photo of the two looking at each other at the airport. In the blink of an eye, he and Jiang Jiu had become strangers.

Good luck tricks people.

Jiang Sixan didn't answer the phone, and the next second, it was a message from Sun Weiwei.

[I got something. 】

Jiang Siyan looked quite cold, and replied with one hand, "I see."

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