
Chapter 223 I Have Someone I Like

Chapter 223 I Have Someone I Like
The parents who came this time were naturally more parents of students, but it was rare to see Jiang Sixan so young and so handsome.

Sun Weiwei seldom talked to people in her class before, and everyone felt that she had a silent personality and seldom communicated with her.

At this time, many girls took the initiative to come over and asked, "Weiwei, is that your parent?"

Sun Weiwei nodded proudly, "That's my brother."

"Wow, your brother is so handsome!"

"My brother knows how to bully me now, and he won't come to hold a class reunion for me. He was still grabbing my potato chips yesterday!"

"In the past, no one from Weiwei's family came to the parents' meeting. It turns out that brother Weiwei is a busy man. Wearing a suit is really cool, just like the ones on TV!"

Sun Weiwei was a little happy. She also wanted to integrate into the class before, but she always wore old clothes and had long bangs, and she always felt inferior.

In the past, people who were close to each other in the class would treat each other to drink milk tea, and then go to so-and-so's house to play, but she didn't dare.

She didn't dare to take them back to her home, nor did she dare to drink their milk tea, because she didn't have enough money to treat them to dinner.

So, gradually, she became more and more independent. She was bullied before, and she also came to school wearing dirty clothes, so the rumors in the class gradually increased, and everyone dared not play with her.

Right now, she is a little happy, but also a little proud, "The inside is my brother, this is my sister, they are all here to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me!"

The girls next to her looked at Jiang Jiu and couldn't help sighing, "Weiwei, your older brothers and sisters are so good-looking, let me just say, you are also good-looking, and your older brothers and sisters are also good-looking!"

"Sister, what do you do for work? You look like an internet celebrity, so pretty!"

Sun Weiwei explained, "My sister is a reporter, and it was my sister who wrote about the hair salon case last time!"

Jiang Jiu smiled and didn't explain, but Sun Weiwei gained a lot of face today.

The parent-teacher meeting inside was finally coming to an end. The teacher looked at Jiang Sixan and couldn't help but give a few more words, "Although Weiwei is working hard, her foundation is a bit weak. I seem to have discovered that she has a work-study program now. , you also know that such a young child should put all his energy on his studies."

Jiang Sixan nodded, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "What the teacher said is that I will communicate with her, and Weiwei, please take care of the teacher."

Meeting the other party's eyes, the teacher instantly felt his cheeks heat up, "That's what it should be, what it should be."

Many parents nearby looked at Jiang Sixan, and a few older ones stepped forward, "Young man, are you married yet?"

Jiang Sixan shook his head, "Not yet."

"Seeing that you are wearing a suit, are you a white-collar worker?"

"You are not very old, have you bought a house or a car?"

Jiang Sixan was quite patient, and answered one by one, "Be a little boy, and you have a car and a house."

As soon as the parents outside walked out of the door, their voices became a lot louder, "Young man, my aunt's niece is a student who graduated from a prestigious university. If you young people want to add a WeChat, there must be something to talk about."

"My family is a teacher, who teaches music, and has a stable job!"

Jiang Sixan still smiled modestly, without showing any sign of impatience, "I'm sorry, I have someone I like."

Several parents gave up after hearing what he said.

When the children guarding the door saw their parents coming out, they greeted them one after another, so the parents lost their energy to continue pestering Jiang Sixan.

Jiang Jiu stood beside Sun Weiwei, looked at Jiang Sixan, and couldn't help saying, "Thank you very much for today."

Jiang Sixan said lightly, "Thank me? Isn't it a question?"

Jiang Jiu was a little bit wrong, after all, she only listened to one side of Yu Fengzhan's affairs.

But the other party helped him so much when he was caught in a storm of public opinion, Jiang Jiu still owed Yu Fengzhan a favor after all.

"Sorry, I should have figured it out."

Jiang Siyan looked at her without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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