
chapter 232

At noon the next day, Jiang Jiu made lunch and sent it to Jiang Sixan.

"I start work next Monday."

Jiang Sixan drank the soup slowly, "I thought you would wait to beg me and take care of me."

Jiang Jiu sneered, "I'm sorry to make you daydream."

The wound on Jiang Siyan's back had begun to scab. Jiang Jiu counted, there were 23 whips in total, and each whip was torn apart. Moreover, Jiang Yongyuan never came to see Jiang Siyan once during the time he was hospitalized.

This kind of man is considered a fart father!
"Can't we call the police?"

Jiang Jiu thought for a long time before opening his mouth slowly.

Jiang Sixan chuckled, as if he didn't care.

"What can you sue him for beating your children? What's the use of being locked up for a while and then coming out?"

Jiang Jiu was in a hurry, "But, you can't just keep on being beaten like this, he waited until you were hospitalized, and not once or twice!"

Jiang Sixan put down the spoon and wiped his lips slowly, as if the discussion was someone else's business.

"worry about me?"


Jiang Sixan had a light smile on his face, "Got it, don't worry, I won't let him hit me again."

Jiang Jiu was obviously a little worried, "You can't just stand there obediently and get beaten just because he is an elder. Is there anything you can't explain clearly? Also, if you find that you really can't explain clearly, just run away. I think you can run quite well at ordinary times." , why did you get beaten so obediently this time!"

Jiang Sixan didn't explain, but asked, "Come out for a walk with me?"

Knowing that the other party might be bored in the hospital, Jiang Jiu accompanied him out.

There was a courtyard downstairs of the hospital, and there were quite a lot of people at this time, Jiang Siyan went downstairs slowly, and Jiang Jiu silently followed behind.

"Hey, what's the matter, young man, how long will he stay in the hospital?"

Perhaps because Jiang Siyan was too gentle and good-tempered, Jiang Jiu found that along the way, many elders came to strike up a conversation.

That's right, with this face, Jiang Sixan is invincible all over the world, including women, young and old.

Jiang Sixan explained, "It's not serious, I fell down."

"That's good, that's good. I'll leave the hospital when I recover. This one next to you is your girlfriend? She looks so pretty."

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, and just about to explain, Jiang Sixan said, "No, I chased her, but she disagreed."

Jiang Jiu was slightly embarrassed, why does this person talk about everything!
The grandma next to her looked at Jiang Jiu, then at Jiang Sixan, and said with a smile, "Young man, you work hard, I believe you can do it, the strong girl is afraid of pestering her, that's how your uncle chased me back then."

The tips of Jiang Jiu's ears turned red slightly. This grandma seems to be a bit of a social abuser!
With a smile on his face, Jiang Sixan said, "Thank you for your suggestion."

Seeing that Jiang Jiu was a little embarrassed, Jiang Syan avoided the topic calmly, "Is the uncle hospitalized? Is your health better?"

"It's okay, I just had to change the light bulb and it flickered."

"Don't talk nonsense, did I lose my waist, and you have to drag me to the hospital for nothing."

While speaking, an old man came over, looking very tough.

Grandma bickered with him, and the two left noisy, but it could be seen that the two were in love.

Jiang Jiu finally said, "The weather is hot now, let's go back."

Jiang Sixan agreed, and just as he was walking towards the inpatient department, he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Jiujiu."

Jiang Jiu turned around, only to see Yu Fengzhan standing not far away.

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