
Chapter 246 Literally

Jiang Jiu was so angry that she opened her mouth and bit the man's shoulder, but soon she lost her strength.

After a morning, Jiang Sixan got a satisfactory answer, printed a contract directly from the printer, and handed it to Jiang Jiu, "Signed."

Jiang Jiu curled up on the bed, tired and unwilling to move a finger, but still took a look at the contract

Jiang Sixan tapped the tip of her nose lightly, "What are you thinking? Overnight, literally."

"Party A must not be replaced at will, and those who violate it will unconditionally agree to any conditions of Party A?"


"Co-authoring you became Party A, and I became Party B. Why do I feel like a trap?"

"You can change your perspective, and I can't change you at will."

Jiang Jiu endured the humiliation and signed the unequal treaty, and then she clutched her stomach and said weakly, "I'm starving to death!"

"The takeaway will be here soon."

Jiang Jiu clutched her stomach and groaned, "It's unreasonable, it's all like this and you still let me eat takeaway."

Jiang Sixan fondled her head, "Good boy, I'll cook tonight and prepare a big meal for you."

At this moment, Zheng Yunhao called and cut straight to the point, "What about you kid, you ran away after hitting someone last night, it's already at this point, why don't you hurry back to the hospital!"

Jiang Sixan got up, "I'm leaving the hospital early."

Zheng Yunhao scratched his head, "No, are you really leaving the hospital early, or are you afraid of getting troubled because you beat someone last night?"

Jiang Sixan walked towards the balcony, took out a cigarette and lit it, and took a deep breath, "What am I afraid of, I just have something to do now, so I won't go back."

After all, Zheng Yunhao knew his brother well. Hearing what he said, he sighed helplessly, "All right, I'll pack up your things, and I'll take the medicine you still need to take to your home."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Sixan took another drag on his cigarette, turned around and leaned against the railing, and looked at Jiang Jiu who had already gotten up to take a shower.

Jiang Jiu looked up and saw the man standing on the balcony looking at her. She was so tired that she couldn't straighten her back, but the other party seemed to be okay, standing over there calmly and smoking on the phone?
She threw an uppercut directly at his figure and made a grimace. One day, she must press Jiang Sixan to the ground and rub him!

Jiang Sixan laughed silently, crushed the cigarette and threw it aside.

The takeaway finally arrived, all Jiang Jiu's favorite dishes, the fatigue just now made her eat two big bowls of rice smoothly.

"I have to go to work tomorrow, so I don't have time to fiddle with you at night."

Jiang Sixan nodded, "I have something to do tomorrow, so I'll go back tonight."

Jiang Jiu looked at him suspiciously, "What are you going to do if you don't go back to the hospital?"

"Zheng Yunhao said that I can leave the hospital early, but I haven't been to the company for so many days, so I have to go see it tomorrow morning."

Hearing what the other party said, Jiang Jiu couldn't help but said, "Go back, your father's side..."

Jiang Siyan was hospitalized for so long, no one came to visit him, even Jiang Yongyuan was invisible.

He beat his son to the hospital and didn't even bother to take a look.

Jiang Sixan took a sip of the soup calmly, and didn't care, "The Laisheng Group is my property, and he has nothing to do with it."

Jiang Jiu was still a little worried, "If you need my help, just tell me."

Jiang Siyan chuckled, "Just now you wanted to beat me up, but now you care about me so much, Jiang Jiu, you can't be soft-hearted to me like this."

"Who cares about you, who is soft-hearted, this is my professional habit!"

Jiang Sixan saw it through and didn't speak, got up and left after eating.

Jiang Jiu changed the bed sheets, threw them into the washing machine, and didn't bother to move. She lay on the bed and slept for a while, and her body recovered a bit.

Tomorrow is her first day to report for duty, so she was a little nervous all of a sudden.

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