
Chapter 249 Jiang Sixan He Doesn't Talk About Martial Virtue

Only then did Jiang Jiu realize that she was too nervous just now, and when she sent a message to Bai Yiran, she mistakenly sent the message to Jiang Sixan.

The other party's chat box is next to Bai Yiran, and she didn't notice it just now.

It's just that Jiang Jiu didn't expect that the other party would appear downstairs in the company so soon.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help going downstairs, and sure enough, she saw Jiang Sixan's car parked downstairs. Jiang Sixan was sitting in the car with his arms on the window, and when he saw her coming, he lazily raised his chin, "Get in the car. "

"But I'm still at work."

"I will be back soon."

Jiang Jiu had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Sixan stepped on the accelerator and started on the road slowly, "I heard that you are very nervous."

As soon as this was mentioned, Jiang Jiu became nervous again, "I almost forgot, what do you insist on bringing it up!"

Jiang Jiu sighed helplessly, "They just told me today that this is a live broadcast and not a recorded broadcast. I have never done a live broadcast. If I make a mistake, I will be ashamed and thrown to the whole country."

Jiang Sixan nodded, "Indeed."

Jiang Jiu almost didn't growl, "You won't comfort me!"

With that said, Jiang Siyan stopped the car and leaned forward slightly.

Jiang Jiu retreated subconsciously, but the carriage was so big, she couldn't retreat, "What are you doing... um!"

Before the words were finished, the man's kisses fell down overwhelmingly.

Jiang Sixan's kiss was overbearing, making it impossible to resist.

With a "click", Jiang Jiu's seat belt was unbuckled, and Jiang Siyan's big hands passed directly under his armpits, and hugged him into his arms.

"Jiang, Jiang Sixan!"

Jiang Jiu wanted to refuse, but the man's strength made it impossible for her to push him away, and the man didn't talk about martial arts, so he didn't give her a chance to speak.

Right now, the sky is bright and the sun is shining, the car is parked on the roadside path, and there will be people passing by at any time. As long as they take a look into the car, they can see what they are doing.

Jiang Jiu was terrified, her whole body became tense, and she couldn't stop struggling. In the end, Jiang Sixan finally let go of her.

Jiang Jiu covered her mouth, her chest heaved violently, and stared at him fiercely, "Jiang Siyan, you're crazy!"

Jiang Siyan slightly hooked the corners of his lips, reached out and pinched her face, "So fierce."

Jiang Jiu slapped his hand away, returned to the co-pilot's seat, and made a gesture to get out of the car, but Jiang Siyan grabbed his arm, pressed her on the seat, and buckled her seat belt.

"Look, don't you feel less nervous?"

Hearing what Jiang Sixan said, Jiang Jiu realized after a while that she was indeed not nervous, and hadn't thought of this matter at all just now.

"I'm not nervous now, but what if I make a mistake at night?"

Jiang Jiu thought for a while, then emphasized again. "It's live!"

Jiang Sixan looked at her, "Do you want to know the scene where I faced management personnel from different countries in my first overseas meeting?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "How did you do it then?"

I think that Jiang Sixan at that time should be younger than he is now, and with his gentle temperament before, he must not be able to deter those people, so how did Jiang Sixan manage to do it in just a few years? The inside has become what it is now, and it looks like it can do a job with ease in the business field?

Jiang Sixan continued to drive, "At that time, I was also nervous, but I knew that if I didn't behave well, then all my hard-earned preparations would be in vain, so I engraved the content of the meeting in my mind in advance. It’s definitely not difficult.”

Jiang Jiu couldn't help asking, "And then?"

Jiang Sixan tapped his cheek from behind, with obvious intentions.

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