
Chapter 283

The next morning, Jiang Jiu drove back to the company, planning to record the show first.

After recording two programs in one day, Jiang Jiu devoted himself to topic selection again.

Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, you have just recovered, so just work hard, be careful that your body can't take it."

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "It's okay, you and others have worked hard these days, I invite you for lunch today."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Jiang Jiu has always been generous to his subordinates. At noon, he ordered luxurious bento boxes for all of them. After eating by himself, he finalized the theme again.

After Zhai An took a good look, Jiang Jiu dragged Ruan Yuan to run the news again.

The topic chosen this time is medical trouble. This topic is actually very sensitive to the current society. If the degree is not carefully grasped, it will cause a certain amount of public opinion violence.

But Jiang Jiu thought again and again, and still chose this topic.

Because she saw that one of the news parties was Zheng Yunhao.

It can be regarded as a bit selfish, after all, he is not only Jiang Sixan's friend, but also a man he likes in vain, anyway, someone needs to follow up the news, so Jiang Jiu stops it by himself.

However, I was busy recording the program this morning and didn't have time until the afternoon, so it was already late when Jiang Jiu came to the hospital.

The hospital forbade them to come in and shoot, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

After all, there are many people coming and going in the hospital, and there are many patients, so there is really no extra energy to deal with reporters.

The family members of the patient have already uploaded the short video they shot on the Internet. Although this incident was suppressed and did not cause a sensation, the patient still held a banner in the hospital and refused to leave.

Jiang Jiu stepped forward to interview, the man's name was Ma Jiaming, and when he heard that Jiang Jiu was a reporter, he immediately sued the hospital for inaction, causing the death of his soon-to-be-born child, demanding the hospital to pay 120 million yuan and expel the client.

"My wife was fine, and I trusted the doctors here, but the doctors here only know how to play with mobile phones. My wife's stomach hurts so badly, they didn't help, and my child died at birth. Really God can't tolerate it!"

Ma Jiaming's mother also cried bitterly, accusing the doctor of inaction.

Jiang Jiu looked at Ma Jiaming's wife, who was sitting under the quilt with a towel wrapped around her head, her eyes were empty, and she seemed to have suffered a lot.

"I've read that you said that the doctor who examined you was named Bao, but why are you suing another doctor Zheng?"

Ma Jiaming sternly said, "He is an accomplice. That Doctor Bao ignored us, and even chatted with Doctor Bao, ignoring us at all. These doctors just vent their anger!"

Jiang Jiu calmed their emotions and persuaded them to let Ma Jiaming's wife Dong Xiaohua go to rest first. After all, she is also a confinement child now and cannot be exposed to the wind and sun outside.

Ma Jiaming's mother, Zhao Laidi, said, "It's okay, she won't be able to sleep at home if she doesn't come with me, our family must seek justice for the child together!"

After the interview, Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan left first.

Ruan Yuan couldn't help but said, "Teacher, what do you think of this?"

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "I don't know the whole picture, so I won't comment."

Ruan Yuan pursed his lips tightly, a little embarrassed, "But the hospital is unwilling to interview, so you say we sneak in, how about it?"

Jiang Jiu tapped Ruan Yuan's head, "Don't even think about it, the hospital is a place to treat patients and save lives, and they are racing against time to save lives, it's not that we can just waste other people's time for news."

"What should I do?"

Jiang Jiu took out her mobile phone and called Zheng Yunhao. After the call was connected, she went straight to the point.

"Doctor Zheng, I'm Jiang Jiu. This time, the doctors in the city hospital are making trouble. Our TV station wants to know the situation. I don't know if it's convenient for you. Give us a few minutes to understand the whole story."

Originally, I thought things would be difficult, but I didn't expect Zheng Yunhao to agree directly.

But he still has an operation tonight, and he will come back after it is over.

Jiang Jiu nodded, this is naturally no problem.

Ruan Yuan looked at Jiang Jiu in disbelief, "Teacher, you are amazing, you know all of this!"

Jiang Jiu smiled, "You'll get to know each other later."

Today is Thursday, and it is also the first time "Small Town Story" has been aired for an hour.

While there was still some time, Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan found a place to eat while waiting for the show to air.

After thinking about it, Jiang Jiu lowered her head and sent a message to Jiang Sixan, saying that she would have to work overtime tonight.

Due to the fact that she lied about "working overtime" to deceive Jiang Sixan last time, Jiang Jiu specifically explained that she was waiting for Zheng Yunhao to get off work at the hospital gate this time.

Jiang Sixan didn't say much, but told her to eat on time.

Finally, the news started.

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