
Chapter 289

Ding Haizhe estimated that he would be back soon, so Jiang Jiu got up and put on his glasses, "Go home first."


Fortunately, Jiang Siyan was quite obedient. Jiang Jiu helped him up, but after all, the other party was no longer the frail young man back then, but an adult man in his mid-eighties. Jiang Jiu felt uncomfortable holding him, thinking about this When will Secretary Ding come back, hurry up and help!

Jiang Jiu put Jiang Sixan's hand on her shoulder, and supported his body with the other hand, reluctantly walking forward.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a woman approaching.

When the other party saw the woman next to Jiang Sixan, he was obviously taken aback, and there was a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Jiang Jiu, "???"

"Boss Jiang, are you okay?"

It seemed that he knew Jiang Sixan.

Who knows, Jiang Siyan raised his eyes and glanced at her, "Who are you?"

The woman smiled awkwardly, "Mr. Jiang, today our two companies signed the contract. Didn't we sit together for dinner? I just sent the boss of our group back. I think you are also drunk, so you will definitely feel uncomfortable." , so I came here on purpose.”

As she said that, the woman took out a business card and was about to put it into the man's chest pocket boldly, but was stopped by Jiang Jiu halfway, "Just give it to me."

The woman was a little reconciled, "But this is for Mr. Jiang, who are you Mr. Jiang, why should you give it to you?"

Jiang Jiu hooked the corner of her mouth coldly, stretched out a hand and raised Jiang Sixan's chin, "I'm his sister, do you have any objections?"

The woman was stunned, how could an ordinary woman call herself a sister, and even be so rude to Jiang Sixan, maybe she really was a sister!
For a moment, the woman immediately showed a flattering smile, "It turns out that you are Mr. Jiang's sister. It's all a misunderstanding. I thought that the two groups will cooperate in the future, and they will inevitably contact each other, so I gave Mr. Jiang my business card. So what, I'm leaving first, sister, you are busy!"

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Jiang Jiu patted Jiang Sixan on the head, "You don't usually look like a shrewd person, now you know how dangerous it is to be drunk, a rich and handsome man like you A diamond and gold bachelor, like Tang Monk meat, if I don't come, you'll be eaten up tomorrow, with no skin left!"

Jiang Sixan suppressed a smile, "Sister Jiang taught you the right lesson."

"stop laughing!"

"I didn't laugh."

"You obviously laughed!"

"I didn't laugh."

"Stand up and walk by yourself, crush me to death!"

"But, I'm dizzy. Besides, you're not afraid that I'll be caught by those goblins?"

"Catch it, catch it, I don't bother with you."

The two bickered all the way to the door, but Ding Haizhe still hesitated to leave.

Just as Jiang Jiu was about to call for help, Jiang Sixan threw him a bunch of keys, "You drive the car back by yourself, and you will drive back to the company tomorrow morning."

Looking into Jiang Sixan's deep eyes, Ding Haizhe didn't dare to refuse, and immediately nodded and left.

Jiang Jiu watched Ding Haizhe leave just like that, and couldn't help but said, "He is your secretary after all, can't he send you back first, and then drive the car back?"

Jiang Siyan nodded, "Yes."

Jiang Jiu chattered, "This kind of secretary is incompetent, don't even want this month's bonus!"

Jiang Sixan continued to echo, "Yes."

Jiang Jiu barely helped him to the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt. He was out of breath at this moment, "Forget it, you told him to go back just now, just because it is inappropriate to deduct his bonus, I will Say whatever you want."

Jiang Jiu raised her eyes and met the man's dark abyss pupils, she lost her mind for a moment.


Before he finished speaking, Jiang Sixan suddenly pressed the back of her head and kissed her.

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