
Chapter 296

Jiang Siyan pursed his lips, "Of course I know you put your career first."

Jiang Jiu lowered her head and whispered, "You are also very important."

Jiang Siyan looked at her, "What did you say?"

Jiang Jiu blushed slightly, "It's nothing, go home quickly, you have a bad stomach, be careful if you get hungry."

But Jiang Siyan grabbed her wrist and locked her in front of his chest, "What did you just say?"

Jiang Sixan's eyes were deep and deep, and Jiang Jiu met his eyes, as if being sucked into an endless abyss, "I said, be careful of starvation."

"Not this sentence."

Jiang Jiu bit her lip, as if she was willing to go all out, "I said, you are also very important."

Jiang Siyan smiled, in a good mood, took her hand and walked into the car.

When I got home, there were four dishes and one soup on the table, but they were all cold.

Jiang Jiu reheated these dishes and ate a little more with Jiang Sixan.

"In the future, you prepare some snacks in the car, so that you won't have nothing to eat when you're hungry."

Jiang Sixan didn't take it seriously, his need for food was not that high.

Jiang Jiu knew that he didn't care about it at all, so she planned to get up tomorrow morning and prepare the buns for him to take with her.

It was getting late, Jiang Jiu took the lead to wash up.

Jiang Sixan stood at the door, smiling wickedly, "Together?"

Jiang Jiu smiled, stretched her arms around the man's neck, leaned on his ear and whispered, her warm breath sprayed on the man's ear socket, "Dream!"

The next second, Jiang Jiu pushed Jiang Sixan away, closed the bathroom door, and locked it.

Jiang Siyan was stunned for a second, then smiled helplessly.

When Jiang Jiu came out of the shower, Jiang Sixan directly hugged him onto his lap, "Jiang Jiu, I haven't seen you for a few days, you've become more courageous, and even dared to run away after lighting a fire."

Jiang Jiu pretended to be innocent, "Really?"

Jiang Sixan put his hand on her waist and shook it, "Do you exercise after dinner?"

Jiang Jiu shook his head lightly, "Don't worry."

With that said, Jiang Jiu stretched out her hand and caressed Jiang Siyan's side face carefully, "Jiang Siyan, did I ever tell you that you are so good-looking?"

Jiang Siyan's eyes darkened slightly, "That's it?"

Jiang Jiu glanced at him up and down, "Of course more than that."

As she said, she put her hands on his body, "The figure is also good."

Jiang Sixan's Adam's apple rolled up and down, his eyes were dark and scary, and his voice was hoarse, "What else?"

"What else?" Jiang Jiu pretended to think for a while, then leaned over slightly, stroked Jiang Sixan's ear vaguely with one hand, and said softly, "Of course, your side is also good."

Jiang Siyan turned over and pressed the person on top of him, "It seems that our Jiang Jiu is more anxious than I thought."

Just when Jiang Sixan was poking into her clothes, Jiang Jiu stopped her, "Not tonight, my relatives are here."

Jiang Sixan, "..."

Meeting Jiang Jiu's eyes as if he had succeeded in a trick, Jiang Siyan knew that he had been tricked by a beauty tonight.

Jiang Jiu smiled slyly, "I don't want to, this thing is beyond my control."

Jiang Siyan got up, and nodded her head helplessly, "You rely on me to spoil you, knowing that I am not willing to have you at this time."

Jiang Jiu blushed, who would rely on his favor!

"I am Party B. When Party B is unwell, he has the right to refuse."

Jiang Sixan nodded, "You're right, do you need the ibuprofen before?"

Jiang Jiu shook her head, "It came during the bath, it's not too uncomfortable, so I won't eat it."

After Jiang Sixan found out, he still took ibuprofen and put it on the bedside, "Call me for hot water at night."

After speaking, the other party went out again.

Jiang Jiu was puzzled, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Sixan squinted at her, "Take a shower."

After Jiang Sixan entered the bathroom, he didn't come out for a long time, and Jiang Jiu was a little sleepy from waiting.

Just when she was drowsy and about to fall asleep, she suddenly found that the quilt had been lifted, and she opened her eyes in a daze, feeling something cold was stuck on her stomach.

"what are you doing?"

Jiang Sixan said, "I bought some baby warmers last time, and I heard they are useful."

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