
Chapter 303

Jiang Jiu narrowed her eyes slightly, and deliberately said sharply, "Jiang Siyan, did I tell you that you are really naive!"

Jiang Siyan pursed his lips, leaned slightly and kissed her inner thigh, "If you don't take the initiative, then I will take it myself."

Jiang Jiu felt his scalp go numb for a moment, and immediately pulled back his feet.

"you you……"

Before Jiang Jiu finished speaking, Jiang Sixan felt wronged first, "What's wrong, can't we? Didn't we even do more intimate things?"

Jiang Jiu only felt his head grow big, "Shut up, thank you."

Since signing the agreement, Jiang Sixan moved into this house unceremoniously and started living together with her.

Jiang Jiu is like boiling a frog in warm water, she got used to it!

Habits can be a really scary thing sometimes.


"Dong Xiaohua! When did you accept that interview!"

When Ma Jiaming was broadcasting live today, a group of people ran to his live broadcast room and cursed. He didn't care at first, after all, cursing is traffic, but he didn't expect that the live broadcast room would be reported, and all his videos would be removed from the platform.

Ma Jiaming looked back, only to find that the woman surnamed Jiang had broadcast his affairs, including Dong Xiaohua's interview, directly revealing their true colors to the public!

Ma Jiaming looked at Dong Xiaohua viciously, "You bitch, you turned your elbows out, how did I tell you, don't talk, just work, who allowed you to be interviewed!"

He Cui rushed over angrily, grabbed Dong Xiaohua's hair, and dragged him to the ground.

"You iron cock who can't give birth to a son, my son has been unlucky for eight lifetimes to marry you! It's fine if you can't give birth to a son, but now you want to help outsiders slander him, I will kill you!"

He Cui rushed over and punched and kicked her again, at this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Ma Jiaming was in an extremely bad mood, but Dong Xiaohua's exclamation and He Cui's scolding came from inside, and people outside kept knocking on the door.

The Ma family went to open the door in a rage, "Knock, knock, wake up your soul!"

As soon as the door was opened, a group of people rushed out. They were members of the Women's Federation. They immediately stopped He Cui's atrocities, and directly called the police to the police station.

Because of the presence of outsiders, Ma Jiaming was not easy to get angry, but when he looked at Dong Xiaohua, he hated her so much!

"You just watched my mother being arrested, right? Hurry up and ask them to release her, and say that you are making trouble for no reason, and my mother is educating you!"

Dong Xiaohua is a little hard to understand why the man he likes becomes what he is now.

When Mingming was not married back then, Ma Jiaming was still nice to her, picking her up to and from get off work, taking her to eat delicious food, and surprising her.

But after marriage, everything will change.

She has become that yellow-skinned person who only knows daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, and is bullied by He Cui from time to time, either because she dislikes the unpalatable food, or because she dislikes her slow work.

It was only after she became pregnant that she finally relaxed for a few months. She didn't have to work and could eat meat for every meal.

But Dong Xiaohua didn't know that they just liked their son, even if the baby in her belly was gone, they were not sad at all, and even thought it was because of her birth time that they couldn't give birth to a boy.

After returning home from the hospital, she only rested for three days, and was urged to work in the fields after three days.

It wasn't until later, when the reporter surnamed Jiang came with a small skirt, that she realized that there were other people who cared about the daughter she hadn't met yet.

Reporter Jiang told her that the real family members encouraged her, supported her, and gave her the best care when she was suffering, which is not what she is like now!
Ma Jiaming looked at Dong Xiaohua's silence, and said impatiently, "Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and bring my mother back!"

Dong Xiaohua finally said, "Ma Jiaming, let's get a divorce."


The matter here has come to an end, and Jiang Jiu returned to the company in a good mood.

Today is Friday, and tomorrow is the weekend, so every time the news that she hosts is broadcast, Jiang Jiu feels that the time is passing very well.

Yang Sijie and Zhang Xiaoxiong rarely have free time, so they came to look for Jiang Jiu, "Our Jiujiu has been getting better and better recently, I heard those people are full of praise for you!"

Zhang Xiaoxiong also said, "Isn't that right, my mother is watching the TV every Thursday, waiting for you to broadcast the news. She also asked me why I can't turn every week into daily news. I said, it's the salary of the TV station." Too little, my mother will take it seriously!"

Jiang Jiu was very happy. The show she made was recognized by everyone, and she was very content.

"Dinner together in the afternoon?"

Originally, they used to eat together when they were in Nanshang, so Yang Sijie and Zhang Xiaoxiong naturally agreed.

After finishing work in the morning, Jiang Jiu and others took the elevator downstairs to a nearby restaurant, but unexpectedly saw Mao Nana.

When the other party saw Jiang Jiu, he rolled his eyes without hesitation.

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