
Chapter 306

The girl was surprised, "I didn't see it, so she is such a person."

Mao Nana fixed her makeup in the mirror, "You can see that there are too many things. Everyone knows how people like Jiang Jiu entered the stage. Boss Zhai gave her such a project as soon as he came. Made just for her.

It's only been a few episodes of the show, and this show has become so popular. Do you think there is no secret operation?
Looking at her usual serious appearance, she might have a lot of troubles in front of Zhai An. "

At this time, another woman's voice sounded, "I think it's true. This kind of woman probably can't live without men, and she probably wants Boss Zhai!"

Jiang Jiu opened the bathroom door in silence, and the laughter outside stopped abruptly.

After washing her hands, she slowly took out a tissue to wipe it clean, and then looked at Mao Nana and the two women beside her.

One is her assistant Xie Hong, and the other is a girl from the production team, Wu Baijie.

When Wu Baijie saw Jiang Jiu, he felt a little embarrassed, "Jiang, Jiang Jiu, you're here too."

Jiang Jiu raised her eyelids and looked at them indifferently, "I'm not here, how come I heard you arrange me behind my back like this, it's okay, let's continue, I also want to hear how this story develops in the end."

Wu Baijie remained silent in embarrassment, but Mao Nana didn't care at all.

"You are so excited, maybe it's because I hit it? You see, I'm useless. I didn't say these things, and everyone is spreading them. But how to say that sentence, if people don't know, unless Nothing to do.

How can something happen that didn't happen, right? "

Jiang Jiu curled his lips coldly, "Mao Nana, you don't have to be so anxious to get rid of the relationship, I really didn't expect that because your program was shortened, you would slander me everywhere.

You said that Zhai An was behind my show, but I would like to ask you, has the show you hosted plummeted this year?
Among the programs in the same period, is it true that our station's entertainment programs are the only ones that are at the bottom every day?
Do you think if Zhai An has the ability to fake ratings, why didn't I use it to save some face in the station before I came? "

Mao Nana's face became increasingly ugly, "I don't know what nonsense you are talking about."

Xie Hong said loudly, "Don't spout blood here, do you have evidence? Just say so!"

Jiang Jiu stared at her coldly, "Yeah, do you have any evidence? Just spouting blood here, do you have any evidence?

They are also girls, don't you feel disgusted by making rumors?

Or is it that I have no skills and can only find a sense of belonging by spreading rumors? "

Xie Hong was instantly stunned speechless, and subconsciously looked at Mao Nana.

Mao Nana sternly said, "Jiang Jiu, are you being quick-eyed by what I say?"

Jiang Jiu raised her eyelids and glanced at her, "I think some people are really pitiful, they open their mouths when they slander others, and bite back before the dirty water splashes on themselves.

Mao Nana, if I were you, I would learn to be a man with my tail between my legs and improve my business ability, instead of talking outside! "

Mao Nana was accused of incompetence by Jiang Jiu here, so she naturally lost face, taking advantage of the small number of people here, she spoke more boldly, "Jiang Jiu, don't think how great you are now, sooner or later I will let you get out of the TV station! "

"Whoever wants to bully us Jiujiu, did you ask me!"

Yang Sijie came out of the cubicle, rolled up her sleeves and stared at Mao Nana, "I said, whose pheasant keeps crowing outside, so it's your long-haired chicken.

Just bully us Jiujiu to convince others with virtue, you can bully her casually, right?
I also said that you wanted to climb into the bed of the gold master, but the gold master kicked you out of the bed when he saw that you were old and frail! "

Mao Nana was angry, "What nonsense are you talking about! Who is a chicken, who is old and young!"

Yang Sijie drank the wine and was right on top at this time, "It seems that you didn't deny that there is a benefactor. Could it be that the benefactor is too old to dislike you?"

Mao Nana was stabbed in the weak spot, and she didn't know how to refute for a while, but also felt a burst of surprise in her heart. Could it be that she knew Chu Kuo?

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