
Chapter 313 Sister, I'm Naturally Beautiful

"Because you asked me to drop by to buy groceries when I came back. I think if you were at home all the time, you would definitely buy them by yourself. It must be because you are tired from shopping and don't want to go."

Jiang Jiu didn't forget to give Jiang Siyan a thumbs up when he gnawed on the crab legs, "Amazing."

Jiang Sixan smiled lightly, and picked up a chopstick of meat for her, "Don't bother eating crabs."

Jiang Jiu nodded, and continued to eat the rice with big mouthfuls.

Not to mention, watching Jiang Jiu eat is a very healing process. She eats big mouthfuls, but the way she eats is not brutal, which makes people very appetizing.

If Jiang Sixan hadn't gone out for morning exercises every morning, he would have given his eight-pack abs to the dinner table.

When he was full, Jiang Sixan began to clear the table.

It's time for Jiang Jiu's program to air again. This is a film that was filmed a long time ago, and it's finally going to air.

Jiang Jiu leaned on the sofa and watched her own news. Today’s broadcast was the news that the outer wall of the shopping mall fell and hit several workers. It was supposed to be broadcast last week, but the news about the hospital was more urgent, so it was changed. time.

The one-hour news said it was not long, and it was over soon. Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Sixan and asked, "How about this?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

Jiang Jiu proudly said, "Right, I investigated this shopping mall. It was opened by your father. It seems that it has resumed business after renovation... You said he wouldn't blame you, right? After all, my news broadcast, His mall will definitely be affected."

Jiang Sixan frowned slightly, and finally said slowly, "Let other people investigate his affairs in the future."

Jiang Jiu didn't understand, "Why?"

Jiang Sixan was silent for a while, "He is not a good person."

Although he is Jiang Sixan's father, this is also true.

Jiang Sixan also knew this man best.

"Are you worried that he will retaliate against me for this kind of thing?"

Jiang Jiu looked at him with a serious expression, "I am a reporter, and it is my duty to investigate and report social news, and I am just presenting the truth to the public.

Moreover, even if I don't report this case, other people will follow up. Even if Jiang Yongyuan covers the sky with one hand, he can't get enough of the crowd.

Besides, it's not like I haven't encountered diehards who wanted to retaliate against us reporters, and they were all arrested in the end?

So, Jiang Sixan, don't be afraid. "

Jiang Sixan looked at Jiang Jiu, didn't say anything, just patted her head.

"Our sister Jiang is more powerful than I thought."

Jiang Jiu was proud, "Of course."

As she said that, she changed to a different channel, which was a funny variety show, where several celebrities stood together to play a game to break through a level, but she didn't expect that there was Yu Xianfeng in it.

With the lively background music, everyone flirting with each other, coupled with Yu Xianfeng's successive misfortunes, Jiang Jiu forgot everything in an instant, and laughed while watching.

"Oh, right."

Jiang Jiu hurriedly ran to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out Xuemei Niang and cookies inside, "I made this, try it."

Jiang Sixan was quite helpless, "Didn't we just have dinner?"

Jiang Jiu was shocked, "Didn't that happen two hours ago?"

Jiang Sixan, "...Eat, eat."

In the end, Jiang Sixan reluctantly ate an Oreo-flavored Xuemei Niang, and Jiang Jiu ate all the others.

Jiang Siyan pinched her waist, "Where did the meat go?"

Jiang Jiu was proud, "Don't be envious, don't be jealous, sister, I am naturally beautiful."

Jiang Sixan shook his head. After watching the variety show, he got up to take a shower. At this moment, Jiang Jiu's phone rang, and it was Ruan Yuan's call.

"Teacher, someone has reported our fake news!"

This kind of thing is not a trivial matter, Jiang Jiu immediately turned over and sat up, "What's going on?"

"Some people say that we deliberately guide migrant workers to give us fake interviews!"

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first."

Jiang Jiu's brain was still a little confused at this time. After she hung up the phone, she immediately turned on the phone. An anonymous user posted an article on the Internet, directly pointing out that the host of "Small Town Story" made false reports in order to gain attention.

After the outer wall of the mall collapsed, the staff of the mall immediately sent them to the hospital and compensated them, but this "Jiang reporter" said that the news was not topical enough, and deliberately instructed those migrant workers to say that there were other dangers in their mall!
Not only that, it seemed that everyone was waiting for the news to be broadcast.

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