
Chapter 316 She's Still Too Young

Chapter 316 She's Still Too Young
Jiang Jiu continued to stare. After a while, Ruan Yuan came back, handed him two multigrain cakes with added ingredients, and handed him a cup of coffee, "I guess he won't come back until evening, so eat more."

Ruan Yuan didn't expect to give one of them to himself, and immediately took it with a smile, "Thank you teacher!"

To a boy, two servings of multigrain cakes were nothing, and to Jiang Jiu, it was even more nothing.

Eat and drink enough, continue to wait.

This waited until night.

Pan Liwei finally got off work, and returned home with heavy steps, with a sleepy expression on his face.

"Pan Liwei."

Hearing that familiar voice, Pan Liwei was slightly taken aback, turned around, and saw Jiang Jiu standing behind him.

He looked at Jiang Jiu in disbelief, his lips trembled, "Jiang, reporter Jiang."

He remembered this reporter. He heard that he was not in good health, and he took them to see a doctor at his own expense, and went to the mall to find out the warehouse where their formaldehyde exceeded the standard. He was a serious and responsible reporter.

Seeing it again, Pang Liwei felt ashamed.

Jiang Jiu looked at him, and suddenly lost the attitude of wanting to find out the truth before, "Can you tell me why?"

Pan Liwei, a big man, suddenly had red eyes, and his shoulders slumped heavily.

"Some people say that just by making a simple video and playing around, I can get a sum of money without talking. I thought there was such a good thing, and I immediately agreed.

Unexpectedly, they posted the video online. "

Ruan Yuan was overjoyed, and immediately took out the equipment, "Brother Pan, let's interview you again, please help clarify!"

In this way, the accident broadcast this time will be able to end.

Pan Liwei still lowered his head, with a guilty expression on his face, "No way...they gave me a lot of money, with this money, I can send my baby to college without worrying...I only have a few thousand dollars a month, baby Followed by suffering, I don’t know what to do with his money for studying in the future, I took their money, I, I..."

Pan Liwei didn't say anything later, but everyone understood.

Pan Liwei got the hush money, not only him, but all the workers got the hush money.

They only need to easily shoot a video, and they can live a life without worrying about food and clothing. Why not do it?
It's just a matter of sacrificing a stranger.

Looking at Pan Liwei's trembling hands and red eyes, Jiang Jiu just said lightly, "I see."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Seeing this, Ruan Yuan had no choice but to follow, "Teacher, this Pan Liwei has admitted that he used money to make videos to slander you, why don't you collect evidence!"

Sitting in the car, Jiang Jiu let out a heavy breath.

"Someone paid such a large amount of money behind the scenes, just to make our news even if it is broadcast normally, it will have the opposite effect.

Even if I obtain evidence from Pan Liwei, the people behind must have other tricks to deal with me.

Instead of doing this, let Pan Liwei use the money to buy some delicious food for Xiaokun, and when he goes to university, he will become famous in the future and change the status quo.

Just think I'm soft-hearted, I don't want Xiaokun to bear the name of a corrupt and bribery son for the rest of his life. "

Ruan Yuan looked solemn, "Teacher, you have already thought about them, what about you?"

Jiang Jiu pursed her lips. When she first accepted the news, she knew that she was going to face Jiang Yongyuan.

Don't think about it now, it's probably Jiang Yongyuan's people who are playing tricks again.

But why didn't the other party come to her directly, but to these workers?
She is still too tender.

Jiang Jiu laughed suddenly, "Don't think about it, go fuck it!"

(End of this chapter)

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