
Chapter 343 Look up to the moon, next to Jiang Sixan

Lu Junhao walked over with a sad face, "Cousin, I calculated that there are only two bullets left in your gun, but I didn't expect you to hit every shot, otherwise my move would be perfect!"

Jiang Sixan pointed out bluntly, "There is still a gap between dreams and reality."

Lu Junhao looked angry, turned to Jiang Jiu and said, "Biao sister-in-law, look at him, he is bullying!"

Jiang Jiu looked at Jiang Sixan, "What are you arguing with the children, you win even if you win, just talk nonsense."

Jiang Sixan nodded pretending to be deep, "You're right."

Lu Junhao, "..."

My life is also my life, okay?
It's over here, and the few people didn't continue to play, but found a restaurant to eat. After eating, the group returned to the manor, but Jiang Sixan proposed to leave the next day.

He Jingyi was reluctant, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry, why don't you stay for a few more days."

"No, there is something else to do."

Seeing that Jiang Sixan had made up her mind, He Jingyi didn't have much to say. In the evening, someone specially prepared delicious food and drink for them.

Lu Manman and Lu Junhao were naturally reluctant, and at the end the group simply ate and sat in the open space of the manor with a bonfire chatting.

The wine in the manor is made from the grapes in the manor, and it tastes good. Jiang Jiu felt delicious after drinking a glass, so she couldn't help but take a few more sips.

Just when Jiang Jiu was drinking the third cup, Jiang Sixan stopped her.

"I can't drink any more."

Jiang Jiu glanced at him, "You don't even care how much I drink!"

Jiang Sixan said quietly, "Someone will go crazy when he drinks too much, and I won't be able to stop him then."

Jiang Jiu was at a loss for words, and silently put down the wine glass.

Every time she woke up the next day after getting drunk, her back was sore and her legs were weak, but she could still remember that it was all because of her desperate attempts to tease Jiang Sixan after she was drunk.

This is the manor after all, if something like this really happened, she would definitely have no face to face Lu Feng and He Jingyi.

Lu Junhao is still young, and he is not allowed to drink outside, but after all, this is his home, so he is still allowed to have a drink.

Lu Manman has a good capacity for alcohol, and after a while the bottle bottomed out, and his expression didn't change at all.

"Lu Junhao, we agreed to have a drink, and you secretly opened another bottle for me!"

"It doesn't matter, what if I drink more at home, you've already had a bottle."

"I'm not drunk for a thousand cups, you compare with me?"

"You will never get drunk with a thousand glasses, but I will never pour a thousand glasses!"

Hearing the bickering between Lu Manman and Lu Junhao, Jiang Jiu sat on a chair with a bonfire in front of her, raised her head to the sky and the moon, and Jiang Sixan was next to her. The breeze was blowing, which was quite comfortable.

Seeing the intoxicated look on Lu Junhao's face after secretly drinking a glass of wine, Jiang Jiu couldn't help arousing the glutton, and secretly picked up the glass.

Jiang Siyan cast a look, and Jiang Jiu immediately explained, "Just drink a little, and I will never go crazy!"

Jiang Sixan didn't speak, Jiang Jiu muttered, "Can't I? I haven't had a drink for a long time."

Although Jiang Jiu is not an alcoholic, she is still a small alcoholic. She likes to have a glass of beer with her supper on weekdays.

This time I was hospitalized with a sore throat, and I haven't drank for a long time.

The key is He Jingyi's self-made wine, which is delicious.

Seeing Jiang Jiu's aggrieved look, Jiang Siyan finally let go, "Half a glass, no more."

Immediately, Jiang Jiu's eyes lit up, and she took a sip of it as if she had got some treasure, and her comfortable eyes almost narrowed.

Soon, half a cup was drunk, and there was still a small half cup left.

Jiang Sixan's gaze came over again, and Jiang Jiu immediately explained, "What a waste if I don't finish the remaining half of the glass."

As she spoke, she was about to raise her wine glass, but Jiang Sixan took it away and drank it down, "This way it won't be wasted."

Jiang Jiu, "..."

It was late at night, and He Jingyi rushed people in to sleep.

Jiang Sixan is going to drive tomorrow, so he still needs to preserve his energy.

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