
Chapter 346 This Is Too Coincidental

"Mr. Jiang."

"How is the investigation of Chu Kuo going?"

Jiang Sixan bit his cigarette, took a shallow puff, and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

"Now we can only confirm that Mao Nana and Chu Kuo are very close, but it will take some time for Reporter Jiang to be poisoned."

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yan has been investigating Mao Nana's affairs for the past few days.

Logically speaking, Mao Nana was indeed the most likely person to poison her. However, after repairing her nose, the other party has been staying at home for a while. Even if he wanted to investigate something, it was not easy.

"Find someone and investigate Chu Kuo's recent financial transactions, in every detail."


If Chu Kuo targeted Jiang Jiu for Chu Meng, then Jiang Siyan would naturally prepare a big gift for Chu Kuo.


Jiang Jiu went back to the bedroom to pack her things. The quilts were all in the cabinet. She took them out and spread them out, closed the cabinet, and was bored looking for two story books to read.

When Jiang Jiu was a child, Jiang Jiu was obsessed with magazines for a while, and often bought them. Now that I think about it, maybe she became a host or a reporter.

After searching for a long time, she finally found a large box under the bed, opened it, and it was full of magazines.

Some covers have turned yellow, but some are still almost the same as when they were first bought, and they are well preserved.

Grandma Jiang was not considered wealthy when she was a child. Jiang Jiu always wanted to make money early. Later, she heard that some people could make money by writing stories, and she was very envious.

When she was young, she took a pen and paper and imitated the contents of the magazine to write a manuscript. Now that she thinks about it, she is really naive.

Suddenly, Jiang Jiu found that there was a biscuit box under the magazine.

This is an aluminum box left after eating biscuits when I was a child. The pattern is beautiful, and children like to keep the biscuits after eating.

Jiang Jiu picked up the biscuit and shook it, only to find something inside.

Open it, and there is a small notebook inside, which is Jiang Jiu's diary.

She took a look and found that these things were recorded when she came to the country when she was about 10 years old. She didn't expect that these things were still there.

Jiang Jiu opened the diary enthusiastically.

November 3, sunny day.

Today I asked grandma if my father and mother would come to see me, grandma said yes, but I know grandma lied, because grandma said before that they would come to see me, but they never came, and they didn't want me anymore.

On March 3, it rained.

Today I secretly went to the small shop and spent [-] cents to call my mother. I said I missed her so much, but my mother hung up the phone after she told me to find my father. I have no money to call my father. My mood Weep like the sky.

November 4, sunny day.

Fatty was too much, he said that he hid Ayan’s schoolbag on April Fool’s day, and that he didn’t have any textbooks after class, so I showed my textbooks to Ayan.

January 4, strong winds.

Ah Yan's parents don't want him anymore, but I'm an older sister and I will protect him.

November 4, sunny day.

Today someone was chasing ducks in the field, and Ah Yan and I both picked up duck eggs, but Ah Yan picked up one, and I picked up two, I am really good.

Jiang Jiu couldn't help laughing as she read her immature words.

It is true that when she first came here, she kept missing her parents, and Jiang Siyan was with her in the back, so she gradually forgot about it.

Jiang Jiu slowly flipped through the pages. Children's happiness and sadness are very simple, and the agreed diary is usually just a sentence.

Looking back, she was the one who outwitted Ye Feixiang. It seemed that this Ye Feixiang was really hateful when he was a child. He kept bullying Jiang Sixan, and he wanted to tell his daughter about Ye Feixiang in the future!

Turning to the last page, Jiang Jiu saw the date, June 6st, Children's Day.

Today is Children's Day. I performed a show today. Everyone said that I am very good-looking. I won the dancing competition. My grandma gave me a reward. I said I wanted to raise a kitten and a puppy, but my grandma refused. , she felt that I did not take good care of her.

Hmph, I can obviously take care of it!
When I grow up, I will have a cat named Doug and a dog named Kate, and I can bark whatever I want!
Jiang Jiu was taken aback, Doug?

This is too coincidental, isn't it?

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