
Chapter 355 You Are Crying 【Add More】

Chapter 355 You Are Crying 【Add More】

Soon, Zhai An sent a message, 【Is there nothing to do when the show is suspended?Now that your throat has recovered, hurry back to work for me!You are the only one up and down in the whole stage, you have rested for a whole National Day, why, you still want to be lazy, don't you! 】

Although Zhai An's words looked angry, Jiang Jiu knew that the other party was telling her that the station was waiting for her to go back to work, and the TV station still had her place.

Jiang Jiu felt inexplicably relieved.

"Jiujiu, are you sleeping?"

Jiang Jiu got up immediately, "No, grandma, what's wrong?"

Grandma pushed the door open with a smile and came in, "Grandma has something to tell you."

Jiang Jiu was puzzled, "Grandma, what's the matter?"

Grandma took out a passbook from her pocket, "I also saved a sum of money for you, which was originally intended to be used for your emergency in the future, but I saw that the host of "Small Town Story" changed recently, and I was thinking about your work. There must be something wrong.

You have had your own ideas since you were a child, and you have always reported good news to your family but not bad news. Grandma knows you are a good boy, but grandma loves you too.

If the work is not going well, I will stop doing it if I am not happy. The most important thing is that my granddaughter is happy.

Grandma is useless, and she doesn't have much money. Here is 2 yuan, which can pay you for a while. "

Jiang Jiu was slightly surprised, it turned out that grandma knew everything.

Grandma took out another passbook, "This is the dowry I saved for you, it was saved when you came to grandma's house.

Grandma doesn't have much money, but if other people's children have them, we Jiujiu also have them. I'm afraid I'll forget about them in the future, so I'll give them to you now. "

Jiang Jiu was taken aback, grandma didn't even have a pension, where did she get the money for the dowry?
Open it and see that the money is not much, [-].

But for an old man, this must have been saved for a long time.

As her mother, You Jing never thought about her problem, but grandma remembered.

Jiang Jiu's eyes turned red instantly, "Grandma, I can't take this money, you can keep it for yourself."

"Silly girl, grandma saves all the money for you, of course, your father, that bastard, hasn't come to see me in these years, and he only gives me 5000 yuan all year round, he's very stingy.

I know that your parents have families outside and have children, but you are the only treasure of grandma. "

Jiang Jiu's tears couldn't stop falling for a moment, "Grandma."

She used to naively thought that Jiang Shuhong would give grandma a lot of money every year, at least to take care of her daily life and tuition fees, but now she knew that Jiang Shuhong only gave five thousand a year.

Jiang Jiu really couldn't imagine how grandma brought her up with 5000 yuan, and how she saved the money by saving money.

"Don't cry, don't cry, grandma is getting old now, I'm afraid that sometimes these precious things will be forgotten, and you will keep them on your own, where you should eat and drink.

By the way, what do you think of this kid Syan? "

Jiang Jiu was taken aback, "Why are you talking about him so well?"

"Grandma watched Si Yan grow up. He is gentle and considerate. He treats you well and looks good. You don't have a date right now. You can consider him."

Jiang Jiu looked at grandma with a guilty conscience, always feeling that grandma knew something.

She bit the bullet and changed the topic. Grandma left two passbooks and left. Jiang Jiu thought about it and called Jiang Sixan anyway.

"Jiang Siyan."

"Are you crying?"


Just three words, how did he hear it?

 Yesterday, I received a reward of more than a thousand in a single day, and it has been updated. I hope you all have a good time reading. I am grateful for the reward, Baozi, and I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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