
Chapter 362 You Dare To Touch A Hair Of Her

Chapter 362 You Dare To Touch A Hair Of Her

After Jiang Jiu entered the kitchen, Jiang Sixan came to the balcony and pressed the answer button.

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Yongyuan's voice was furious, "Jiang Sixan, did I give you too much freedom, making you forget your identity!"

Jiang Sixan took out a cigarette from his pocket, bit it lightly, took out the lighter and lit it, and took a deep breath, "My identity?"

Jiang Yongyuan's voice was full of anger, "I warn you, you and Cui Yanyan must be together! Let me see you with that reporter again, and I will make that woman disappear forever!"

Jiang Sixan's dark eyes were deep and frightening, and the atmosphere around him suddenly cooled down, "If you dare to touch a hair on her, I will let the entire Wanshida Group be buried with her!"

Jiang Yongyuan held the phone and said with disbelief, "Jiang Siyan, this company was accumulated by me and your mother over the years, and it will be yours in the future. Now you dare to talk to me like this for a woman. !"

Jiang Siyan stood up, looked ahead, with an indifferent expression, "MasterCard is my grandfather's property, whoever deliberately planned to turn him into his own property and took away my mother's shares, we all know this well.

Let me advise you, treat my mother well, so that I can provide you with retirement, and don't challenge my bottom line again and again.

Over the years, you have worked so hard to arrange blind dates for me, is it really for me, okay? I am just a stepping stone for your company's development, so I don't need to be called a father, a loving son, and a filial piety.

For my mother's sake, I don't have to worry about these things.

But Jiang Yongyuan, I don't want to have a next time, I won't accept a blind date, let alone let you dictate. "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Sixan hung up the phone directly.

Jiang Jiu hid behind the door and secretly looked at Jiang Sixan.

Originally, he wanted to ask Jiang Sixan if he wanted to eat braised hairy crabs today or steam them, but when he heard him on the phone, Jiang Jiu didn't come forward.

After listening to the phone call, Jiang Jiu realized that Jiang Yongyuan had been threatening him with Jiang Siyan's mother, and she despised Jiang Yongyuan even more in her heart.

Seeing Jiang Sixan leaning on the railing to smoke, Jiang Jiu didn't step forward to disturb him, but turned around and went back to the kitchen silently.

Soon, Jiang Jiu was ready for dinner.

Steamed hairy crabs, sweet and sour pork ribs, dried cauliflower, steamed sea bass, boiled cabbage hearts, deep-fried prawns, plus a bowl of soup, the table is full.

Jiang Jiu made room in the middle of the table, put the cake on, lit the candles, and turned off the lights, "Jiang Sixan, happy birthday! Hurry up and make a wish!"

Jiang Sixan sat with a faint smile on his face, "I don't have any wishes, so let's do it."

Thinking of the phone call just now, Jiang Jiu knew that Jiang Sixan must be in a bad mood, after all, who would be in a good mood with such a father?
Moreover, Jiang Yongyuan's dislike of tomatoes when he was a child was caused by Jiang Yongyuan, but the culprit didn't know how to restrain himself, and even ordered Jiang Sixan a pasta with tomatoes!
Jiang Jiu couldn't help but relax her mind, "It's a birthday anyway, your wish will definitely come true."

Jiang Sixan looked at her, "Any wish will come true?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "Of course!"

There was a playful smile in Jiang Sixan's eyes, "If my wish requires your cooperation, would you be willing?"

Could it be that she was asked to help deal with Jiang Yongyuan?
Jiang Jiu nodded immediately, "Of course, today is your birthday, and you are the oldest. No matter what your wish requires me to cooperate, I will definitely cooperate!"

Jiang Sixan nodded, "I hope Jiang Jiu can wear that cat girl costume today."

Jiang Jiu, "???"

She suspected she had heard it wrong.

Isn't it to get rid of Jiang Yongyuan's control?
What the hell is this wish?
(End of this chapter)

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