
Chapter 372 I miss you


Jiang Sixan's low laughter came from the other end of the phone, "What's wrong with us Jiujiu, we are so fierce."

Jiang Jiu glanced at her tent, there were some marks of being hit by stones on it, but fortunately the tent was not damaged, "Nothing."

Now that these people are stupidly retaliating, Jiang Jiu plans to wait to find people from the security team.

But she didn't want to tell Jiang Sixan about this, so as not to worry him.

"I saw the news you broadcast. The environment over there is not very good. Are you still used to it?"

It was a bit cold at night, Jiang Jiu put on the scarf Jiang Siyan gave her, and found an open space to sit down, "It's not bad, I'm adaptable, now we're half reporters, half volunteers, we'll do it when we can."

Jiang Sixan leaned on the railing, put his hands on it, and lightly bit a cigarette. The frozen picture on the computer was the scene of Jiang Jiu reporting the news in Huatai Village.

In the picture, Jiang Jiu is wearing a high ponytail casually, without makeup on her face, and looks serious.

She took a different approach and reported things that everyone ignored, which caused quite a stir.

Jiang Sixan took a deep breath of the cigarette and exhaled a puff of white smoke, "Be careful in everything, don't go to dangerous places, and I see that there are limited medical conditions over there, don't get sick, I have prepared regular medicines in your suitcase, Take it out if you need it."

Jiang Jiu chuckled, "Jiang Siyan, why are you so chatty, just like my grandma."

"I miss you."

Jiang Jiu's ears felt slightly hot, "It's fine, don't be glib."


"I've only been out for a few days, as for?"

"As for."


Jiang Jiu scratched her ears, "I, I guess it will be a while, and the rescue team is still trying to find a way, and the life or death of the dozen or so miners is still uncertain."

Jiang Sixan crushed the cigarette and said to the other end of the phone, "Take care of yourself."

"I know."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Jiu got up and patted the dust off her body, turned around and went to the security team to explain the situation. The other party said they would step up patrols, so Jiang Jiu went back to the tent to rest.

Fortunately, in the second half of the night, those people did not come to trouble Jiang Jiu, and she finally had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, Jiang Jiu woke up without an alarm clock. The sound of people talking and the sound of construction made it impossible to fall asleep.

Just as Jiang Jiu walked out of the tent, Ruan Yuan said, "Teacher, we dug here yesterday where the mine collapsed, and those workers are likely to be crushed underneath!"

The golden rescue time is 72 hours, and they are running out of time.

With the continuous deepening of the machine, they finally dug a hole with the equipment, but the hole was so deep and narrow that people could not get in. They had to rely on the machine and tie the camera to penetrate.

As a result, other exciting news soon came from below. Apart from some dehydration, the dozen or so workers had no major problems.

The time of the collapse was just to create a space below with enough breathing and movement area, but they are now short of water and food.

When the people above heard their feedback through the camera, they immediately organized water and food, put them down through a small pipe, and prepared basic medical drugs for them, and asked them to put them away. The side will hurry up and rescue them go.

This news undoubtedly gave the people on the ground a shot in the arm. The biggest problem now is how to break through this gap.

If this position is not determined, I am afraid that there will be a second collapse below, which is dangerous.

The reporters of all the TV stations also reported the news back immediately, almost at the speed of life and death.

Zhen Jingshan said to Zhang Xiaoxiong, "Come with me, we will do an interview."

Zhang Xiaoxiong asked suspiciously, "Didn't you just finish the interview?"

Zhen Jingshan's expression was a little excited, and his eyes were sharp, "Didn't you hear that the miner who was buried just now said that he saw a stone falling in the morning? He thought there was a problem at that time and reported it to the security officer. Members did not make adjustments, there must be something wrong!"

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