
Chapter 374 Jiang Jiu is gone

"You can't go in, please come out."

But Qian Liang didn't care about it at all, and took a picture of Jiang Jiu with his mobile phone, complaining that she was a reporter who received black money, and didn't care about the lives of those miners, only thinking about his own safety.

In the comment area, Jiang Jiu was full of curses, and some people even clamored for the anchor to beat Jiang Jiu up, and reward him with a slap.

"Could it be an assistant invited by the anchor to direct and act? I wouldn't believe it until I slapped her."

"What's the use of a slap, when there's no one around, don't fuck her, the anchor, you're not a man!"

"What's so good about saving people, support the anchor and have a boo with her!"

Qian Liang watched the number of anchors increase wildly, and there were people who continued to give rewards, and he was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that this female reporter could help him become popular!

Jiang Jiu glanced outside, a thunderbolt struck, and it rained heavily outside, soaking everything with crackling, and the ground instantly became muddy.

The terrain here is low, and soon a stream of water converges here.

Jiang Jiu frowned slightly, and was about to turn around to find someone from the security team, when Qian Liang put his arm around her shoulder.

"Your name is Jiang Jiu, right? You came after me, do you want to live broadcast with me? My family, let me introduce you, this woman is called Jiang Jiu, she is..."

He glanced at Jiang Jiu's job card, "It's a reporter from Shuangcheng TV Station, Xiao Liang, I've made it through today, and there is such a beautiful TV reporter following me to shoot!
I’ve seen everyone’s comments, and I won’t do illegal ones for the time being, but I can ask my reporter friend to chat with you. If she also likes Xiaoliang, then... Hahaha, family members pay attention, don’t go away !

Follow the anchor and don't get lost, the anchor will take you to the high speed! "

"Emergency rescue is here. Don't delay the progress by coming here for your own selfishness. Idle people can't come in. Do you still need me to teach you?"

"I do my live broadcast, what's the problem!"

Qian Liang was still walking in, when suddenly, the ground shook violently, Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked out, but before taking two steps, the ground suddenly collapsed!

Jiang Jiu secretly thought it was bad, and quickened her pace, but after all, she was still a step too late, and the ground collapsed suddenly.

The sand on the feet kept falling down, and there was a mine below, without support, Jiang Jiu and Qian Liang fell down instantly!

Ruan Yuan was still looking for Jiang Jiu. He went to the bathroom just now, but he disappeared as soon as he came out.

It's raining heavily right now, everyone needs to shelter from the rain urgently, and the side of the tent must be fenced to prevent rainwater from entering.

But Ruan Yuan found out that Jiang Jiu didn't come back to take shelter from the rain.

Strange, where did this person go?

Thinking of the strange eyes that those Internet celebrities looked at Jiang Jiu these two days, Ruan Yuan didn't dare to rest and called Jiang Jiu, but no one answered the phone.

He felt a little uneasy, so he told Zhen Jingshan, and the three of them immediately set off to find Jiang Jiu.

As a result, when I walked near the mine, I heard someone say that an Internet celebrity ran in just now, and a reporter followed in. As a result, there was a collapse inside, and both of them were buried!

Ruan Yuan's face changed instantly, "What does the reporter you are talking about look like?"

The other party recalled, "It was a female reporter. I walked here on patrol just now and saw two people seeming to be arguing inside. It was raining behind me. I just wanted to let them out when it collapsed. By the way, that reporter was the former reporter." The one who reported on the Internet celebrity news!"

Ruan Yuan stared blankly at the place in front of him, his face pale.

At the same time, the people in the TV station also knew the news that Jiang Jiu had been buried, and everyone fell into silence.

Yang Sijie's eyes turned red instantly, and she prayed silently.

Mao Nana took her mobile phone and sneaked out of the office.

There are still 2 more, it will be released before 12 o'clock in time, you don't have to wait, you can watch it tomorrow, good night

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