
Chapter 377 You Shut Up For Me

Qian Liang had obviously passed out, and Jiang Jiu couldn't care less at this moment.

Luckily, she had been wearing the backpack the entire time, and the contents were still there at this point.

Jiang Jiu took out a wrench and held it in her hand, and carefully knocked off the obstacles next to her so that she could move.

I don't know if anyone outside knows that she is trapped here, and she must find a way to save herself now.

"Cough cough."

Qian Liang next to him finally woke up. When he opened his eyes and saw the darkness, he screamed in fright, "Ah!!! Help! Help!"

"Shut up, you're not dead yet."

Qian Liang looked at Jiang Jiu in shock, "What the hell is going on!"

Jiang Jiu struggled to break the rocks in front of her, and her feet were finally able to move.

"The heavy rain made the sand and gravel soft, and it happened that we were standing in the wrong position, so it fell."

Qian Liang was furious, "I said that this place is full of bean curd projects! I will sue them when I go out!"

As he said that, Qian Liang glanced at his mobile phone, the screen was black and broken, and he complained in distress, "This is a new mobile phone I bought, and I will definitely ask them to pay for it after I go out!"

Jiang Jiu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. After her feet were able to move, she immediately raised her hand and pressed the side position, but the surrounding soil was hard and she couldn't move it.

Qian Liang struggled to get up, still cursing, "Hey, I can't see here, give me a photo with your phone!"

Jiang Jiu glanced at him, ignored him, and turned off the light on the phone instead.

"what are you doing!"

"Who knows how long it's stuck here, it's power saving."

"Then take a picture for me first."

Jiang Jiu ignored him at all, and was too lazy to waste words with this kind of person.

Looking at the current time, it has been about an hour since she fell, and Ruan Yuan and the others probably discovered that she was missing.

The question now is whether anyone knows that she is here.

If you don't know, it will be difficult.

Jiang Jiu suddenly remembered the rock she saw just now, and it was that rock that just saved her from being buried in the sand.

She beat the gravel hard, hoping that the sound here would be carried up.

Seeing that Jiang Jiu ignored him, Qian Liang became more and more angry. When he saw Jiang Jiu started beating and beating, he felt impatient, "Can you stop arguing, it's strange if you can hear it outside!"

Jiang Jiu said coldly, "Shut up! Who do you think we fell because of?"

Qian Liang spread his hands shamelessly, "Give me your mobile phone and wrench, and I'll leave right away."


Jiang Jiu continued to find the way out. Suddenly, she thought of something, took out the alarm device in the bag, used stones to step on it, found the highest position, pulled the alarm device and placed it on it.

Soon, a sharp alarm sounded, which should be loud enough for people outside to hear.


The soil here is soft, and there is no way to let large-scale equipment come in. We can only let everyone dig sand and gravel by hand.

The torrential rain was still falling outside, and almost all sounds were covered.

Ruan Yuan, Zhang Xiaoxiong, Zhen Jingshan and others joined the rescue team one after another, as well as reporters from other stations, almost all came to help and act as volunteers.

Ruan Yuan's voice was a little trembling, "It's been buried for so long, you said teacher, she..."

Zhang Xiaoxiong remained silent, while Zhen Jingshan was the most stable among them, "Don't worry, this girl is definitely fine."

Suddenly, a reporter said, "Listen, there seems to be something moving down there!"

Everyone held their breath for an instant, listening to the voice.

That's the sound of the siren!

Ruan Yuan was very excited, "It must belong to my teacher, she has this in her bag!"

"Where did the sound come from? Let's dig at this place!"

Everyone immediately gathered together, the sound of the rain outside was too loud, everyone listened again, but this time, the sound disappeared.

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