
Chapter 380 Jiang Sixan, what's wrong with you

Jiang Jiu just felt like she had a dream for a long time. She woke up intermittently, but couldn't hold back the drowsiness and fell into a drowsy sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying in a tent with several medical staff walking around.

She raised her hand with difficulty, but fortunately the medical staff next to her found her and immediately walked over to check Jiang Jiu.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You have been in a coma for two days, but fortunately, your body is fine, and you can rest for a while."

Jiang Jiu felt that her mind was slow to think, and she realized that she had fallen into the mine with the one named Qian Liang.

When she was trying to save herself, she didn't expect to experience a second collapse. At that time, Jiang Jiu thought she was really going to die.

"Where are the people with me?"

The nurse paused and said, "When he was rescued, he was not breathing."

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, then shrank back under the quilt, "Oh."

A few minutes later, a few people suddenly broke into the medical tent, they were those from the TV station, but Jiang Jiu didn't expect that Zhang Yuehua and Zhai An also came, and they were very happy to see Jiang Jiu woke up.

Zhang Yuehua's eyes were red, "You girl, you scared us to death!"

Zhai An put one arm around Zhang Yuehua, smiled and said to Jiang Jiu, "Just wake up, you just need to rest, and leave this place to us."

Zhang Xiaoxiong burst into tears, Zhen Jingshan squeezed his shoulder, pretending to be mocking, "Look, you are the most worthless, crying like this."

Ruan Yuan also said, "Teacher, you really scared us to death."

Jiang Jiu showed a slight smile, "I made you worry, I'm fine, and the nurse also said, I'll be fine after taking a rest."

Everyone was terribly worried, but Jiang Jiu patted her belly carelessly, "Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."


A voice sounded from outside the crowd.

Jiang Jiu was stunned for a moment, then looked up in the direction of the voice, and it turned out to be Jiang Sixan!

Zhang Yuehua winked, and everyone left the tent wisely, giving up the space here to Jiang Sixan and Jiang Jiu.

Jiang Jiu stared blankly at Jiang Sixan, "When did you come?"

"When you had an accident, Chu Kuo lied to me that you were in his hands, forcing me and Chu Meng to obtain a marriage certificate."

Jiang Jiu's face was full of surprise, "Then you..."

"I promise."

Jiang Jiu became anxious, "Have you really obtained a certificate with Chu Meng? Jiang Siyan, why don't you call me and ask me about this kind of thing!"

Jiang Sixan's voice was still calm, and he continued to speak expressionlessly, "I called, but you didn't answer."

Jiang Jiu frowned tightly, subconsciously thinking that they had already obtained the certificate.

"Get a divorce, this kind of threatened marriage is not counted in the law, Chu Kuo is simply too much!"

She remembered that when she was trapped, her cell phone had no signal, so she didn't receive Jiang Sixan's call.

Sitting on the hospital bed, Jiang Sixan looked into Jiang Jiu's eyes, "However, I lied to him."

Jiang Jiu, "?"

"I pretended to agree to his request to buy myself time, and then threatened him with the intimate video of him and Mao Nana, forcing him to tell the truth.

Later, I saw the news on the Internet and knew that you had an accident. After contacting the TV station, I confirmed the exact address, so I went to buy the plane ticket immediately.

But the heavy rain here prevented the plane from taking off. I was really angry at the time, and I wished I could set the whole airport on fire. "

Jiang Sixan's voice remained toneless, and Jiang Jiu finally realized something was wrong, "Jiang Sixan, what's wrong with you?"

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