
Chapter 404 You are the younger brother, this is the truth

"Are you coming to pick me up tonight?"

The next morning, Jiang Sixan mentioned this idea, and starting today he planned to drive Jiang Jiu to and from get off work.


Jiang Jiu shook her head, "Your company and I are not on the same road, besides, it is convenient for me to drive the car you borrowed from me, and I can drive to the news scene right away when I go to work. It would be troublesome for you to drive me, no need. "

Rejected by Jiang Jiu, Jiang Sixan did not give up, "Don't you want to increase the time we spend alone together?"

Jiang Jiu nodded, "I don't want to."

"Jiang Jiu, you've changed, and you've been in chaos so quickly."

"Yes, I am such a woman, it's too late for you to regret it."

Noisy and bickering in the morning, but Jiang Jiu didn't compromise at all.

She looked at Jiang Sixan who was very persistent today, and finally turned around and hugged him, pinching his face, "Hey, I'll come back early to accompany you if I don't work overtime tonight."

Jiang Sixan was a little helpless, "You are treating me like a child."

"You are a younger brother, this is a fact."

"Only half a year."


Jiang Jiu is wearing a thin lime green suit today, and the suit pants are also short, with a vest inside, which doesn't look too rigid.

She put on earrings in front of the mirror, her long hair was scattered behind her back, and she took a rubber band to wrap around her wrist, so she could tie it up at any time without delaying her work.

After everything was ready, Jiang Jiu sprayed the perfume on the air above her head, and made a small circle to let the fragrance evenly fall on her body.

Jiang Sixan leaned against the door of the bathroom with his hands wrapped around his chest. Seeing Jiang Jiu's exquisite attire, he felt a little apprehensive, "What's the happy event today?"

Jiang Jiu didn't realize it, and continued to straighten her hair, "No."

"Then you are so beautifully dressed."

Jiang Jiu raised an eyebrow at him, "That's because I'm naturally beautiful."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Jiu walked outside, but was stopped by Jiang Sixan.

"doing what?"

"Kiss me before leaving."

Jiang Jiu quickly kissed his lips, "Okay, I'm going to be late."

However, Jiang Siyan was still relentless, "Sister Jiang, you are so perfunctory."

Saying that, the man held her waist and kissed her unceremoniously.

A few minutes later, Jiang Sixan let go of Jiang Jiu. She glared at the man resentfully, took out a small mirror and glanced at her mouth, "It's all your fault, my lip makeup is almost gone!"

Jiang Si stretched out his fingertips and wiped the corners of his lips lightly, and smiled mischievously, "Sister Jiang smells so good."

Jiang Jiu couldn't be bothered to look at him, so she took out her phone after finishing her makeup, and hurriedly trotted out, "It's all your fault, I'm going to be late for work!"

She had just returned to "Story of a Small Town" with great difficulty, so naturally she couldn't lose the chain.

Fortunately, Jiang Sixan didn't continue to make things difficult for her, and went out with her.

"Drive carefully and don't worry."

Jiang Jiu said fiercely on purpose, "I don't know who it is because I was almost late!"

After the car set off, fortunately, the journey went smoothly this morning. Jiang Jiu was not late, but she almost came to the company by stepping on time.

She was a little embarrassed, but fortunately no one noticed.

In the afternoon, Jiang Jiu and Ruan Yuan set off to the relevant departments to explain the potential safety hazards of the food stalls, but the relevant departments were also very embarrassed.

Every time they go to enforce the law, these people are very cooperative.

What should be punished and what should be rectified is not left behind.

But after they left, these people started again, and the relevant departments also wanted to use this news to publicize and warn everyone.

Jiang Jiu always felt that the news this time was a bit off, so she went to find the owner of the food stall again in the afternoon.

However, when the other party met Jiang Jiu again, he was no stranger to it, "What are you guys doing for interviews again? Didn't you see that we hid everything? It's hard for me to do business like this."

Jiang Jiu discovered that the owner of the food stall actually had a live broadcast to bring the goods, and where the gas tank was originally placed, there was a sign, [I skipped work today, it's another day of fighting wits and courage! 】

I didn't expect that such a signboard would become an Internet celebrity on this street!

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